After the evening self-study was over, Zhou Feng followed Yang Tianyu, Cao Yunjing and other body training students back home together.

Said to go home, in fact, the nightlife has just begun.

After leaving the school and walking far, Yang Tianyu quickly took out a pack of cigarettes from his schoolbag, and everyone found a place to start smoking. However, just as Yang Tianyu sent one to Zhou Feng, Zhou Feng couldn't help but wrinkle. Frowning, "Forget it, I don't want to smoke today."

The trainees who were lighting cigarettes were all stunned and looked at Zhou Feng in disbelief.

You must know that in this group of people, Zhou Feng is the one who smokes the most, and he is still the most addicted.

"Brother Feng, what's the matter?" Yang Tianyu took the cigarette back, saw Zhou Feng's absent-minded appearance, and hurriedly asked, "Did Old Chen do something to you?"

Cao Yunjing also came over and asked, "Yeah! What are you doing in the office with Lao Chen all day long for self-study tonight?"

"Do the math." Zhou Feng replied.

When everyone heard this, they immediately looked at each other.

"Old Chen is too ruthless to force you to do math problems!?"

"Don't you hate math the most?"

Zhou Feng, however, did not continue the topic, and hurriedly said, "Hurry up, I'll go home in a hurry."

"oh oh!"

The boss spoke up, and everyone didn't dare to delay. After a few puffs, they put out the cigarette and went home.

Along the way, Zhou Feng kept his head down, he didn't know what to say in his mouth, and his hands were still gesturing.

The crowd looked at it in a daze.

"Brother Feng, what are you thinking?"

"You don't know either."

"You are talking about it!"

"Why don't you say that we don't know?"

"Then tell me about the solution set of the quadratic inequality in one variable..."

Everyone "..."

"What is a quadratic inequality in one variable?"

"I only know the equation."

"Can I know multiplication formulas?"

"What is the solution set?"

Zhou Feng shrugged, probably expecting this scene.

"Okay, I won't accompany you to play today, I'll go back by myself."

"oh oh……"

Seeing Zhou Feng leave on his own, everyone couldn't help but stare.

"Isn't Brother Feng being brainwashed by Old Chen? It's fine if you don't even smoke today, and you're still struggling with math problems!"

"Won't it become the same as Wang Lebang!?"

"Don't, don't!"

When everyone thinks that Wang Lebang is the harmless smile of humans and animals, it comes up with the sentence Do you need help?

Suddenly I couldn't help shivering!

socialist limited edition scary jg

It was after one o'clock in the morning that Zhou Yangsheng returned home, and he was very careful when he came back, for fear of waking Zhou Feng up.

Just walked into the room and saw that the hall was dark, but Zhou Feng's room was still bright.

It's past one o'clock in the morning and still haven't slept! ?

Zhou Yangsheng was naturally a little unhappy.

Although the relationship between father and son has eased a lot recently, Zhou Feng should not be too indulgent.

Stay up late like this now, and sooner or later your body will collapse sooner or later.

After thinking about it, Zhou Yangsheng decided to talk, and then went upstairs to Zhou Feng's door.

I thought that Zhou Feng was staying up late playing games again, but he never expected that there was no sound of typing on the keyboard, and it seemed that he could vaguely hear the movement of turning the book.

Um! ?

Stay up late to read comics?

Zhou Yangsheng's face sank a little, he hesitated for a moment and still stretched out his hand to open the door, but when he touched it, he found that the door was unlocked, so Zhou Yangsheng carefully opened the door and took a look.

I saw Zhou Feng lying on the table, with the light of the lamp, writing hard.

"Well... this solution feels far away, and it should be necessary to bring a new formula in..."


Zhou Feng tore the scratch paper and threw it behind him, and a large amount of scratch paper was thrown on the floor.

Zhou Yangsheng took a look and quickly retracted his head.



Um? ? ? ?

I didn't drink today?

Or is it that the eyes and ears are not working well as you get older?

Signs of Alzheimer's?

Zhou Yangsheng glanced back and forth again, pinched his face, and couldn't help but patted his head.

"Not a hallucination?"

"My son is reading? Did you see one in the morning?"

Zhou Yangsheng squatted down and picked up a piece of scratch paper, which was densely packed with formulas and problem-solving ideas.

At once……

I don't know how long it took, but Zhou Feng was still doing the questions, but he heard a caring voice in his ears, "It's getting late, let's rest, we have class tomorrow morning, um, I'll warm you up with a glass of milk and drink it. Go to sleep now!"

Zhou Feng was stunned for a moment, as if he had returned to reality all of a sudden, and then he felt the drowsiness that kept coming. He turned his head and saw that Zhou Yangsheng had already put on his apron and had just put the milk on the table.

"Well, I see, Dad." Zhou Feng stretched his waist, "I'm really sleepy. I'll go to sleep after I drink it, and you can go to sleep too!"


Zhou Yangsheng quickly went out, and after a while, he saw that the light in Zhou Feng's room was off, so he hurriedly went to sleep.

tossing and turning.

Zhou Yangsheng didn't know how Zhou Feng suddenly had such a huge change, but when he thought about it carefully, the head teacher Chen Chu popped into his mind.

Since the head teacher took over the seventh class, Zhou Feng's changes have become too great, and the father-son relationship between him and Zhou Feng is also thanks to Chen Chu's reconciliation.

"I have to find some time to thank Teacher Chen..."

Zhou Yangsheng made up his mind and gradually fell asleep after a long time.

Early the next morning, Zhou Yangsheng hurriedly made breakfast for Zhou Feng, but saw that Zhou Feng was in high spirits and showed no signs of staying up late.

Sure enough, young people can stand it.

The two were eating breakfast when Zhou Feng suddenly said, "Dad, buy me some books."

Zhou Yangsheng was stunned for a moment, "Oh...oh, what book should I buy?"

"Buy a few books related to Mathematical Olympiad..." Zhou Feng finished his bread and drank the milk. "Come back early tonight, I'll go to school first."

"it is good."

Zhou Yangsheng scratched his head.


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