Xu Qianhui's head was buzzing.

"Are you Xu Tianhao?"

Xu Qianhui pulled Xu Tianhao's head to look left and right, her face full of doubts, the most bizarre thing was that Xu Tianhao didn't fight back.

Xu Qianhui was a little confused, and whispered, "No, I didn't drink too much!"

"Sister, I'm so ashamed now..."

Xu Qianhui winked and held her hands, "What are you ashamed of?"

"I shouldn't have scolded you before, and scolded you so badly, and pulled your hair and kicked your ass. I'm such a waste. You were so good to me. When I was a child, people called me and beat me as the son of a reform-through-labor prisoner. It's all you. Stand up to protect me, don't let others bully me, but I...I..."

As he spoke, Xu Tianhao's tears couldn't stop falling, and his voice was full of guilt.

"In order to prevent me from being beaten, you even played with those gangsters, obviously you used to study so well... I..."

"Why don't I study well..."

Xu Tianhao burst into tears for a while.

On the side Xu Qianhui watched Xu Tianhao cry with grief, and she couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable in her heart.

Scenes from the past come to my mind, remembering the days when the two sisters and brothers depended on each other for life...

"Okay, it's all in the past, I've almost forgotten about it, why are you still mentioning it!" Xu Qianhui held back her tears and patted Xu Tianhao's head lightly, "I'm pretty tired today, so I'll go back to my room to rest first. Now, don't think about it so much, just go to sleep."

After speaking, Xu Qianhui ignored Xu Tianhao and went upstairs into the room on her own.

Sitting in front of the dressing table, Xu Qianhui couldn't help but replay the scenes of the past in her mind. Looking at herself in the mirror with heavy makeup, tears finally burst into her eyes, and she couldn't help choking and sobbing while lying on the dressing table.


The next morning.

Xu Tianhao looked listless, lowered his head and remained silent.

However, no one bothered Xu Tianhao.

A group of practitioners sat around, with extremely complicated expressions.

He glanced at Wang Lebang, who was helping to clean the blackboard on the podium.

He glanced at Zhou Feng, who was crazily writing questions on the table at his desk.

He glanced at Xu Tianhao, who was bowing his head in silence.

"Has Lao Chen finally started?" Yang Tianyu looked solemn, "First Wang Lebang, then Feng Ge, is it Xu Tianhao's turn now?"

Cao Yunjing was even more nervous, "What should we do? Can we escape this disaster?"

"Do you think you can escape?" Yang Tianyu looked desperate, "Old Chen has already set up a net, no one can escape!"

"What are you doing here?" At this moment, He Cao brought Lu Yang and others over, "Let's go! Go to the toilet!"

The code word is to go to the toilet and puff.

Yang Tianyu glanced at He Cao and the others, and said with a serious face, "Don't you feel anything unusual?"

"Oh..." He Cao subconsciously glanced at Wang Lebang, Zhou Feng and Xu Tianhao, and shrugged, "Isn't this good? You want Xu Tianhao and Wang Lebang to trouble you, right?"

A word woke the dreamer.

"Hey...that's right..."

"Go, go, go to the toilet!"

A group of practitioners went to the toilet with the sound of instrumental music, closed the door, and began to puff.

"What is Zhou Feng doing these two days?" He Cao asked curiously, "I won't play with you in physical education class anymore!"

"Do the math."

"Ha!?" He Cao and the others were taken aback for a moment. "Just him? Do the math problems if you know the multiplication formula!?"

After all, Zhou Feng used to read books abroad, and there were no multiplication formulas abroad. Zhou Feng was stunned that he was not very proficient in multiplication formulas even in the first year of high school.

"Ghost knows what's going on, since he was called into the office by Lao Chen two days ago, he has become like this."

"Hey, are you saying that Lao Chen hypnotized and brainwashed Brother Feng!?"

There was a sudden silence in the toilet.

After a long while, everyone nodded in unison with a cigarette in one hand.

"Hard to say."

After all, since Chen Chu took over the seventh class, the ability Chen Chu has shown is too evil.

"Do you think Lao Chen is the kind of immortal cultivator? He came to our class specially for cultivation!?"

