The simulated surgery didn't last long before it was over.

When Chen Chu returned to the conference room, there was thunderous applause.

However, Chen Chu pinched.

After seeing the effect of the imitation, he made an excuse to escape, saying that there was an urgent matter to be dealt with in the school, and he had to go back quickly.

Mr. Liu did not doubt that he had it, so the meeting was dismissed.

Chen Chu just arrived at the entrance of the hospital, and Mr. Liu was about to send Chen Chu back to school. At this time, a white SUV had already parked at the entrance of the hospital. Li Qingfeng had already got out of the car, so he hurried up and said "President, let me send Teacher Chen back to school!"

This didn't look right, so Mr. Liu asked Li Qingfeng to send Chen Chu back to school.

Chen Chu couldn't refuse, so he got into the car.

on the way.

Li Qingfeng hesitated for a long time before speaking, "Mr. Chen..."

Chen Chu quickly waved his hands and smiled, "No, we are about the same age, don't call me Teacher Chen, just call me Chen Chu."

"No, no, I should call you a teacher." Li Qingfeng said sternly, "The master is a teacher. I would like to call you Teacher Chen. This is the least respect and it should be."

Seeing that Li Qingfeng seemed to have a more serious temperament, there was no need to be rude, so Chen Chu gave in.

"Mr. Chen, I have an unkind request."

"You say what you say."

"Can you please accept me as your apprentice?"

"Ah!?" Chen Chu was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses and shook his head quickly, "Don't, don't, Dr. Li, you are making a big joke, you are a professional doctor, I am nothing, how can I accept you for it? apprentice?"

"Mr. Chen, I'm not joking!" Li Qingfeng said with a serious face and a bit of respect, "From the moment I saw your surgery today, I knew that you were the goal of my life, of course, I know that I This request is very presumptuous and abrupt, and I don’t ask Mr. Chen to agree to it right now, you can think about it, and you can just say what conditions are needed.”

After all, Mr. Liu also specifically said that Li Qingfeng was a postdoctoral fellow at Jiangnan Medical University in terms of academic qualifications. He was also a top-notch doctor in the hospital. With this status, he could put down his body and beg for study. With this attitude, Chen Chu knew how this person was.

"It's not that it's not..." Chen Chu said quickly, "It doesn't matter if you accept apprentices or something, let's just leave it to a friend, leave a contact information for each other, and communicate more in the future."

Li Qingfeng's eyes lit up when he heard it. He thought it was Chen Chu who agreed to the mentoring and apprenticeship. He said a little excitedly, "Okay, okay, thank you Teacher Chen, the students are really honored."

"Doctor Li, don't do this..."

"Mr. Chen, it's okay, you call you, I call mine, it doesn't affect..."

Chen Chu shied away again and again, but couldn't persuade him.

Li Qingfeng is probably the more stubborn kind of person. In this case, Chen Chu is too lazy to tangle.

It was delivered to the school gate. As soon as the car stopped, Li Qingfeng hurriedly got out of the car and opened the door for Chen Chu. "Teacher, if you have any instructions in the future, just tell me, the students are waiting for you 24 hours a day."

Chen Chu also broke the jar and said with a smile, "Okay, okay, Dr. Li, walk slowly and contact me if you have anything."


Then Li Qingfeng bowed, and then hurriedly drove away.

Chen Chu scratched his head, what is this?

It's okay to teach a class and have an extra apprentice...

But I didn't bother about it. I went to Director Sun to borrow 20,000 yuan in the afternoon.

However, as soon as he got the money and thanked Director Sun, Director Sun said helplessly, "Don't be too busy to thank you, why do you still come to school if you know that I don't have a rest this Saturday?"

"Director, what's wrong?" Chen Chu hurriedly asked.

Director Sun took out a document and handed it over, "Look at it!"

Chen Chu swept away, his face full of admiration.

Mathematics teacher Wu Ying applied to go to the southwestern border area to respond to rural revitalization, and went to work as the principal of a primary school. She will be leaving next Monday.

