Chapter 0093: My Ye Tian’s words definitely count!!

Chapter 93: My Ye Tian’s words definitely count

As soon as the task was given here, the black traitor over there secretly made a phone call.

“Lord Panther, there is a new move here in the Tava Gold Mine.

Their gold business provoked the displeasure of some surrounding gangs. Today there was an attack on the subordinate garrison of the gold mine.

Now, the yellow man is ready to wipe out those gangs.

And said that as long as the other party is eliminated, one person will give a thousand cedi.

Eliminating gang bosses and the like can give 10,000 cedi.

This is definitely a good opportunity to make a contribution. ”

The Black Panther member on the opposite side nodded after a brief understanding of the situation.

This is indeed a good opportunity.

If the traitor behaves well, he can show his face in front of that yellow man.

“I’ll send someone over to help you.

Strive for you to win the first credit of this operation. ”

“Thank you, Lord Black Panther!”

The black adulterer looked excited after hearing this.

Subsequently, the escort and the personnel of the Tawa gang were all dispatched.

There are a few well-known gangs around, and many people in the local area know where their stronghold is.

There is no need to look hard at all, just hit the last one.

As long as these gangs are all solved, the gold diggers in the surrounding towns want to sell gold.

Nine times out of ten, you’ll come here.

However, this is destined to be a very long battle.

The gang forces in these small cities around are not comparable to the Evil Tiger Gang at all.

All add up, not to mention more than a thousand.

Although these people are backward in weapons and equipment, they are not so easy to deal with.

After all, the other party’s personnel are too scattered.

Over the next few days, the convoys, the Tawa gang were all capturing these forces.

Because of their numerical weakness, it is difficult for them to gain superiority at other times than to fight head-on.

At the beginning, the people of these gangs still thought of taking advantage of the large number of people on their side to directly give Zhou Long and them to destroy.

But this time they met a group of iron plates.

The strength of the convoy is not at all comparable to ordinary gangs.

In the first engagement, the combined forces of five gangs killed two or three hundred people.

In the end, they had to run away.

However, what makes everyone envious the most is the body armor worn by Zhou Long and others.

The enemy’s bullets hit on it, and apart from some sparks, the wearer has nothing to do.

This not only makes more people want to join the convoy as a regular person.

Behind, the people of the Black Panther also came to join in the fun.

Battles, which are not difficult in the first place, are even easier.

To the back of these gang members, almost chased to the sky, there is no way to enter the ground, in this process, the credit of the supernumerary members of the convoy is quite large.

All six of them wiped out two or three hundred of these gangs.

Among them are also leaders, gang bosses and several others.

Two days later.

Tawa Gold Mine, Zhou Long and others rushed back with captured weapons, gold and the like.

“Boss, this is captured material.”

After getting out of the car, he happily put weapons such as birds and shotguns on the ground.

According to the boss’s reward system, he could obtain more than 200,000 cedis with these weapons alone.

If it weren’t for the strength of those non-staff personnel behind, he would have destroyed even more enemies

The other officers, either armed with daggers or carrying rifles, looked at the boss with excitement.

With the addition of all members of the escort.

When dealing with several gangs around, they can be said to be a smooth ride.

Follow behind and drink some soup, and one person will destroy several enemies.

Looking at their gazes, Ye Tian smiled.

The operation did a really good job.

In two and a half days, more than thirty people broke up the alliance of several surrounding gangs combined.

Seeing their eager eyes, Ye Tian returned to the alloy hut and took out the things that had been prepared long ago.


Unzipped and bundled with 100-dollar bills were exposed.

The people of the escort and the Tawa gang were all attracted by these banknotes. Ye Tian also did not ink, and directly began to reward cash according to merit. The million cash prepared in advance was quickly all divided. Everyone was more or less holding a stack of hundred-dollar bills.

Looking at the boss, they looked excited.

They never imagined that making money would be so easy.

“Thank you boss!”

“Thank you boss!”

After Erhei left with the people of the Tawa Gang. Ye Tian praised the non-staff members of the escort: “You did quite well this time. Hearing this, the six internal traitors looked excited. ”

“Boss, can we become full members?”

A non-staff member couldn’t help but ask.


Ye Tian made a deep groan.

The other blacks looked expectant.

