It seems that the dean is also very interested in this, and the more he thinks about it, the more excited he is.

"Yeah! Your idea is really interesting and quite educational, and I actually have a few comrades working in the prison system.

However, I am afraid it will be quite troublesome to implement this matter, so I will go to my comrades tonight and ask them to see what steps are needed! "

"Okay, then I will trouble the director. I will also go over and ask Xu Tianhao what they mean about this patrol team, and I will give the director an answer later!"

"Okay, hahaha!"

After the dean of teaching sent Chen Chu away, the more he thought about it, the more interesting it became. Not to mention other things, if it really came true, then this would probably be the first case of organizing students to visit the prison in the province. In terms of the work of this dean, it can be said to be a pretty good answer.

"Sure enough, young people's thinking is quite special. Why have I never thought about this before?"

The dean felt that this matter must be implemented immediately, and immediately took out his mobile phone and contacted several of his comrades who worked in the prison system.

After Chen Chu returned to the classroom, he asked Xu Tianhao and others for their opinions.

But Xu Tianhao could not have any opinion, he agreed with a smile.

However, Chen Chu still had to warn him in advance.

"Although I joined the patrol team, you must not delay your studies, and you don't have to go on patrol every day. If you don't make progress in the next monthly test, but go backwards, I will help you push the matter of the patrol team away."

Xu Tianhao and the others nodded slightly and smiled peacefully.

Only then did Chen Chu let Xu Tianhao and others return to the classroom. To be honest, he really wasn't worried about his academic performance. After all, Xu Tianhao, Xu Chao and others had already set up the student template, and they each had their own subjects. Talent, judging from the teaching points of output, the learning status of these guys has always maintained an upward stage.

For example, in the last monthly exam, the only person who passed the geography class was Deng Wei, who had awakened his E-level talent in geography. Before that, Deng Wei's geography score was only 28, and it took only a few days to wake up. Can pass.

Needless to say, those who have awakened relevant talents have made great progress in their scores in various subjects, but Chen Chu doesn't know what the upper limit of their scores is.

However, it stands to reason that as long as E-level talent persists in studying hard, there is absolutely no problem in improving related disciplines to excellence. With the additional state of conscientiousness, other disciplines can at least be mixed with a medium level. As for how far they can go, it depends on the creation of these little guys.

Originally, Chen Chu thought that it would take several days for him to reply to the suggestion he made to the dean, but he never thought that the dean would call directly that night, "Mr. Chen, I have already asked my old comrades, and they said this. It is also a very meaningful educational activity, and it is also unprecedented in the province, and I express my great support.

Probably all kinds of formalities can be handled tomorrow, and I think it can be bigger if you want to do it. It is not enough for you to have only one class. I think we can let more classes participate. "

Chen Chu didn't have any opinion on this, and hurriedly smiled and said, "Of course there is no problem with this, Director, when is it exactly?"

"I think it's set on Friday. I have to discuss the specific matters with the school to determine the class to attend, but the seventh class is definitely appropriate, and if you want to come to the school, you should also strongly support it! "

Chen Chu naturally responded very readily.

Early the next morning, Chen Chu announced the good news to the whole class.

"The school will organize a prison tour..."

Many people showed very curious expressions, and even a little eager to try, after all, the prison is something new to them that they have never come into contact with.

Only Wang Xu in that corner couldn't help shivering, and looked up at Chen Chu with resentment in his eyes.

So, Lao Chen is targeting me! ?

This is definitely for me!

You, you are just a panda ordering takeaway... Bamboo shoots are home!

I knew it was wrong, how could you be so cruel to such a lovely student like you?

But Wang Xu naturally did not dare to complain.

After Chen Chu reported it, he took a special look at the expressions of Xu Tianhao and others.

Sure enough, seeing Xu Tianhao's eyes slightly changed.

It seems that when he made a life plan for Xu Tianhao before, this guy had a special idea.

Before I knew it, it was Friday.

Early in the morning, the school specially found a few buses.

Chen Chu took the seventh class and got into one of them, and the car drove all the way to the prison in the suburbs.

Seeing that most of the people in Class 7 were full of curiosity and anticipation, Chen Chu felt a little helpless in his heart.

It's true that he is still too young, or it may be that the calf is not afraid of tigers.

But isn't this trip just to let them know that?

When they came to the gate of the prison with high walls and dense iron nets, the warden also brought many staff to greet him at the gate,

This event requires coordination in many aspects, and also needs to ensure the safety of the students, so the prison has indeed organized a lot of manpower to ensure the smooth progress of this event.

After the school and the prison leaders greeted each other, under the leadership of the staff, the students began to enter the prison one after another.

"This prison is much cleaner than I thought!"

"This is not a foreign prison. We Chinese people have a special respect for life since ancient times."

"Yes, from ancient times to the present, human life is at stake, and we have a real emphasis on life!"

“The facilities are perfect in all aspects, clean and tidy.”

"It's always a place where a person can be reinvented. Doing it a little better will make him feel a kind of dignity as a human being!"

The students in other classes were talking a lot, looking around curiously, and what they said was very meaningful.

Chen Chu couldn't help sighing, and he didn't want to listen to what the little guys in Class Seven had to say.

"Fuck, this is fun!"

"Cow! The floor is really clean!"

"I wonder if you can beat the king in prison?"

God fucking beat the king! ?

Do I have to give you an ifi?

Chen Chu's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help covering his face. He was embarrassed to face the gazes of the rest of the class. He just felt ashamed.

Compared with other classes, Class Seven is this... this...

I can't wait to find a seam to crawl in now!

"Be quiet!"

There was no other way, Chen Chu could only glance at the crowd with a cold face, and everyone in the seventh class suddenly became quiet, and they all became obedient in an instant.

Chen Chu snorted angrily, and led the seventh class to continue walking with the main force.

It didn't take long for the people from the seventh class to come to the door of a room, and the sound of mechanical movement was mainly heard in the room. Everyone looked curiously and saw a bunch of neatly dressed prisoners working in the textile factory. A prison guard introduced it.

"This is our textile factory, and we will do some simple work for some factories."

Not only that, in this huge prison, there are not only factories, but also libraries, sports rooms, spacious and bright canteens, and even Internet cafes.

This allows the students to gain insight and wonder.

This is a place that makes you realize your mistakes, and a place that makes you face life again.

Please be in awe of it.

And after a visit, all the students came to the prison square.

For this event, the prison specially selected some interrogation records to play in the square, and also invited some prisoners who are willing to take the initiative to speak out to warn the students.

I have to say that it is more educative in any aspect, especially those prisoners who are willing to take the initiative to speak out, especially those felons who are not very old, when they feel remorse and pain for their actions , which resonated with many students.

Even the students in class seven fell silent.

And Xu Tianhao was sitting next to Chen Chu, and it was the front row. This is also the seat Chen Chu specially prepared for Xu Tianhao. After listening for a long time, when he was about to ask Xu Tianhao how he felt, when he turned his head, he saw that Xu Tianhao was already full of faces. tears.

"Tianhao, you, are you alright?"

"No, it's fine..." Xu Tianhao no longer had his usual peaceful smile, tears flashed in his eyes, and he said in a trembling voice, "Teacher, the students are very sad right now. The students feel that they are pitiful and hateful..."

"Teacher, the students finally understand your good intentions..." Xu Tianhao couldn't help wiping his tears, and said with a very firm expression, "I want to change them, I want them not to repeat the same mistakes, I want them to respect life again, I want their lives to get back on track again."

As soon as Chen Chu heard this, he felt extremely relieved in his heart.

"Ami...cough, good boy..."

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