"Mr. Wu took the initiative to apply to the above a year ago, but the above took into account that Mr. Wu's child was still in the third year of high school, so they put it down for a year. This year, Mr. Wu's child was admitted to the university, and the above approved it. "

"It's a good thing, I support and admire Teacher Wu's choice, but..." Director Sun said with a wry smile, "When you don't approve it, but if you approve it at this time, your job will be difficult..."

Just one less teacher!

"Look, now the seventh class has just improved under your management, and there is such a talent as Wang Lebang. I don't want the seventh class to be withdrawn..."

Before Director Sun could finish speaking, Chen Chu said decisively, "Director, let me substitute the class!"

On the contrary, Director Sun was taken aback for a moment, "Ah... Xiao Chen, why are you taking the class? This is not the history of geography. It is reasonable for you to take the class. Do you still understand high school mathematics? Besides, you have already taken the place of geography. Now, let’s take another lesson, if you say it, do you think our school is squeezing teachers?”

"Can the director help me find other math teachers to teach?"

Director Sun thought for a long time.


"It's not over... I feel like I can stand it. Besides, whether it's successful or not, I have to try it. If I really can't stand it, I'll think of other ways!"

"Can you really stand it?"

"No problem."

Well, I'm done with the book.

What's more, the output of one more course teaching point will be more.

"Alright, then you try for a month first, and I'll take care of the salary. Oh, by the way, will there be a staff basketball game next week?"


"Don't go there. Now the seventh class can't be done without you. I'll tell Li Ke, just stay in the school and have a good class. You can rest well these two days."

Chen Chu nodded. To be honest, he really didn't have the time to play ball. He had to figure out how to improve the overall grade of the whole class. In the past two days, he had to quickly make up for high school mathematics. Just when Director Sun came forward, then There is no burden.

When I got back to the dormitory, I quickly transferred the money to Hu Yao, but just after the money was transferred, Hu Yao made a WeChat call.

As soon as Chen Chu answered, he heard Hu Yao seemed to be in a good mood and said with a smile, "Mr. Chen, I'll refund the money to you later! I asked our person in charge just now, and he said that it was a work-related injury, not an accident. , Hahahaha, I'm back on my feet again, I didn't lose my job, I just took two or three months off without bonuses... ah ah ah... it hurts..."

"What's wrong?"

"I'm so happy to hit the corner of the table..."


"Then hang up first, I'm going to go to the company to go through the formalities now."

"Okay, okay..."

Chen Chu hung up on WeChat, and after a while, Hu Yao returned all the money.

"It's really a turning point..."

Chen Chu shook his head and smiled.


Monday, math class.

Chen Chu followed Wu Ying into the classroom of Class 7.

There was a lot of discussion, and they didn't know what Chen Chu was going to do today.

"Classmates, an announcement to everyone." Chen Chu glanced at the whole class before looking at Wu Ying, "Mr. Wu, speak for yourself!"

Wu Ying nodded and said with a smile, "Sorry, classmates! Teacher, I won't be able to take you to class in the future. Teacher, I'm going to realize my dream."

"Teacher, I have always had a dream."

"I am a child who came out of the mountains. A few decades ago, the conditions in the mountains were too harsh. You can't imagine that there is no water, no electricity, and no roads. Teacher and I have to climb several mountains and walk dozens of miles to study. Every time you go to the mountain road, you have to bring several kilograms of cornmeal, otherwise you will have nothing to eat when you go to school..."

"... Later, the motherland became stronger and the nation became prosperous and strong. Even in remote mountainous areas, water and electricity were connected, and beautiful concrete roads were built directly into the villages, and the living conditions of every family improved. Students, you must know , the whole world only our motherland can do this, so ah, be proud and proud of the motherland!"

"Now the teacher plans to go back to my mountain, which is where I was born and raised. Teacher, I also want to make a small contribution to the place where I was born and raised. I want to go back to teach and educate people, so that the children in the mountain will be born and raised. Come out a lot to see the world, see the prosperity and strength of the motherland, and contribute to the rise of our Chinese nation."

Chen Chu clapped quickly, and after a while, the whole class burst into applause.

Wu Ying smiled, "Teacher, I have a few words to warn you before I leave. Not much, just two words."

"The first sentence, knowledge changes destiny."

"The second sentence, treat the public with harmony, treat others with leniency, and treat others with forgiveness. A gentleman is also a gentleman."

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