Because Tian Xiao's family and Li Qian's family have an excellent relationship, and because Li Qian's parents have been away on business for a long time, Tian Xiao's parents were also afraid that Li Qian would not be safe at home alone, so they simply let Li Qian live at home temporarily.

It just so happened that Li Qian could also tutor Tian Xiao in his homework.

Tian Xiao had forgotten about the three books when he got home. After washing up, he was lying on the bed and playing with his mobile phone. At this moment, there was a knock on the door. Li Qian took one of the books and said with a wink. Xiaoxiao, if you don't read books, how will you explain it to your head teacher tomorrow?"

Tian Xiao just remembered this.

"I forgot if you didn't say it..." However, Tian Xiao just glanced at the cover of the book and felt a headache, and smiled bitterly, "I feel a headache before I even read it."

"I just glanced at it." Li Qian blinked and said, "I feel very warm in my heart..."

"Oh, let me see."

Li Qian came to Tian Xiao with the book, and the two read it together. Tian Xiao looked at Li Qian and said, "When I was reading this passage, I suddenly remembered Ai Qing's song titled "" "I love this land" modern poem, especially that line, why are there tears in my eyes? Because I love this land so deeply..."

"Thinking about it, we Chinese people have this deep love in their bones. This is a unique affection for our relatives, our hometown, and the motherland. As a soldier, we are implementing this deep affection with our lives... "


The next day, the evening self-study ended.

"Teacher, when I read this passage, I suddenly remembered Ai Qing's poems. Why are there tears in my eyes? Because I love this land so deeply..."

"I think we Chinese people have this strong love in their bones..."

Seeing Tian Xiao talking, Chen Chu's face was full of relief, "Not bad."

Tian Xiao smiled embarrassedly.

However, Chen Chu's face suddenly sank, "Please recite Ai Qing's "I Love This Land"."

Tian Xiao froze immediately, and laughed dryly at Chen Chu.

Chen Chu glanced at Tian Xiao angrily.

You can get more than 40 points in the test with this level of vocabulary and sentence composition?

"Li Qian taught you that, right?"

"She didn't teach..." Tian Xiao stuck out his tongue, still pretending to be cute, "I remembered when she said it..."

"It's not easy for me to be a cute teacher." Chen Chu said angrily, "You took my words off your ears, didn't you?"

"No, I just can't see it..." Tian Xiao's face was aggrieved for a while. "Besides, how can you let girls see this kind of thing! Teacher, isn't it difficult for you to be strong?"

"Girls should watch this even more!" Chen Chu said sternly, "Teacher, I don't oppose you watching dramas, nor do I oppose what celebrity idols you like, that is your hobby, but it involves issues of principle, remember , these people will not defend your home and country for you, and will not throw blood for you!"

"What you should really worship are the countless people who have fought and even sacrificed for the rise of China!" Chen Chu said with a very serious expression, "Without them, you would not be wearing beautiful clothes, enjoying a good education, and even in I pretend to be cute and cute in front of me, and when I get home, I can lie in bed and watch dramas leisurely without worrying about bombs blowing up your house, understand?"

It may be that Chen Chu's attitude was too serious and scared Tian Xiao, and Tian Xiao didn't dare to let out the air for a while.

Seeing this, Chen Chu wanted to say something, but he swallowed the words in his throat, and his attitude eased a bit. "Continue to check tomorrow, teacher, what I want to hear is your own perception, not someone else's. ."

"Let's go back."

Chen Chu waved his hand before letting Tian Xiao leave.

Although Tian Xiao's virtue has risen to a high level, the ideological level still needs to be improved.

It may also be affected by the environment.

Like Wang Lebang, he already has this kind of consciousness.

However, this kind of thing has to be done slowly. No matter how high the talent is, if the mind does not keep up, it will be a waste of effort.

Chen Chu's first task now is to guide him tirelessly and help Tian Xiao establish a correct value.

It's just that what Class 7 has to consider now is not just Tian Xiao, but also Wang Xu.

Family factors often have a negative impact on children.

Chen Chu is now most worried about Wang Xu's ideological problems.

Most of the education objects Chen Chu arranged for Xu Tianhao were more stubborn, Wang Xu was not suitable, and this matter involved family problems, and the problem was more serious. Go with the flow, it doesn't even matter anymore.

On this family issue, there should still be a proper position.

Still a scorer after all.

It's just that Wang Xu didn't talk to himself for the past two days, which made Chen Chu still quite worried. He still had to find a time to ask about the specific situation.

The next day, Chen Chu called out Wang Xu and went to a corner where there was no one to ask about the house.

Wang Xu was silent for a long time before saying, "I've already had a showdown with my dad."

Chen Chu pursed his lips and said nothing.

"Divorce next month." When Wang Xu said this, his voice suddenly became much relieved. "I used the evidence to force my dad to give up half of the property..."

"Hmm... um!?" Chen Chu's eyes widened.

You are also very cruel to your own father.

However, it is also self-inflicted.

"It's good that I didn't let him go out of the house!" Wang Xu sneered, "Otherwise, I can ruin his reputation at any time and leave him with nothing. I originally thought so, but... as you said, it's good to get together. Well! I'll give him some dignity, and I don't have to make my mother feel too bad."

Chen Chu nodded slightly and did not make any comments. After all, it was Wang Xu's own choice.

However, it is still very gratifying that Wang Xu did not choose to die and lose both.

With such a thing, he should have matured a lot at once.

"As for the back..." Wang Xu leaned against the wall with his hands on the back of his head, "I still know what level I am studying, and it's probably not a good idea to get into a good university. It's not bad to go to a vocational school to specialize in programs and so on. , but you can rest assured that what you teach me, I will use it in the right way, I have no interest in violating crimes..."

"After all..." Wang Xu raised his eyebrows, "The property distributed from my father is enough for my mother and I to live comfortably for the rest of our lives, do you want to hear it?"

Chen Chu shook his head, "No need!"

"Then don't talk about it!" Wang Xu grinned and waved his hand, "It's almost time for class, I'll go back to the classroom first."


Wang Xu turned his head and walked away, and suddenly stopped after walking a few steps.

"Oh, yes...Thank you teacher!"

After speaking, Wang Xu went back to the classroom with his pocket in his pocket.

Chen Chu is really envious.

Maybe his savings is not as much as the pocket money of the students in the class. confident.

put the possibility to go.

However, there is only envy.

Gentlemen love fortune, in a proper way.

No matter how little money you have, at least you have peace of mind.

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