Get 788 teaching points from Zhou Feng


Get 664 teaching points from Zhou Feng


Chen Chu was sitting in the office, listening to the prompt from the system, holding his hands and falling into silence.

It just doesn't feel real.

In the first two days, Zhou Feng's teaching point was still output at seven or eight o'clock, and it doubled a hundred times in one night.

At this speed, with only Zhou Feng alone, the output of teaching points in a day is tens of thousands.

Chen Chu realized with hindsight that after a month of tossing, he finally got better!

Although Zhou Feng's luck here accounts for 99%, for now, he has finally found a way to break the game.


As long as there is another S-level talent, no, A-level talent, he really doesn't have to worry about it.

Now Chen Chu has a total of 500,000 teaching points in his hands.

Leaving 100,000 in case of emergency, Chen Chu decided to draw all the remaining teaching points.

With Zhou Feng's guarantee, Chen Chu can finally let go now.

First spent 100,000 teaching points to upgrade primary teaching skills.

Primary Teaching Skills Upgraded to Intermediate Teaching Skills

Intermediate Teaching Skills have a 15 chance of giving 35 students a frenzy state when teaching, increasing their learning efficiency by 200!

"Not only has the definite probability increased, but also the targets that can be targeted?"

In fact, among all the skills, the teaching skills are almost used by Chen Chu every day, and all rely on the fanatical state, and the output of teaching points in Class 7 can be stabilized.

There are still more than 300,000 teaching points left. I planned to upgrade the junior teacher Domineering, but the proficiency level is only 17, and it still does not meet the upgrade requirements.

As a pragmatist, at present, the domineering of junior teachers is enough, and they are not in a hurry to upgrade.

The rest of the teaching points are naturally all used for lottery.

Three thousand draws first!

In addition, once again sacrifice Zhao Yizhou's 50 years of singleness!

I can't believe that something good can't come out.

The expected reward of 3,000 draws will exceed the upper limit of the inventory

Do you spend 100,000 teaching points to expand your inventory?

Note that if the inventory is insufficient, the excess rewards will automatically disappear

Only then did I remember that there were still a lot of desserts transformed from the inner world in the inventory, which almost filled the inventory, but Chen Chu did not dare to throw it away. Filth can only be stored in the inventory.

Chen Chu hurriedly responded, "Yes!"

If the teaching point is directly deducted by 100,000, it can only be 2,000 draws.

Consecutive lottery draw...please wait

The lottery is over, please check the rewards by yourself

After the system indicated that the lottery was completed, Chen Chu hurriedly went into the inventory and glanced at it.

There are also a lot of low-level ornaments, and there are almost hundreds of globes.

Needless to say, there are thirty or forty of the rest.

There are also a dozen random talents.

Fortunately, there is indeed something good.

The eight-piece set of reflection and education, including the Three Character Classic that was drawn originally, has now drawn three more pieces.



The Analects

They are all A-level ornaments, and the effect is similar to that of the Three Character Classic. Well, they will be locked in the cabinet later.

In addition to the ornaments, there is also a brand new prop, and in addition, I have also drawn a physique pill.

The quality of Physique Pill is b. After taking it, it can permanently improve the quality of all aspects of the body and improve the body's immunity. The more times the pill is taken, the worse the effect.

Thinking of the mythical physique pill of the dungeon, the physique pill in front of me should be the lowest level.

I secretly took it out and took a look. I thought it was a kind of medicinal pill similar to the one in Xiuxian, and there would be aura on it, but it turned out to be a bright red pill, and it smelled a little hawthorn.

Without thinking much, Chen Chu ate it directly and chewed it.

It's really hawthorn flavor, sweet and sour, and quite delicious.

As soon as I ate this physique pill, I felt a warm current running through my body, and gradually my body felt much more relaxed. Other than that, there was no other special feeling.

Chen Chu shrugged, but didn't care, and focused on this brand new prop.

The special props of the E-level student template can be used without restrictions. When the host has less than five bad habits of the student, it can be used. After use, it will cover all the original attributes, status, learning efficiency and talent of the student.

The specific effects are as follows.

The balance of all attributes is 60, the potential point is 100, covering the original talent, adding an E-level subject talent, the learning efficiency is increased to 50, the additional serious state (the learning comprehension is slightly enhanced), and the evaluation is increased to e.

Chen Chu frowned.

This student template is naturally good, otherwise it would not be possible to appear in the task reward, but this student template may not be used for Zhou Feng and Wang Lebang.

Once used, not only the original talent will disappear, but all attributes will be reduced to 60, and the additional status will also disappear, and it will return to its original shape in an instant.

It can only be used by students in the class who do not have any talent.

As far as the seventh class is concerned, the E-level student template is completely applicable, because the potential of the whole class exceeds 100, there are not many, and there is no talent. After using the template, even the state of disgust to study can be erased!

But the precondition for everything is that there are less than five bad habits, but the average person in the seven classes has more than 20 bad habits.

There was no one eligible for half a day.

The most ridiculous thing is that Epic Education said that Li Yiyang had a meal before, and there were no less bad habits.

There is a high probability that it was erased during reflection, and then dyed back in a few days.

After all, it's too easy to get caught in a bad habit.

"But it is indeed the best way to improve, not to mention that there are less than two months left. In such a short period of time, the comprehensive score of students must be raised... As expected, I thought that the system could be countered. Delusion, I am thankful that I can get a guaranteed reward now."

Chen Chu's goal is to resolutely drop it to a C-level grade in the whole class, and get the last reward.

Higher rewards, try to fight for it.

Just how to quickly cut the bad habit?

After thinking about it for a while, Chen Chu remembered the three-headed dog in the hell that was eating ashes in the inventory.

The three-headed dog of hell has the swallowing skill, which can swallow random bad habits or potential points.

Now it doesn't matter how many potential points, anyway, after using the E-level student template, it will return to 100 points.

This is not right! ?

After class, Chen Chu brought the ornaments into the classroom again, glanced at the students in Class 7, and closed the door decisively.

Close the door, let the dog go!

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