Hu Yao was naturally quite unhappy in her heart.

Although it is said that the two are not official boyfriend and girlfriend, but at least there are signs.

It's weird not to be jealous.

He also said that he was so busy making up lessons for the students that he couldn't even have time to eat!

I see you are quite laid back!

If you still have time to come out to eat with others, just come out with me and watch a movie, you don’t have time, right? ?

In fact, Hu Yao was not misunderstood. She knew very well that Chen Chu and Lin Yun on the video were ordinary friends, and she knew that Teacher Chen should not be the kind of person who could walk on two boats.

But it's just unpleasant in the heart.

No, I can't take this breath.

I decided to let Teacher Chen hang for a few days and ignore him!

Hu Yao secretly made a decision in her heart, and then came to the bathroom to wash her face.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Hu Yao's head slowly lowered, and then she stretched out her hands to compare...


As soon as Hu Yao raised her head, her little face felt aggrieved.

"Why is mine so small..."


Before the evening self-study, Chen Chu returned to the office.

"Old Chen, are you happy to eat?"

Deng Sijia, who was reading a book, quickly asked.

Chen Chu gave Deng Sijia a strange look, "Are these things you should be concerned about? How are you studying?"

"No problem, I'm not lazy."

"Okay, then I'll test you!"

Chen Chu took the textbook and asked a few questions, and Deng Sijia answered most of them.

"Yes, it seems that you are not lazy."

"That's right, I'm serious!" Deng Sijia grinned, "Then tell me what are you talking about?"

"Talk about you!" Chen Chu subconsciously responded.

"Talk about me?" Deng Sijia was taken aback, "Why are you talking about me!?"

"Help you understand the situation of Beiwu in advance!"

Chen Chu told Deng Sijia what he had learned, especially the special activities of the club and Beiwu, and finally added, "If you want to fall in love in college in the future, the handsome guys in Beiwu are one of the best. Grab a lot of them, and Beiwu has associations with military arts and other colleges every year..."

Deng Sijia hurriedly interrupted Chen Chu's words, "No, isn't it? You and that big... um, Lin Aunt is talking about this!"

"Otherwise, what are we talking about?" Chen Chu was speechless. "I met her for the first time, and I didn't know her well. I don't know what to talk about other than these!"


Deng Sijia fell into silence all of a sudden, and then couldn't help but stretched out her thumb.

"As expected of you!"

Dude, this is a wooden head!

Are you the reincarnation of Astro Boy?

It's a strange thing to find a girlfriend in this life!

Deng Sijia doesn't know whether to be happy or sad for Chen Chu...

How could Chen Chu know what was going on in Deng Sijia's little head, so he hurried to make up the class.

This dazzling kung fu evening self-study is over, because Chen Chu has been running to the toilet several times because he drank too much tea during the meal.

"I'm going to the toilet, Tian Xiao will come later, you make her wait for me!"


Deng Sijia responded, and Chen Chu hurriedly walked out. Then Chen Chu just left, and Tian Xiao came to the door. When he saw that there was only Deng Sijia in the office, he was stunned and asked Deng Sijia, "Deng Sijia, Teacher Chen. Where have you been?"

"I went to the toilet." Deng Sijia turned her head and winked when she saw Tian Xiao, "Why did Old Chen let you come to the office at night?"

"Don't mention it, he asked me to read a book and then told him how I felt after reading it every day..."

"Huh?" Deng Sijia was startled, "What book?"

"Soul of the Chinese Army"

"We Fight for the People"

"Behind us is the motherland, hometown, relatives"

Deng Sijia "..."

After a moment of silence, he raised his head and looked at Tian Xiao with some sympathy, " really worked hard..."

Looking at the thick stack of textbooks and notes beside Deng Sijia, Tian Xiao also had sympathy in his eyes, "You...the same..."

The two looked at each other, and they showed their mutual sympathy.

Deng Sijia sighed, "It's the same as a fallen person..."

Tian Xiao smiled bitterly, "Why do we know each other when we meet..."

Deng Sijia couldn't help sighing again, "Five-flowered horse, Qianjin Qiu, Hu'er will go out to exchange for fine wine..."

Tian Xiao was startled and hesitated for a moment, "Meet Pan Ga and walk around?"

"Pfft, hahaha! What the hell!! Isn't it the same with you as the eternal sorrow!?? God **** met Pangar and walked around...ah...hey..."

