The school's side was too surprised to speak.

To be honest, it is difficult for them to imagine such a picture.

Especially the protagonist is Wang Lebang, a high school student.

When the bandaged police comrade finished speaking, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "I think it's quite bizarre when I think about it now, but after we learned about Wang Lebang's family background, it doesn't seem so outrageous."

"Yes, there is an army in the Hexi compound. He grew up in the army as a child, and under the influence of his father, he has been exposed to firearms training, combat training, and investigation, platoon and other professional knowledge very early. ."

A policeman couldn't help laughing and said, "Good guy, I only came into contact with things when I was still in the army when I was still in the army. He has been exposed to it since he was a child. I am afraid that if it is really compared, I may not be able to compare to him!"

The crowd couldn't help but laugh.

"However, I have to explain the situation to the leaders of the school. Classmate Wang is just an example, and it is an example that cannot be replicated, so please keep it secret from the school and don't make any publicity, so as to avoid bad influence. "

The school side is naturally nodding again and again. After all, although this kind of thing can help the reputation of No. 1 Middle School instantly spread all over the Internet, Wang Lebang himself is not a typical example.

Otherwise, there will be students who will confront criminals in the future, and it will be troublesome.

"We came here this time to praise Wang Lebang for his great help to our police, and secondly, to be able to avoid any hostage injuries and to create various conditions to suppress criminal gangs. When it comes to Wang Lebang's professionalism, it has even attracted enormous attention within us.

A total of 12 local police academies in the country have thrown out olive branches, and they have come up with special admissions and postgraduate admissions, and Huaxia Public Security University has also provided a special admissions admission, skipping the college entrance examination. into learning. "

"Of course, in addition to these, we would like to thank Wang Lebang's head teacher."


Chen Chu was stunned for a moment, why did the cue come to me?

The eyes of the school leaders fell on Chen Chu. Chen Chu also got up quickly and heard the bandaged policeman say, "Mr. Chen, thank you for cultivating such excellent students! Last night, classmate Wang Lebang praised you. Absolutely.

He said that your teacher is the beacon of his life. He said that he used to be a poor student. Later, under your education and guidance, he wanted to be a useful person for the society. Without you, there would be no present. His! "


Chen Chu couldn't help scratching his head, "No, no, it's my duty to teach and educate people, and I'm very proud of Wang Lebang."

"Teacher Chen, don't be humble, you really set a good example." A policeman laughed quickly, "The police station has specially made a pennant of an excellent citizen for you, and we haven't had time to send it out until we ask. , you are also a hero!"

"Saving oneself to save others is worthy."

This made Chen Chu feel embarrassed. To be honest, he really wasn't very good at dealing with this kind of situation.

But Wang Lebang really couldn't fix him.

I thought that there would be trouble except for the inner demons, but he just hit it right, making Wang Lebang embark on a path that couldn't be more righteous.

Well, that's just one example.

As the police said, Wang Lebang is an unrepeatable case.

If it were someone else, I would be rushing to send the head away.

Only Wang Lebang can hit straight.

At this moment, Wang Lebang and the old man also came back.

As soon as the old man came, the police got up one after another, and even the principal didn't dare to sit, so he got up quickly.

"No, no." The old man smiled and waved his hand, motioning everyone to sit down and said, "I think everyone already knows what's going on. I had a good chat with classmate Wang just now, then, classmate Wang, talk about your choice. Bar!"

At this moment, Chen Chu's heart is not complicated.

Although Wang Lebang left, his three-month-limited task must have been cold, but Chen Chu felt that it was worthwhile to exchange rewards for Wang Lebang's future.

Wang Lebang nodded slightly, and said in a serious tone, "I plan to go to the cloud police."

Everyone was stunned.

Chen Chu also felt a little weird.

After all, Yunjing is local, but Huaxia Public Security University is the highest institution.

"Le Bang, have you considered it?"

"Think about it." Wang Lebang nodded and said, "It's close, I can spend more time with my grandmother, and I plan to go again when I graduate from high school. Now I still want to stay in No. 1 Middle School and continue to study."

Chen Chu smiled and felt relieved in his heart.

It's not a loss to go to the world and almost take a small life.

Wang Lebang was naturally silent. Wang Lebang was also a lone wolf in the class, and no one was curious about what he was doing with Chen Chu.

Seeing Wang Lebang returning to his seat, he looked at the faces of these little guys from Class 7.

Chen Chu couldn't help but imagine the future.

Three years from now, I would be so happy if you were all sent to colleges and universities across the country one by one...

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