After Wang Lebang left, Chen Chu returned to the office, clasped his hands and fell into contemplation.


Although Wang Lebang's trend was expected, it was a bit wicked.

Was it really because he had destroyed his inner demons?

Or because he gave this guy a physical pill! ?

However, Chen Chu remembers that he seems to have destroyed many people's inner demons, and even the students in other classes have also destroyed a lot of them, but he has never seen any student become like Wang Lebang.

Suddenly I remembered what the police officer said at the beginning.

Wang Lebang is an unrepeatable example.

Coupled with the words and deeds of Grandma Wang that day and night...

Thinking of this, Chen Chu also understood.

Anyway, it's all biased, so let's just go all the way to the end.

Bravely fight against criminals and be a real people's hero!

"Old Chen, what do you think?"

"Nothing, go on! Where did I just say?"

As for Class 7, after class, Zhou Feng, He Cao and the others went to the gymnasium.

There are not many people accompanying.

Both the body and instrumental students from Class 7 came.

After arriving at the gymnasium, there were still students playing ball. Seeing that it was the seventh class, they took the initiative to give up the field.

Zhou Feng came to the court with the ball, and He Cao followed closely and asked, "Zhou Feng, how do you play?"

"Just play ten balls, whoever hits the ball will continue to serve, and make a substitution when the ninth hits."

"Yes!" He Cao grinned, "Aren't you going to change your jersey?"

He Cao has changed into his uniform and basketball shoes, but Zhou Feng is wearing casual clothes and sneakers.

"It's not necessary, just play around."

When He Cao heard this, he immediately winked and said, "I think it's better for you to change, after all, I'm quite strong now, you may not be my opponent, and you see so many people now, if I'm not careful If you shaved your head, how embarrassing you are!"

"It's okay." Zhou Feng smiled calmly, "You don't need to be so serious when you fight."

Um! ?

He Cao narrowed his eyes.

Pretty crazy!

"In the face of my classmates, I planned to leave you a little thin, but you said that, so I will do my best!" He Cao twisted his neck and grinned. With a smile, "Zhou Feng, say it first, no matter who loses, don't be angry."

"Okay." Zhou Feng nodded slightly, "Do you serve or I serve? Or should we fight for the ball?"

"It's not necessary, let you post it!"


Zhou Feng came to the outside of the three-point line and signaled that he could start. He Caocai passed the ball in his hand to Zhou Feng, and then hurriedly defended it, but when Zhou Feng got the ball, he immediately raised his hand. Jump lightly.

As soon as the ball was released, it drew a perfect arc in mid-air.


The basketball and the net made a pleasant sound.

Hollow three points!

The other students on the outside of the field couldn't help but exclaimed.


"Tsk tsk, it's really amazing!" He Cao was not in a hurry, he turned around to pick up the ball, and walked back while dribbling the ball.

"But don't be complacent, this is just the first ball!"

Zhou Feng ignored He Cao, just waved his hand, indicating that he could continue to serve.

As soon as He Cao passed the ball, he immediately posted it, only to see Zhou Feng take the ball and make a jumper from beyond the three-point line.


Basketball in the box.

Three points hollow!

He Cao was a little surprised. He turned his head and glanced at the basketball that was still beating on the ground. He couldn't help but look back at Zhou Feng, only to see Zhou Feng's calm expression, "Pick up the ball."

He Cao frowned and hurriedly turned around to pick up the ball. He was also secretly surprised. Is this guy pitching so well now?

No, don't give this guy a chance to pitch!

This time, He Cao learned to be obedient, and directly posted Zhou Feng to serve. As soon as Zhou Feng got the ball, he immediately raised his hands to prevent Zhou Feng from continuing to throw the ball, but saw Zhou Feng take a step back, and one hand hit the ball. Throw the ball in the direction of the hoop!


It definitely won't get in!

He Cao was overjoyed, and without saying a word, he turned his head towards the bottom of the basket and was about to pick up the ball. However, just after taking a step, he saw the ball thrown by Zhou Feng slid across the air and fell steadily into the air. into the basket.


It's the sweet sound of basketball and nets again!

