After Chen Chu and Wang Lebang left school, they originally wanted to take a taxi to take Wang Lebang home, but Wang Lebang refused.

"Teacher, it's good to walk, exercise and exercise."

Chen Chu rolled his eyes.

"Are you running to exercise?"

As soon as Chen Chu guessed, he knew that Wang Lebang was probably waiting for the revenge of those people yesterday. After all, according to this guy's current temperament, maybe he was thinking about how to go to one person and destroy other people's nest.

Chen Chu will definitely not allow Wang Lebang to do such a risky thing!

But this really needs to be explained.

If he could run into these gangsters, Chen Chu would really have to talk to them about "Principles".

"Okay, let's go! Just in time to chat with you!"

Wang Lebang's changes have been too great, and some have gone to extremes.

This is what Chen Chu is most afraid of.

With the continuous rise of virtue, Wang Lebang is less and less like a normal person. He has begun to dedicate to everyone, and he has a lot of strong heads!

So he had to tell Wang Lebang some truth to suppress his temper.

Chen Chu supports Wang Lebang's dedication to others, but opposes Wang Lebang joking with his own life.

"Lebang, first of all, violence is not the only way to solve the problem!"


"You have to learn to be self-aware and know how much you have. The teacher is not scolding you, but let you learn to judge the situation, think twice before doing anything, see the situation clearly, and don't rush up when your brain is hot... "

"Of course, it also depends on the situation. You don't have to think about it so much when you are in a hurry. Just go ahead to ensure the safety of your own life!"

Wang Lebang listened attentively, while Chen Chu was talking and walking. Occasionally, a student passed by and recognized Chen Chu, and quickly greeted Chen Chu with a smile.

The Hexi compound is not far from the school, only more than two kilometers, but the place is a bit out of the way.

After walking for about five or six minutes, Chen Chu and Wang Lebang had just passed by the side of the road, and suddenly a bunch of people poured out from the corner.

Chen Chu's face changed, and he glanced at at least thirty or forty people.

Chen Chu grabbed Wang Lebang's shoulder and was about to turn around and leave. Who would have thought that a few cars parked on the side of the road suddenly opened their doors, and a lot of people rushed out, blocking the road of Chen Chu and Wang Lebang directly. .

"Want to run!?"

The crowd immediately surrounded Chen Chu and Wang Lebang.

This posture is not small.

Chen Chu hurriedly smiled at everyone and said, "Everyone, everyone, why are you making such a big battle!?"

"Who the fuck are you!?"

The first-class young man pointed at Chen Chu with a steel pipe and asked.

"I'm his teacher!" Chen Chu hurriedly said, "Everyone, if you have anything, you can sit down and discuss it!"

"Teacher?" At this moment, a bald-headed youth with flowery arms came out from the crowd. Seeing that he seemed to be the leader of the crowd, Chen Chu looked up and down and spat on the ground with a savage look on his face." What, you want to protect him?"

"Of course I have to protect my students as a teacher!" Chen Chu said politely, "What's the name of this friend?"

"What the hell are you in this set with Lord Dog?"

A person behind him pointed at Chen Chu's nose and shouted.

The old dog waved his hand, but the other party was silent.

"You... eh?"

The old dog was about to speak, but suddenly the world turned upside down.


With a muffled sound, Chen Chu grabbed the old dog by the collar with a lightning speed, and threw the old dog to the ground with a backhand throw.

The old dog suddenly felt that his internal organs were severely impacted, and he couldn't help groaning.

Before he came back to his senses, Chen Chu was familiar with the road, and with a backhand, he grabbed the old dog's arm and broke it hard.

The old dog felt that his arm was about to be broken, and he couldn't help screaming.

"You fucking seek death!"

"Let go!"

"Fuck! Believe it or not, I'll kill you now..."

A group of younger brothers are about to rush up.

As soon as Chen Chu exerted force, the old dog screamed in pain and snorted coldly, "Whoever came over, I broke his arm!"

"Don't come, don't come!"

The old dog barked in pain, and this group of younger brothers didn't dare to come up when they saw it.

The Wang Lebang people beside Chen Chu were dumbfounded, and they remembered the first sentence Chen Chu said not long ago.

"Lebang, first of all, violence is not the only way to solve the problem..."

good guy!

You said it, and you were the first to do it!

The action was so fast that Wang Lebang only reacted now, scratching his head subconsciously.

The old dog, who had been subdued by Chen Chu, finally took a breath and said, "Didn't you say you are a teacher!?"

"Yes, and I teach Chinese, mathematics and geography." Chen Chu increased his strength, and the dog was so painful that he barked, "I said it's interesting for you to compete with a child? Isn't it ashamed?"

"You don't fucking let go..."

The old dog just roared, and suddenly, a lot of cars drove in from all directions, the sound of the accelerator and the sound of sudden braking resounded all around.

The high beam was so bright that people's eyes could hardly be opened.

When the people on the outside saw that there were suddenly all cars, they felt that something was not right.

"Hey, hey!"

"It's not right!"

"Fuck, why are there so many people wearing black suits!"

The crowd suddenly became chaotic, and the situation felt extremely bad.

I saw that suddenly seventy or eighty people got off the car in front of them, all of them big and three thick, fierce and vicious.

Two waves followed.

Yibo looked like a normal person, like five and three thick, about forty or fifty people.

The other wave was the most outrageous. They were all wearing black suits. All of them were carrying sticks in their hands. There were probably fifty or sixty people, and they were all black.

The three parties came together, causing Laogou, a group of younger brothers who were not deep in the world, to change their expressions a bit.

What the hell is going on here! ?

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