"……""Hard to say."

At this moment, a familiar voice came from the toilet room.

"If I'm really a cultivator, I'll knock you all into the wall with one palm at the moment, and you won't be able to pull it out."

Everyone froze immediately, and the hands holding the cigarette were shaking slightly.

"Exit the cigarettes, you have made a mess of a toilet, come and clean the toilet for me this afternoon!"

"Write another review and hand it in before the self-study tonight, do you hear me?"

Everyone trembled.

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task!"

"Then why are you still standing there? Wait until I come out and take you back to the classroom?"

Everyone quickly put out the cigarette butts and dispersed like birds and beasts.

Chen Chu pouted angrily, shook his head slightly, and returned a message to Hu Yao with his mobile phone.

Hu Yao is now not working because of a work-related injury, and has been staying at home for several days.

Chen Chu had to take Hu Yao for a re-examination on the weekend, and was currently discussing where to find a place to play.

Hu Yao is quite easy to get along with, kind-hearted, and pretty. Needless to say, Chen Chu still thinks it is possible.

Who is Li still?

I do not recognize.

Chen Chu was really speechless when he thought of Li still.

After chatting for a month, we didn't say a word.

Forget it, it makes me feel like a dog.

It seems that there is no fate, and after thinking about it carefully, Li is still the type that is really not suitable for him, it is too boring, even if they are really together, if they can't hold a word for three days, Chen Chu is not crazy.

Hu Yao can think about it, but he has to understand it first.

If you are suitable, you can further develop and develop. If you are not suitable, it is also good to be a friend.

At the request of Hu Yao, I went to the stage play on weekends.

This thing is settled.

Although it was said that the staff basketball game was rejected by Director Sun, Chen Chu still had to attend the welcome party.

The performance will start next Wednesday night. Chen Chu's rehearsal is almost done. He told Yuan Wen that he didn't plan to go to the rehearsal. After all, he was busy with class, so Yuan Wen agreed.

Chen Chu was not idle that day, and stopped Xu Tianhao after school at noon.

The old rules, put on a large array of reflection.

Chen Chu went to the cafeteria to have two meals, and he ate with Xu Tianhao. After eating, he also let Xu Tianhao take a lunch break in the classroom.

After school in the afternoon, the same is true for the end of evening self-study.

The reflection effect must be kept uninterrupted.

It took a full day like this, and the effect was outstanding.

He wiped out nine of Xu Tianhao's bad habits in one day!

"If there is no accident, it will not even take a week to apply a student template to Xu Tianhao!"

Chen Chu was overjoyed, seeing that it was already twelve o'clock, he hurriedly sent Xu Tianhao home.

When I came yesterday, there was no one in the house at all, but when I came back today, the lights were still on in the house.

As soon as Xu Tianhao opened the door, Chen Chu saw Xu Qianhui wearing pajamas and wearing a mask coming to the door.

"Sister, I'm back."

"Well..." Xu Qianhui moved her lips, glanced at Chen Chu and said, "Mr. Chen has worked hard."

Chen Chu nodded slightly, only to remember that this was Xu Qianhui, who was wearing heavy makeup.

I didn't have a good impression, but when I heard someone thank you, I also smiled, "It should be, then I'll go first."

"Teacher Chen, walk slowly."

Chen Chu just left.

After Xu Tianhao entered the room, Xu Qianhui was about to say something, but she saw Xu Tianhao immediately returned to her room.

Xu Qianhui was puzzled, she walked to the door of Xu Tianhao's house to take a look, her eyes widened.

After Xu Tianhao entered the room, he picked up the scissors and started to cut his hair.

"No, you, what are you doing!? A monk?"

"Cut the invention!" Xu Tianhao turned his head. "From now on, I will abandon evil and follow good! I will change myself!"

"Then you don't need to shave your head, do you?"

"Shave your head to show your determination! Sister, help me!"

"Xu Tianhao, please don't, you still look like a good person without shaving your head, and when you shave your head, you look exactly like when Dad just came out of prison..." Xu Qianhui rolled her eyes, "Go, take you to the barbershop..."

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