Chen Chu carried Hu Yao back to the operating room again.

Before entering, Hu Yao was cowardly again.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, I'll brew first..."


Chen Chu was not in a hurry and stopped at the door of the operating room.

The door just opened a slit, and I glanced inside, but it was still pitch black.

Immediately afterwards, Hu Yao's sobbing was heard behind him.

"Uh, what are you doing?"

"Anyway, I'm going to be scared, me, I'll cry first..."

Chen Chu? are such a clever little devil!

But Chen Chu didn't care anymore, he pushed open the door of the operating room with Hu Yao on his back, feeling that the temperature dropped suddenly and it was cold.

There were a lot of bloody bandages scattered on the ground, and the walls were covered with a lot of surgical instruments and bottles of formalin soaking the stump and the broken arm. The smell was very disgusting.

"Where is the exit?"

"I, I don't know either..."

Chen Chu shrugged helplessly, still had to find it by himself, followed Hu Yao and shouted, "Brother Liu, I'm Hu Yao, you heard a squeak, don't scare me!"

Suddenly I remembered Ding Ling's voice, and then I heard the voice of a middle-aged man, "Hu Yao? What are you doing here? Come on stage?"

While speaking, I saw a figure with a scalpel sticking all over his body sticking his head out from the darkness. The special effect makeup was horrible and terrifying.

Hu Yao seemed to have seen her relatives in an instant, and she couldn't stop crying, "Brother Liu..."

"Hey...why are you crying?"

" go farther, I'm afraid..."

Brother Liu was stunned, he quickly took a few steps back, and looked at Chen Chu again, "This, who are you?"

"I'm here to play haunted house."

"You can play, please don't carry the staff away..."

"She's sprained..."


Under the leadership of Brother Liu, the next process was almost without danger, and he took a shortcut to the sixth floor.

While waiting for the elevator, Brother Liu was quite speechless when he saw Hu Yao crying.

"Hu Yao, what's the matter with you? Can you slap your foot? You even let the guests walk behind your back? It's too much..."

Before Hu Yao could explain, Brother Liu hurriedly said to Chen Chu, "I'm really sorry for this guest! Our staff has caused you trouble."

Chen Chu smiled wryly, and hurriedly explained, "No, no, it's actually all because of me. It was I who scared her. She accidentally slapped her foot."

When Brother Liu heard it, he thought it was Chen Chu who took the responsibility on himself.

After all, when you come to a haunted house, can you scare the actors who play ghosts?

So Brother Liu glared at Hu Yao, "Listen, how kind this guest is, he took all the responsibility on himself, why don't you hurry up and thank him!"

Hu Yao suddenly looked wronged and tearfully said, "Yes, I'm sorry..."

Chen Chu smiled bitterly, not knowing how to explain it.

Not long after, the door of the haunted house.

Hu Yao limped out with the help of Chen Chu and Brother Liu.

When he came out, the staff who had been guarding him also hurried up to help.

Chen Chu quickly apologized when he saw someone.

"sorry Sorry!"

After I apologized to the staff, I rushed over and apologized to the cast of ghosts.

The mood of a group of actors is also quite complicated.

Not only was he so embarrassed to say nothing, but also because Chen Chu made the young master angry and his salary was deducted, he was very angry.

But on second thought, they are all professional actors, but they were so embarrassed by a guest, and they turned against the guest. It is true that their psychological quality is not enough, and it can only be said that they are not professional enough. Blame Chen Chu on the contrary, it is somewhat unreasonable.

So everyone laughed dryly and said it was okay, no need to be sorry.

Brother Liu came over and took a look, stunned.

"Why did you all come out?"

All the actors looked at Chen Chu in unison, and their eyes were full of resentment...

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