In this lottery, Chen Chu directly filled up the number of times. Before looking at the rewards, he upgraded the lottery function first.

The lottery function has been upgraded successfully

The probability of drawing advanced items has been greatly increased, the cost of a single drawing has been increased to 1000 teaching points, and the cumulative number of draws has reached 100,000 and will continue to upgrade

good guy! It will take 100 million teaching points to upgrade next time! ?

Chen Chu couldn't help but click his tongue, this is simply a bottomless pit.

Shaking his head, he hurriedly checked the rewards.

Repeated ornaments are ignored directly, but after reflection, there are two more pieces in the eight-piece set. The rest are repeated, but the number is not large.

Don't consider the upgrade of ornaments for the time being, because to upgrade all the ornaments must be upgraded together, otherwise there will be no set effect.

However, this student has accumulated more than 100 random talent modules.

Physique Pill got seven.

The others didn't even smoke.

Chen Chu's face sank.

Careless! He even forgot to sacrifice Zhao Yizhou for fifty years of being single!

"I'm not in a hurry to use this Physique Pill. These seven pills will score one point. Wang Lebang will give four pills, and Zhou Feng will give three pills. Zhou Feng just used it for emergency treatment. Wang Lebang will always maintain social order in the future and needs a strong physique."

"In the case of the random talent module..." Chen Chu didn't forget Cao Yunjing. After all, he owed him last time and planned to compensate him, but he had to make sure of one thing first.

"By the way, the system, is the animal taming talent a hidden talent?"

Yes, it is also one of the rare talents, but the level is low

Then Cao Yunjing must not be able to apply the student template. This animal taming talent must be of great use. He decisively asked the system to help make Cao Yunjing's life plan.

After some screening, it was almost exactly what Chen Chu had expected.

Option 1 Animal research direction, the degree of adaptation is 100

Option 2 Animal feeding direction, the degree of adaptation is 100

Option 3 Animal training direction, adaptation level 100

Anyway, it's all about animals, and they're all matched.

Gee... that's a pity.

If Cao Yunjing was thrown into another world, he might be the protagonist again.

"The chicken I raised is actually a phoenix", also known as "Super God Beast Tamer"

Chen Chu held his chin.

After all, the planning of the system is only a direction, and there is no too specific occupation category.

Think about it a little bit.


Are you going in the direction of anti-drug? Training police dogs and the like, without delaying animal research.

The main reason is that there is a connection from the police. Chen Chu can also ask the police to recommend him for more qualifications.

Well, find an opportunity to chat with Cao Yunjing again to see what the specific thoughts are. It is also good for students to make plans early.

In addition to Cao Yunjing, Deng Sijia's problem has to be considered now.

After all, there is a recommended spot in front of Deng Sijia right now. Although we didn't find out until the third year of high school, at least we have to decide on the recommendation.

Deng Sijia must have no way to apply the template, otherwise the dance talent will be lost.

Just as Chen Chu was thinking, he suddenly heard a voice from outside the door, "Mr. Chen."

Chen Chu followed the sound and looked at it for a while, but it turned out to be Tian Xiao.

"Come in, what's the matter?" Chen Chu beckoned.

"I want to ask for leave." Tian Xiao quickly took out the leave request.

Chen Chu glanced at him and asked for a three-day vacation. He couldn't help but look at Tian Xiao and asked, "Three days? Why are you going?"

"Teacher, don't ask so many questions, just give me the approval." Tian Xiao said impatiently.

This Tian Xiao belongs to the small group of people who have not yet surrendered, and his attitude towards Chen Chu is still the same as before.

"If you don't make it clear, how can I give you approval? When something happens to you, who will be responsible?" Chen Chu said with a stern face, "Clarify what it is."

Seeing this, Tian Xiao pouted, "Forget it."

"Stand!" Chen Chu stopped Tian Xiao, and hurriedly asked with a serious face, "Clarify what's going on? If you have any difficulties, you can tell the teacher, don't put on such an attitude!"

Mainly after experiencing the copy, Chen Chu had to be cautious.

But Tian Xiao still looked impatient, Chen Chu immediately threw off the teacher's domineering, and shouted in a deep voice, "Speak clearly."

As soon as the teacher was domineering, Tian Xiao didn't dare to move.

