The next morning, Chen Chu went to the Third People's Hospital.

Now there is no need for Chen Chu to take him to the gym for training.

He has already helped everyone to formulate a corresponding training plan, and let Zhou Feng supervise it on his behalf, so he can check it when he has time.

When he arrived at the hospital, Liu Yikun personally came to the door to greet him. He also followed many directors behind him. After introducing each other, Chen Chu realized that Mr. Liu was actually the director. Seeing patients all day and night in the hospital.

After Mr. Liu picked up Chen Chu, he led Chen Chu towards the conference room, and while walking, he said, "Mr. Chen, these young doctors who are new to our hospital have no experience. This time you have a good time in class. Speaking of, especially the first aid technique, you need to be taught meticulously..."

"Okay, okay, don't worry, Mr. Liu, I will do my best!" Chen Chu hurriedly responded.

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Chen, by the way, I want to ask you something." Mr. Liu quickly asked, "Is there a teacher named Chen Chu in your No. 1 middle school?"

Chen Chu was taken aback for a moment, "Lao Liu... I'm just Chen Chu..."

Because it was just a one-sided relationship before, not to mention that when Chen Chu went with Liu Yikun at that time, he only reported his surname, not his full name, so Liu Yikun always called Xiao Chen and Xiao Chen.

Liu Yikun's expression froze, "Huh?"

The several department directors who followed behind were also stunned.

"Ah... That's right, right... I just said that there is no such a coincidence in the world!" Liu Yikun suddenly realized and laughed, "Look at my memory, I saw you and the police together that afternoon, you are not That Chen Chu!"

"I just wondered why this middle school teacher surnamed Chen is so capable, one can do professional first aid, the other can even perform surgery, or use a fruit knife..." Liu Yikun slapped Chen Chu on the shoulder "for a long time It's all you! Hahaha!"

This old man Liu is really hearty.

"Old Dean, save your troubles now, you don't need to ask for another one."

The department directors in the back laughed and joked.

"Indeed, haha, Mr. are a real teacher now, I have seen the restoration of the operation scene...just..." Liu Laobi exclaimed with a thumbs up, "What a motherfucker. Excellent!"

Chen Chu touched his head. This group of people who are all parents really don't know how to communicate, not to mention it's not a system.

"I was just cramming for a while. You also saw that there were police comrades following me. If something happens, you may have to go to the police station to see me."

"Haha! I also heard about the incident that day. Let alone the spirit of saving people, it is worth learning!" Liu Yikun likes Chen Chu the more he sees it, but Chen Chu is not a doctor. He couldn't help sighing, "It's just that you are blind! What a teacher! You should be a doctor! I think you are still young, so you can get into a medical university as soon as possible for graduate school? You can definitely do it with your ability!"

"If you want to go, I'll give you a package right now. After you graduate, you can come directly to my hospital. You don't need an internship. I'll directly give you a department director. You can choose which department you want!"

Chen Chu naturally declined the kindness and made excuses to shirk the past.

It's not that he doesn't want to be a doctor, it's just that everything he now relies on the system and students, so he still does his own job in a down-to-earth manner.

After a long while, I finally came to the conference room.

At a glance, it was already full of people, and most of them were young doctors of the same age as Chen Chu.

When this came in, there was thunderous applause.

On such occasions, Chen Chu was quite nervous.

After all, he has never spoken on such a formal occasion, let alone a lecture.

At this moment, Chen Chu was sitting next to Liu Yikun, barely showing a slightly serious look.

Liu Yikun took the microphone and asked Chen Chu to briefly introduce himself. He heard that he was a teacher from No. 1 Middle School, and the people below were talking about it. At this moment, a young doctor raised his hand.

Liu Lao smiled and asked, "Li Qingfeng, do you have any questions?"

Li Qingfeng quickly got up and said, "President, is this Teacher Chen the same one who performed surgery with a fruit knife?"

"Yes, that's right." Liu Yikun nodded slightly, "The same person."

As soon as the voice fell, the audience continued to exclaim.

Li Qingfeng looked at Chen Chu with excitement in his eyes, and asked directly, "Chen, Teacher Chen, when I saw the restoration of the surgery, I was really shocked. If I guessed correctly, the technique you used at that time should have been Surgical trauma management by Dr. Herzberg."

At this moment, Chen Chu was a little surprised.

Guess it all!

This person, Chen Chu, only knows the name, and he remembered it by accident when he visited the bookstore before.

"Mr. Chen, this is a top student I specially asked for from Jiangnan Medical University. He is from a medical family. He is a good person and easy to learn. You can communicate more in private."

Liu Lao muttered in a low voice.

Chen Chu nodded slightly, and quickly got up with a smile and said, "Yes, but the situation at the time was quite risky. If it is on the operating table, I still do not recommend it."

It is not recommended, because the hand feel is very demanding, but if the hand shakes, the patient will be very peaceful when walking.

"Then, what, can you ask Teacher Chen to demonstrate it on the spot?"

The others also got up one after another. After all, they were all about the same age. They immediately followed suit and let Chen Chu demonstrate on the spot.

"Mr. Chen, it seems that some people still doubt it."

Liu Yikun is an old man, and he doesn't know the tricks in the hearts of these young doctors.

Hmm... actually he wanted to see it too.

After all, from a medical point of view, just relying on a fruit knife without the assistance of any other tools is not an operation that can be performed by humans at all.

Chen Chu didn't refuse either.

Even if it is to contribute to the medicine of the motherland.

Anyway, I only discipline, it's up to you whether you can learn it or not!

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