After a moment, Ye Tian slowly spoke, “In terms of strength, you are not enough to become a full member. But considering that you have done a lot during this time.

I would like to give you a chance. ”

Hearing this, the excitement on the faces of the six supernumerary blacks was even greater.

“Boss, you say, as long as we can do it.

We will definitely do our best! ”

Seeing them so positive, Ye Tian chuckled.

“The next task is the last one before you become a full member. Buy gold, the more you buy, the better. ”


Six blacks looked excited.

“You guys prepare first, I’ll exchange for cash!”

Ye Tian instructed.


Subsequently, Ye Tian drove out of the gold mine alone.

On the way, a faint voice came.

“Lord Black Panther! The yellow man gave us a new assignment.

He still said that as long as we complete this task, we can become full members of the convoy. ”

The tone of the black man who spoke was somewhat agitated.

“What task?”

The other voice was slightly muffled.


“He told us to buy gold, and the more we buy, the better.”

In his tone, a little excitement could be faintly heard.


The tone on the other side suddenly became intense.

The sale of medicines only touches the interests of some people.

But when you buy gold, it affects almost everyone’s interests.

In Ghana, these gangs may not do anything else.

But gold acquisitions are almost a must.

Moreover, these gangs give a very low rank.

If someone buys gold at a high price, it is bound to attract public anger.

This yellow man is stunned!

Do things without thinking about the consequences.

Nima! You’re cool, but you just put us on the fire and roasted us.

The Black Panther members kept complaining in their hearts.

Seeing that the tone of the black panther was not quite right, the black traitor did not dare to say anything.

He didn’t understand a little, isn’t it just to collect a little gold?

What is there to fuss about.

“When you go out to buy gold, don’t act rashly, and drag it back as much as possible.”

The Black Panther member instructed sternly.

“Yes, my lord!”


Seeing that the voice of the conversation ended, Ye Tian had a smile on his face.

This Panther member is still very smart.

As soon as I listened, I understood the problem…

On the other side, the Panther stronghold.

Opening the boss’s door, the Panther members walked in.

Looking at the figure on the chair, he said respectfully;

“Boss, something new has gone wrong over there at the Tava Gold Mine.”


A thick voice sounded.

The yellow man assigned those informants a new task. Let them go to Kumasi to buy gold. ”

Moreover, it is said that as long as this task is completed, they can be made full members.

But such a move can easily provoke outrage.

—So many people, we may not be able to suppress it.

Black Panther members, paraphrase the words of the internal traitor.

“Then continue to protect them to buy gold.”

In the face of that body armor and grenades, everything else is secondary.

Protecting once is protection, and protecting twice is also protection.

If those garbage are not convinced, just solve it!

At this critical juncture, which few people cannot be given up anyway.

The Black Panther boss spoke flatly, as if he did not put Kumasi’s gang in his eyes at all.

Listening to this, the Black Panther members nodded.

Then, the personnel of the Black Panther in the stronghold set out again…

On the other side, Ye Tian also withdrew five million cash and was driving back in the car.

In less than half an hour, he returned to the Yu Mine.

Park the car and come down with a huge backpack.

Six members of the supernumerary escort quickly walked over after seeing him.



Ye Tian nodded and dropped his backpack on the ground.

“This contains the funds you bought for gold this time, a total of five million.”

As long as you successfully complete the task this time, you can become a full member.

The purchase price, just as we said earlier.


The six answered one after another.

Afterwards, the six people sorted out their equipment, took the cash and set off…

On the way, park as usual.

The black traitor called carefully and said: “Boss Black Panther, we have already set off. ”

“After coming to Kumasi, quickly join us.

This gold acquisition plan, I will bring people with you. ”

The voice on the other side also lost the initial lightheartedness.

Black Panther’s name is indeed loud.

However, this kind of smashing people’s jobs is not something that everyone can endure.

If they had changed their identities, they might have been killed long ago.


Hang up the phone and continue driving.

Soon, the group arrived in Kumasi.

“Boss Black Panther, we’ve arrived!”

Outside the city, the black gangster got out of the car and made a careful phone call.


As soon as the phone was hung up, a group of well-equipped troops walked towards them.

“Black Panther boss?”


Looking at the leading man, the six black traitors tentatively shouted.