He Cao suddenly froze in place.

I fuck!

How can you throw a hollow three-pointer! ?

There was already a sound of astonishment outside.


"This fucking can get in too! Or is it a hollow three-pointer!?"


"Feng Ge Niu!"

Cao Yunjing, Yang Tianyu and others all cheered at once.

"Don't be stunned, keep picking up the ball."

He Cao was a little upset when he heard Zhou Feng's calm voice, he pouted and picked up the ball.

"You just got lucky just now!"

As soon as the ball was passed to Zhou Feng's hand, when he heard He Cao's voice, Zhou Feng couldn't help but raised his head and smiled slightly, "Why do you think I was just lucky?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Feng jumped again.

Three points into the network!

Fourth, fifth...

It has come to the ninth ball, but without exception, it is a hollow three-pointer.

The melon eaters outside the venue were already numb, and their expressions couldn't help being a little sluggish.

Nine out of nine shots, all hollow three points!

Especially Cao Yunjing, Yang Tianyu and others, they were so shocked that they were pulling their hair all the time, and their faces were full of disbelief.

During these days, Zhou Feng played with them, basically just going through the motions.

Even though he was sweating profusely every time he played, he didn't see Zhou Feng throwing a few balls. Instead, he was always running to help pass and dribble the ball, completely becoming an assister.

Everyone thought that Zhou Feng's level had regressed, and he was no longer confident in his own touch, so they did not dare to continue pitching.

good guy!

Brother Feng just let them go for a long time!

Otherwise, this shot will directly announce the end of the game!

He Cao's mentality is already a little bit collapsed.

"What's the matter? You used to be quite arrogant, do you want to shave my head?" Seeing that He Cao didn't speak, Zhou Feng said softly, "After all, I'm only nine points now, you still have a chance."

After Zhou Feng finished speaking, he walked into the arena.

He Cao pouted and came to the outside of the three-point line. After taking the ball from Zhou Feng, he did not dare to shoot a three-pointer, but dribbled the ball directly to the inside line.

Zhou Feng hurriedly defended it, and soon He Cao was playing behind the basket to find an opportunity to throw the ball.

When he finally found an opening, he was about to lay up, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, Zhou Feng seemed to have expected it, jumped up ahead of time, and slammed it down.


It was a blocking block on the spot, and the ball in He Cao's hand was severely smashed out.

He Cao was suddenly dumbfounded.

However, Cao Yunjing and others outside the arena are inexplicably familiar.

Isn't this a replica of how old Chen blocked Zhou Feng's cap?

Even the stand is exactly the same!

It's just that the targets at this time were changed to Zhou Feng and He Cao.

He Cao was a little angry, feeling that Zhou Feng was deliberately humiliating himself, he couldn't help raising his head to look at Zhou Feng, but Zhou Feng had a calm face, frowned and said, "Why, are you angry? "

"No." He Cao snorted coldly, "I'm not convinced, if you have the ability, give me another month of practice. Then we will have another bullfight, how about it?"

"Even if I give you a year, you can't beat me!"

"Hehe... You are just afraid that I will surpass you!"

Zhou Feng frowned when he saw He Cao's unhappy look on his face, "You guys seem to really think that you are talented?"

"Isn't it?" He Cao asked back.

Zhou Feng shrugged, patted He Cao on the shoulder, and said softly, "He Cao, don't look down on yourself too much. Don't you know what kind of person you are?"

"Think about it with your brain, think about the changes in the seventh class, and then think about your own changes..."

Zhou Feng patted He Cao on the shoulder heavily, and then went to Cao Yunjing and others, and left the gym surrounded by a group of fitness students, and went back to the math class.

Lu Yang and the others looked at each other in dismay, seeing that He Cao was still stunned under the backboard. It wasn't for a while, and it wasn't for if they didn't. After all, they knew that He Cao was very embarrassing. The most important thing was the students in other classes. look.

After a long while, Lu Yang hurried forward, picked up the basketball and said with a dry smile, "He Shao, do we have to go back to class?"

He Cao, who had a thoughtful face, suddenly came back to his senses and responded absentmindedly.

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