Deng Sijia was provoked by Tian Xiao to laugh out loud, her movements were a bit large, she accidentally lost her balance and fell backwards instantly.

But seeing this critical moment, Tian Xiao's pupils shrank, and he rushed up with a single stride. In the blink of an eye, he stretched out his hand and hugged Deng Sijia's waist.

For a time, Tian Xiao hugged Deng Sijia's waist, and Deng Sijia was naturally very flexible. Being hugged so hard by Tian Xiao, he subconsciously put his hands on the ground and completed a lower waist movement.

As a result, as soon as Chen Chu came back, he saw Tian Xiao was helping Deng Sijia to lower his waist...

"Well... if you want to lower your waist, go outside! Can you stretch your hands and feet in this office?"

Tian Xiao and Deng Sijia quickly recovered.

Chen Chu is a little puzzled, are Deng Sijia and Tian Xiao such a good relationship?

I don't usually see any interactions.

"Tian Xiao, come here and talk about your post-reading experience."

"Deng Sijia, if you want to exercise, go outside and press your legs. I'll give you five minutes."

"No, I'll continue reading."


Tian Xiao and Deng Sijia looked at each other before leaving.

You are so agile!

Your waist is also good!

Take care of yourself.

Take care of yourself.

After Tian Xiao left the office, he soon met with Li Qian.

Seeing Tian Xiao's strange expression, Li Qian wondered, "What's wrong? Teacher Chen deliberately made things difficult for you?"


Tian Xiao shook his head and told Li Qian what happened just now with a strange look on his face.

"I was so far away from Deng Sijia just now, I didn't expect that I would react!" Tian Xiao scratched his head, "I even caught someone!"

"Is it weird?" Li Qian said subconsciously, "Didn't Mr. Chen take you to morning exercises every morning? Your physical fitness must be better than before!"

"That's right!"

On the other side, when He Cao returned home, he lay on the bed and played with his mobile phone. He glanced at the piano in the bedroom while playing, and Tian Zhen's lovely smile suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Well... Forget it, let's not play with the phone, let's practice the piano seriously..."

He Cao threw the phone aside, then sat in front of the piano, and after a little bit of movement, he turned over the score.

"Well, just this one!"

After putting the score in place, He Cao shook his hand and began to play.

Playing and playing, He Cao found that the hand felt very good, very smooth, and there was no lag at all.

"Hey? I usually have to play for a long time to feel it, but today it feels quite good!"

"Try another song!"

He Cao changed another piece and continued to play it, but the more he played, the more smoothly he played.

"Come again!"

half an hour.

He Cao looked at his hands and felt a little weird. The most amazing thing was that he could vaguely have a special feeling of being able to master the rhythm.

"Slot! Why do I feel so much today!"

"Is it because you haven't played for a long time?"

"Then I have to change to a slightly more difficult song!"


The next morning, He Cao ran up to Chen Chu during the morning exercise and said excitedly, "Old Chen, Lao Chen, you must not believe such a thing!"


"I've been playing the piano all night, and all of them are relatively difficult pieces! I can play all of them now, and the feeling is particularly strong! The more I play, the easier I get!"

Chen Chu frowned slightly and glanced at He Cao's state.

Name He Cao

Sex: Male

age 15

Virtue 55

Intelligence 50

Stamina 52

Aesthetic 70

state aversion to learning;

Soul of the Piano (In this state, the aesthetics will slowly increase, the piano control will increase by 100, and the proficiency growth rate will increase by 100)

Ignore bad habits

Talents C-level piano, F-level mathematics, E-level language, F-level politics, E-level vocal music (the remaining 50 talents have been omitted, the average is F-level talent)

Learning Effectiveness 108

Overall evaluation: e

"Well, not bad!" Chen Chu nodded slightly, reached out and patted He Xu's shoulder, "But you're still far behind! Keep working hard!"

"I think you can teach me the third piano concerto right now!"

Chen Chu rolled his eyes, "Practice for a while, it's still a little early for you to want to play the third piano concerto, beware of arrogance and impetuosity, and practice hard."

He Cao said quickly, "No, I really think I can!"

Where did this kid go! It started to float!

It's not over, is it?

"You said you played the piano all night?"

"Ah, yes, I haven't slept all night, and I'm still quite excited now."

"Yes, it's very hard... But you have to try to doze off in class today..."


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