After fighting for a long time, Chen Chu, who was almost exhausted, sat on the ground while looking at the wriggling flesh on the ground, panting heavily.

The whole person is also extremely embarrassed, covered with dust, and there is a lot of blood on the clothes.

Although he is blessed with an inspirational state and imitation skills, he is just an ordinary person after all, and the upper limit is so high. It is indeed a huge loss to confront the demon with terrifying power.

Fortunately, with the blessing of the folding fan given by Lin Jun, at the last moment, the folding fan was forcibly inserted into the meat ball. The next moment, the violent Wang Lebang let out a shrill scream and instantly collapsed into countless squirming pieces of meat.

Looking at the still intact folding fan in his hand, Chen Chu felt that this was really an artifact.

The filth of the upper-level demons contained in it is simply not something that these low-level demons can withstand, and it will collapse instantly!

It's a pity that this folding fan can't be brought back to the real world, otherwise it will definitely cause big trouble.

Looking around at the squirming meatballs all around, Chen Chu planned to pack it and take it away to exchange books.

Anyway, I don't eat desserts!

As soon as he said it, Chen Chu packaged the meatballs and divided them into several parts. After running back and forth, he changed a dozen books from the stall owner and got more than 3,000 teaching points, and all the books have been converted into various Desserts, because the system determines that the transformed desserts are also system items, so they can be stored in the inventory.

It would be a waste to throw it away, not to mention, this thing might still be useful in the future.

Chen Chu's little abacus was very loud, and because after entering the inner world, the time in the real world would still be in a state of stagnation, but Chen Chu was not in a hurry to go back.

First brush the teaching points here, and use the imitation skills to improve yourself by the way, without delaying things.

Although there are still risks, the price is relatively small. If something happens, just let Master Pen take him away immediately.

Seven or eight days passed in a blink of an eye.

Chen Chu has already cleaned up a lot of demons in No. 1 Middle School, and even specially cleaned up demons near the staff dormitory.

Just living back in his dormitory, the familiar scene also made Chen Chu feel a little more secure.

However, just after Chen Chu fell asleep, he entered the familiar scene again consciously.

Looking at the beautiful world and the figure in the pavilion in the distance, Chen Chu was suddenly embarrassed.

Busy earning teaching points these past few days, I completely forgot about finding Lin Jun.

Seeing that Lin Jun had come from afar, Chen Chu also wondered what excuse to use to prevaricate the past.

After a while, Lin Jun came to Chen Chu and asked suspiciously, "Why haven't you come to me?"

Chen Chu has already thought about his speech, and his attitude has become a little respectful. "Lin Jun, I have encountered some trouble, and I am dealing with it. Give me a few more days, and I will come to see you as soon as it is dealt with."

Lin Jun nodded slightly, and with a wave of his hand, Chen Chu woke up again.

"It seems that I can't stay longer, otherwise I will meet Lin Jun again in a dream next time, and then I will find an excuse not to go, I guess I will not give face, this high-ranking demon may want to deal with me!"

Fortunately, I have earned a lot of teaching points these days. The stall owner has a lot of books, just like a wholesaler. Chen Chu can change it as long as he takes the meat ball, and the teaching points that can be exchanged for books are not fixed. Some Books and even single copies can be exchanged for tens of thousands of teaching points.

It's a pity that I can't wait any longer.

"I'm leaving anyway, uh... Before I leave, let's finish off the boss's wool..."

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