When Yuan Wen walked out of the theater, she was still amazed.

"This student He Cao in your class is really too strong! He is simply talented!"

"If you develop well, you will definitely become an internationally renowned pianist in the future, and may even become the world's top existence!"

However, Deng Sijia and others finally couldn't hold back, and laughed.

Yuan Wen couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and asked suspiciously, "What are you laughing at? Could it be that what the teacher said is wrong?"

"Mr. Yuan, it's not He Cao who really plays the piano at all!" Deng Sijia hurriedly approached Yuan Wen and whispered in Yuan Wen's ear.


Yuan Wen's face was suddenly full of surprise, and her eyes were full of disbelief.

"This this……"


"Mr. Chen, he is so good? He can play the piano so well!?"

"More than that! Old Chen is proficient at everything except having children!"

"Mr. Yuan, calm down, it's just a small scene."

Yuan Wen only felt a little buzzing in her head.

She felt that Chen Chu danced so well that she was already very good, and she was even comparable to professional dancers, but she never imagined that she could even play the piano to such an amazing level!

Seeing Yuan Wen's surprised expression, Deng Sijia and others felt very satisfied.

And their purpose has been achieved, and the purpose is to let Chen Chu show more of his shining points. You must know that the attraction of talent is quite explosive!

Now that the goal has been achieved, Deng Sijia and others have no plans to stay for long.

"Mr. Yuan, after listening to this piano performance, why don't we find a place to have a cup of milk tea!?"

Before Yuan Wen could react, Deng Sijia and others had already dragged Yuan Wen away, mainly to avoid accidents.

Chen Chu didn't know that he had been clearly arranged by Deng Sijia and others. After removing his makeup and changing his clothes, he quickly slipped out of the backstage.

There's nothing wrong with him after that!

When Chen Chu just came out of the backstage, except for Yan Mao, Li Yiyang and other girls and the girls, everyone else was already waiting outside the door.

As soon as Chen Chu went out, he said, "It's getting late, so hurry home!"

"Don't! Mr. He will pay for all the consumption tonight, Lao Chen, don't be polite, kill him well!"

"Old Chen, let's play something exciting!"

"Anyway, I won't let you spend money!"

Seeing the look of anticipation on the faces of this group of little guys, Chen Chu thought about it, and it was a good opportunity to sit down and have a good chat with his students.

"Okay! I happen to have a pretty exciting project here!"

"What project?"

"Old Chen, don't give a shit, tell me quickly!"

"That's the kind..." Chen Chu suddenly showed an expression that men understand, "The kind that makes men unable to take off their clothes..."

When a group of boys saw Chen Chu's expression, they couldn't help but laugh wickedly.

"Isn't it? Old Chen, is it so exciting to play?"

"Our bodies are not yet mature, it's not good to take us to that kind of place!"

"But today's words can be an exception, don't worry, we will never tell others!"

"I didn't expect you, Lao Chen, to look serious. I didn't expect that, I didn't expect that you, with big eyebrows and big eyes, would also betray the revolution!"

"I like it, hehe!"

"That is……"

half an hour.

An elderly health care steam room.

Chen Chu was already sweating profusely, and the intense heat rushed to his face. He couldn't help but pick up the towel and wipe his face.

"Huh...I haven't sweated for a long time...it's so comfortable..."

"What do you guys think! Is it irritating enough? Do you feel like the pores all over your body are shaking!?"

"Aren't cells beating?"


So, what are we expecting! ?

You said that the result of taking us to play with excitement is to bring us to do steaming? ? ? ? ?

And what's the matter with so many old men around?

At once……



Chen Chu walked out of the room after steaming for about twenty minutes, and felt much more relaxed in an instant.

As for the resentful eyes of everyone in the seventh class, Chen Chu simply pretended not to see it, took a glass of water from the past, and then soaked in the bathtub for a while.

Oh~~~ soothing~~~

Chen Chu was drinking water while watching the movie projected on the opposite side, not to mention how relaxed he was.

A group of boys couldn't help cursing in private.

"This... it's so fucking boring! Except for steaming and taking a bath... and a bunch of old men!"

"Why do I have to meet naked with a bunch of old men!"

"What about the most basic trust between people? Lao Chen is too stupid!"

But at this time, Zhou Feng passed by in front of everyone.

"They come, the security."

With the tablet in his hand, Zhou Feng walked all the way into the bath and sat next to Chen Chu, doing math problems.

As soon as Zhou Feng sat down, Chen Chu turned to look at the students.

"Why are you standing still!? Come and take a bath!"

"oh oh……"

A group of people entered the pool reluctantly, and it was packed all at once.

It feels even more incompetent.

"Master, are you rubbing your back? I'll rub your back!"

"Thank you, boy!"

"The other uncles wait a moment, I'll help this uncle rub first!"

"Hahaha, it's okay!"

"You guys are so enthusiastic!"

Everyone couldn't help but glance at Wang Lebang, who was carrying a towel not far away and was rubbing the backs of the uncles in full swing.

Turning his head, he looked at Xu Tianhao on the other side.

I saw Xu Tianhao sitting with an old man.

"Uncle, don't be sad, feelings cannot be forced, it's not that your son can't find your girlfriend, it's just that fate has not yet arrived, you have to treat it calmly, don't be too harsh, and don't force it. , what should be his is always his..."

The old man looked calm and nodded slightly.

"It's true that I pushed too hard. This is not a good thing for him, and it will also hurt the relationship between our father and son. It seems that I have to apologize to my son when I go back..."

Xu Tianhao smiled slightly, "Very good...very good..."


・・・・ Chen Chu ・・・・・・

"You look so boring!" Chen Chu saw that everyone's expressions were not quite right, and frowned, "How about we play some games?"

"Play, play what?"

"Didn't I ask you to go back and memorize the Tao of Shu before? Well, how about I randomly select a lucky student to recite the full text? Isn't it interesting?"


Coldly, one of them suddenly got up.

"Old Chen deceives people too much, princes and generals, I would rather have a seed!"


"Arise, those who do not wish to be oppressed!"

"Fuck him!"

In an instant, everyone got up!

There was a commotion in the bath, and Chen Chu pushed one into the water...

"Block him, block him!"

"Let's go together!"

"Don't let him run away!"

The laughter continued...

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