Hearing the sounds around them, the black traitors looked stunned and looked at each other.

I thought that the internal traitor was only myself, but I didn’t think that all around me were my own people.

The leading black man looked at them and instructed, “Remember your identity, and don’t say anything about today.”

With that yellow man’s powers, it is impossible to know that you have our assistance behind you.

As long as you become a full member, it is a great achievement. ”


The six black traitors quickly straightened up.

“Go, buy gold!”

The leading man of the panther also did not ink, and directly led people to buy gold in the old city and slums around Kumasi.

Persimmons should be pinched softly.

These places are relatively backward in development, and the big gangs simply do not look at it.


A small gang station.

The thin black man hurriedly ran in.

“Boss, there are a large number of people who are buying gold in our territory. The purchase price they gave was higher than the price we usually give.

Many people directly sold the gold and raw gold ore to them.

The visitor was angry and panicked.

Because of their weak strength, they can only eat a little cold rice scraps in the old city, poor kilns, and others can’t look at it.

But now, even this point, others will rob them.

Moreover, depending on the strength of the other party, it is quite strong.

After hearing this, the small gang boss on the opposite side rose with anger in his heart. Nima! In the old city, the people of the poor kiln are already poor to death.

They tried their best to blackmail in order to squeeze out a little oil.

Now, the most oily and watery one was robbed by others, which made him endure it.

Bang! ”

The black boss slammed the table, then got up and said: “Call the bosses of the other gangs, let’s go to meet this gang and dare to rob us of our jobs.”

Even if they are crossing the river, they have to watch it here. ”


Before long, two or three hundred blacks gathered.

These people are the old city, the slum kiln gang forces.

Looking at the well-equipped outsiders not far away, several gang bosses walked directly over with their little brothers.

“Black Panther Boss!”

The black traitor who was walking looked a little nervous when he saw so many people gathered around.

The leading man of the panther didn’t look at these little minions when he saw it.

Directly signal his subordinates to solve these obstructing bugs.

After hearing this, the twenty or thirty Black Panther members in the back stepped forward in unison and raised their guns in unison.



The muzzle was constantly spraying red flames, and the gunfire continued.

The gang members on the opposite side, seeing them directly pull the trigger, showed horror on their faces, they did not expect that these people were so unscrupulous.

People kept falling, and the gang members began to fight back.

However, their equipment and marksmanship are far from those of the Panthers.

It didn’t take long for the gang to die, wounded.

Seeing that the garbage was cleaned up, the leading panther man continued to take people to buy gold.

Time passed quickly.

Because no one bothered, the supernumerary of the convoy quickly spent five million of the purchased gold.

And they bought enough, more than 20,000 grams of gold.

At the behest of the leading panther man, they drove back to the Yu mine.

Tawa Gold Mine.

Two cars drove across the telescopic bridge and returned to the living quarters.


Carrying the purchased gold down from the car, the six non-staff personnel looked excited Ye Tian smiled and nodded.

“Nice job!”

“Getting the compliment, the six people were full of excitement.

They are about to become full members of the escort!

They now enjoy the same benefits as full members. ”

At this time, Ye Tian said with a smile: “Congratulations, if you acquire another 495 million gold, you can become an official member!” ”

“Thank you boss!”

Six supernumerary blacks looked excited after hearing this.

In vain, they have been doing their best and finally become official personnel.

At this time, someone suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Didn’t it say that if you buy five million gold, you can become a full member? How come there is still a gap of 495 million.

More and more also.

One of them asked puzzled, “Boss, didn’t you say that you can become a full member with only five million acquisitions?” ”

After hearing this, Ye Tian said: “How is it possible, you definitely heard it wrong. I’m talking about five million a day. ”

On the side of the official members, tens of millions of things can be snatched back from a single mission.

Where are you going?

I have specially provided funds to you, which is already considered to have lowered the requirements Lu! Do a good job during this time, and wait for the acquisition of 500 million gold.

You can become full members.

Ye Tian patted one of them on the shoulder, and then returned to the alloy hut with a smile on his face.

Seeing this, the six blacks outside looked at each other.

Could it really be that before, they heard wrong?

In desperation, they can only return to the training ground to continue training.

Ye Tian, who returned to the alloy hut, looked happy.

With this gold, he is one step closer to upgrading the system!

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