Chen Chu's attitude eased a bit, and it took a long time for Tian Xiao to say, "I have a friend who has something wrong, I, I will spend a few days with her."

Chen Chu frowned and asked without thinking, "Li Qian?"

"You... how do you know?"

"Don't worry about how the teacher knew, what happened to Li Qian?"

"She said that she felt that she was being followed for the past few days, and she was very scared. She couldn't sleep at night, but she fell ill. Her parents were on a business trip. She was alone at home. I went to accompany her!"

Chen Chu frowned slightly, and was really uneasy.

It may be because before there is a copy, I always feel that something will happen.

However, it is not easy for him as a teacher to accompany him in the past, and he is a man, so it is not clear.

"Aren't you two girls more insecure!?" Chen Chu said angrily, "If there are really bad people here, can you handle it?"

Chen Chu thought of Yue Ying for the first time, but after thinking about it carefully, he was from Guoan, and he must be very busy. Naturally, he couldn't go there. Besides, it was too long to tell the police.

At this moment, Tian Xiao whispered, "I should be able to handle it, I have learned Taekwondo..."

Chen Chu rolled his eyes, if you were good at taekwondo, would you be pushed downstairs by Qi Chao?

But having said that, Tian Xiao is a really good-looking girl, and Tian Xiao's temperament is a bit defiant, and it's easy to get into trouble.

After thinking about it, forget it, just repay your life-saving grace when you were in the copy!

Teacher, I want to find a way to get you a fighting talent!

"Sit down first, the teacher will tell you something first."

Because he was in a state of awe, Tian Xiao sat obediently by the side.

Chen Chu uses the random talent module immediately.

Use successfully

I glanced at it, D-class firearms.

Chen Chu?

Use another one.

Use successfully

One more look, c-class sneak.

Chen Chu? ?

No, right?

Why is Mao Yi girl both a firearm and a sneak?

Is the level quite high?

Chen Chu hesitated and continued to use the random talent module.

D-class reconnaissance

d-level war science

c-level strategy and tactics

Class D blasting

c-class driving


Tian Xiao's talent has reached an interlocking bond, and the talent evolution mode has been automatically activated


Evolved successfully, covered the original talent, and activated the new talent

Chen Chu was already stunned, silently looking at Tian Xiao with the eyes of a teacher

Tian Xiao

Gender: Female

age 15

Virtue 53

Intelligence 66

Stamina 44

Aesthetic 59

state aversion learning

Ignore bad habits

Talent B-level Soldier King (one of the rare hidden talents, not activated yet)

Learning Productivity 144

Overall evaluation: f

Chen Chu "…"

Seeing that Chen Chu was silent and didn't speak for a while, Tian Xiao cautiously raised his head and asked, "Teacher, I... can I go?"

"Tian Xiao, what do you want to do in the future?"

Tian Xiao was startled, not knowing why Chen Chu suddenly asked this, after thinking about it, he said in a low voice, "I want to be a star, the kind that everyone pays attention to..."

"Hehe...hehe...yes, is that so..." Chen Chu said with a smile, "Then, then you should work hard, wait for the teacher to study and study the matter, and I will give you an answer later."


"you can go now."

"Oh!" Tian Xiao got up just now, but he didn't dare to look up, and hurriedly ran out of the office in despair.

Chen Chu "…"

Tibetan fox doubts jg

So what step went wrong?

Why did it become like this?

Chen Chu frowned and could not help lying on the chair, a picture emerged in his mind.

In a city airport, 100,000 fighter jets circled in the sky.

Another 100,000 soldiers lined up to welcome them.

I saw a figure descending from the sky, wearing a robe of glory, and the brows were full of heroism.

The 100,000 soldiers immediately knelt on one knee and shouted loudly.

"Welcome to Tian Xiao, God of War!"

Shaking his head slightly, there was another scene.

"You deceive people too much, it doesn't matter if you don't get married!"

Tian Xiaojiao shouted, and her fiance behind him glared angrily.

"Tian Xiao, how dare you be so rude to grandma? Why don't you kneel down and apologize to grandma!"

Suddenly, the VIP came.

Grandma was overjoyed.

"Welcome VIP!"

However, when the distinguished guests saw Tian Xiao, they all turned their heads and bowed.

"See Lord Dragon King!"

Tian Xiao turned his head, his delicate face was full of coldness.

"The three-year period has come..."

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