Things in Wang Xu's house, Chen Chu can't worry about it if he wants to.

He just specifically told Wang Xu not to touch the bottom line of law and morality.

Although I don't know if this kid listened or not.

Forget it, it doesn't matter that much.

He couldn't really stare at Wang Xu 24 hours a day.

Seeing that the weekend was almost over, Chen Chu was thinking about Tian Xiao.

Tian Xiao's talent is really too special, so if you want to guide, you have to put some effort into it.

At the very least, let Tian Xiao be honest and obedient and willing to listen to people.

Naturally, this matter had to trouble Xu Tianhao.

After all, there is a cooldown time limit for epic education skills. However, Xu Tianhao's education does not have a so-called cooldown time. It just so happens that Xu Chao and others have already applied the student template, and Xu Tianhao has also freed up time. Next, Tian Xiao can be arranged directly. .

Thinking of this, Chen Chu immediately called Xu Tianhao, ready to discuss with Xu Tianhao. After a long while, Xu Tianhao came in a calm and respectful voice, "Teacher, do you have any instructions for looking for students?"

Chen Chu listened to the voice on the other end of the phone and asked, "Tianhao, where are you?"

"Outside, getting ready to go home, it's a bit noisy."

Chen Chu explained Tian Xiao's matter to Xu Tianhao and said, "You can persuade Tian Xiao more at that time!"

"Okay, teacher, students must do their best."

Chen Chu just hung up the phone, and after Xu Tianhao put away the phone, he looked up at the seven or eight street runners who were huddled in the alley by the side of the road, looking terrified.

Xu Chao, Sun Ziyang, Wu Ming, and Deng Wei blocked the way out of the alley, and looked at the street runners in the alley with kindness, and said calmly, "Don't be afraid, we won't. What did you do to you!"

"Xu Shao just wants to reason with you."

"It's wrong for you to do this. How can you bully students to collect protection fees!"

"This is not right!"

The street runners were already pale with fright.

"We were wrong, we were wrong!"

"Xu Shao, you don't remember the villain's deeds, let us go!"

"We really dare not, we really dare not!"

However, Xu Tianhao ignored the group of street idiots, and looked at the junior high school students beside him with a smile on his face, "Brothers, are you alright? See how much money is there?"

A junior high school student hurriedly took out fifty dollars, "Not much, and fifty dollars more..."

"Take it, they won't rob you once or twice, even if they compensate you!" Xu Tianhao smiled at the group of junior high school students, "You can rest assured that there will be no one on this street in the future. Those who bully you and charge you protection fees, um, study hard and study hard."

"Okay, okay."

"Okay, go home quickly, don't let the people at home worry."

A group of junior high school students didn't know who this big brother with a peaceful face was in front of them. They thanked him repeatedly and waved away.

After seeing people walking away, Xu Tianhao slowly walked into the alley.

"Xu Shao, Xu Shao!"

"We don't dare anymore, just let us go!"

A group of street runners were almost scared out of their minds, never expected to be so unlucky today, bumping into Xu Tianhao.

Who on Jiangnan Road does not know that Xu Tianhao is the son of the third master Xu!

Even the bosses of those organizations have to respect Xu Tianhao when they see Xu Tianhao, and they have to give Xu Sanye face.

The most terrifying thing is that it is rumored that Xu Tianhao is more ruthless than the third master Xu. If he disagrees, he will send people to the hospital. Many people were beaten and maimed by Xu Tianhao, and these people are neither angry nor afraid to speak. , there is nowhere to go.

However, after seeing Xu Tianhao walking into the alley, his expression was still peaceful.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not a villain, I just want to tell you some things about being a human being!"

"Of course, if you don't want to be broken by me..." Xu Tianhao paused, with a bright smile on his face, "Please listen to me carefully!"

I don't know how long it took before Xu Tianhao, Xu Chao and other talents came out of the alley.

In the alley, several street runners hugged and cried.

"We will definitely change our ways in the future... woo woo woo..."

"Xu Shao is right, everyone has their own value to exist, we... we shouldn't live our lives in a hurry..."

"I want to find a job, I want to send money to my family..."

"I want to go back to my hometown to see my mother..."


Xu Tianhao smiled peacefully, and said to Xu Chao and others, "Let's go!"

Xu Chao and others also smiled and followed Xu Tianhao away.

Ah~ Another fulfilling day!


Monday, early self-study.

Class 7 was practicing in the morning under the leadership of Wang Lebang, but Chen Chu had to rush to the mathematics teaching and research group as soon as possible.

Just as Chen Chu thought, the teaching and research team was skeptical about Zhou Feng's math scores reported.

"Mr. Chen, what's going on with Zhou Feng in your class?" The leader of the mathematics teaching and research team is Qiao Jianping, who is in his fifties and has been teaching mathematics for more than 30 years. At this time, he looked at Chen Chu suspiciously, hoping that Chen Chu could give him a reasonable explanation, "His math score is perfect?"

"Yes, Team Leader Qiao, look, this is the original and photocopy of Zhou Feng's exam. I have brought it here, you can take a look." Chen Chu had already prepared, and hurriedly handed in both exam papers To Qiao Jianping.

Qiao Jianping sat down, quickly picked up the glasses on the side, and looked at the test paper carefully.

As Qiao Jianping watched, Chen Chu said, "Zhou Feng is a real math genius. I discovered it by accident, and I can guarantee on my own reputation that Zhou Feng never cheated."

"It's not possible to cheat. Basically, the questions are all my own, and there is no original question on the Internet." Qiao Jianping couldn't help but wonder when he looked at it, "Although the writing is not good, but this problem-solving idea It's clear and clear, and there's not even an extra process, tsk tsk tsk... This final question, few people in the whole school can do it right..."

Chen Chu didn't dare to say that Zhou Feng would hand in the papers in 20 minutes, otherwise he would scare people.

"On the paper, there is nothing to question." Qiao Jianping frowned, "It's just, Mr. Chen, you know what's going on in your class. Before that, there were three monthly exams in class seven, and Zhou Feng's math was in the 20s or 30s. Fen, your rhetoric is somewhat untenable."

"Yes, yes, I understand. Facts speak louder than words!" Chen Chu hurriedly smiled and said, "Senior Qiao, why don't I call Zhou Feng over and ask in person?"

"Well, you call someone over and I'll ask." Qiao Jianping nodded.

"People are outside, I've already called." Chen Chu smiled, and quickly stuck his head out to see Zhou Feng holding a tablet computer in one hand, and an electronic pen in the other, writing questions there, "Zhou Feng, don't do it anymore, come on in."


Zhou Feng responded and entered the teaching and research group.

When Qiao Jianping saw that Zhou Feng was still holding the tablet, he couldn't help frowning and said, "Mr. Chen, are you being too indulgent with your class? The school is not allowed to bring mobile phones and any electronic products..."

"Mr. Qiao, this, classmate Zhou Feng is my special permission. He came over with a tablet computer to write the questions..." Chen Chu took the tablet computer and gave Qiao Jianping a look, "Look at it!"

Qiao Jianping just glanced at the tablet computer and stared, "Isn't this an ordinary differential equation problem?"

Seeing that Zhou Feng has even solved half of it...

Qiao Jianping is numb!

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