North Dance Academy.

Secretary Tian is waiting for the end of the last exam. Looking around, there are also parents from all over the country waiting for their children to come out, with mixed expressions and mixed feelings.

It wasn't until the bell rang and students came out one after another, only to see Deng Sijia after a while.

It's just that Secretary Tian saw that Deng Sijia's expression was not quite right, and he couldn't help sighing inwardly.

When she was in junior high school, Deng Sijia's tutors were all found by her. Of course, she was very clear about Deng Sijia's study situation.

Bei Wu's exam will naturally not go anywhere easily.

Fortunately, the chairman did not have any hope.

Thinking of this, Secretary Tian hurried up to meet him.

"Miss, you are tired after taking the test all day. I have arranged a place to rest and dinner is ready. Do you want to rest or eat first?" Secretary Tian naturally refused to ask the test. things, so as not to hurt Deng Sijia's self-esteem.

"Let's rest for a while." Deng Sijia's expression was so weird and weird, and then she couldn't help but muttered, "Is it my illusion? Why do I feel that Bei Wu's exam is so easy?"

"Hmm... eh?" Secretary Tian was slightly taken aback.

"No, it's fine." Deng Sijia smiled, "Sister Tian, ​​I'm hungry, let's go eat first!"

"it is good!"

After eating, Deng Sijia didn't think about where to play, but went straight back to the hotel to rest.


"Sister Tian, ​​when my mother is away, you can just call me Jiajia." Deng Sijia was lying on the bed and playing with her mobile phone. "Why is this eldest lady so embarrassed! And you don't have to be so serious, just relax a little bit, it makes me even more so now. Very nervous!"

"Come and chat with me for a while!"

Secretary Tian immediately sat in front of Deng Sijia, but couldn't find anything to talk about for a while.

"Sister Tian, ​​don't you ask about the exam?"

"This..." Secretary Tian thought about it and then said, "The results will be released tomorrow. You should know it in your heart. It's pointless to worry about it too much. It's better to accept it calmly!"

"I don't think it's a big problem." Deng Sijia couldn't help scratching her head. "But after you said that, I'm still a little flustered."


"I don't know if it's my delusion, but I really think Bei Wu's question is so simple!" Deng Sijia said with a wry smile, "Old Chen has always told me that the question is too simple, and to a large extent it is too easy for students. It's an illusion, so I was very serious when I reviewed the test today, but I didn't find anything that I overlooked, so I solved it according to my ideas, but I don't know how I did in the test!"

As soon as Secretary Tian heard this, he knew there was no hope.

Naturally, the questions asked by Bei Wu would not be simple. It was obvious that Deng Sijia had already had a great illusion.

It may be that Deng Sijia's mentality is a little arrogant and inflated during this period of time to make up the class, which leads to too full of self-confidence when reading the questions, so she feels that it is simple.

After all, Secretary Tian is also a past person, so he can naturally understand this special mentality.

"Jiajia, don't think too much, the results will come out tomorrow anyway, sleep peacefully."

"Yes." Deng Sijia shrugged, "It doesn't make sense to think so much, but if Lao Chen thinks I can do it, I should be able to! Well, there should be no problem."

Secretary Tian didn't say much.

During this period of time, Deng Sijia opened his mouth to Lao Chen and closed his mouth to Lao Chen.

For this teacher Chen, Secretary Tian was still very impressed.

Anyway, he is a very special person, a special person who can make even strong women cry.

And since He Xueqin had that experience, he has been particularly concerned about Deng Sijia. He used to stay up late and work overtime every now and then.

Now even if you are busy, you have to go home and take a look.

The change is not that big.

Not to mention He Xueqin's changes, Deng Sijia's changes are not small.

In the past, Deng Sijia was a very playful little girl, and she had a very bad temper. She was a good girl in front of He Xueqin, but she was quite arrogant in front of others, but since Chen Chu became the head teacher, Deng Sijia's temperament It got a lot better gradually.

"The thing about my boss's daughter's class teacher is a bit outrageous"


Early the next morning, Deng Sijia and Secretary Tian went to Beiwu and came to the school's score announcement office.

Because Deng Sijia stayed in bed, it was already half past nine when she got up.

The publicity office is already full of people, some cheering and some looking sad.

Deng Sijia and Secretary Tian struggled to squeeze in the direction of the public announcement, but people who had already seen the public announcement had a lot of discussion when they left.

"This little girl named Deng Sijia is too powerful, isn't she? She got such a high score in the test!?"

"It's outrageous!"

"If you can get such a high score in the test, what are you doing as an art examiner! It's not enough to take a normal test! Why don't you give the recommended places to others!"


"If my child can get such a high score in the test, what kind of dance is she going to dance! Just let her go to the Qingbei test!"

Among the discussions, there are mixed praises and praises.

Deng Sijia and Secretary Tian listened carefully, their eyes widened for a while, and they even squeezed into the bulletin board.

After a long while, the two talents squeezed to the bulletin board.

When she saw the score, Deng Sijia's pupils shrank suddenly, and she subconsciously shouted, "Fuck! How the hell am I getting such a high score?"

It attracted everyone's attention for a while, and naturally many parents and students didn't like it, and felt a little unqualified.

Seemingly realizing that something was wrong, Deng Sijia laughed dryly and was silent.

And Secretary Tian next to him has widened his eyes, his face full of disbelief.

I saw that on the bulletin board, Deng Sijia was at the top of the list with a total score of 9475 points!

The second place is only 633 points!

Ride the dust!

Secretary Tian suddenly felt his scalp tingling and his head buzzing.


More than 300 points more than the second place! ?

At once……



Not long after, Deng Sijia jumped up and down in front, her face was full of joy, and she was in a happy mood.

Secretary Tian followed behind, his mind was still blank for a while.

It wasn't until the phone suddenly rang that he suddenly came back to his senses. Seeing that it was He Xueqin's call, Secretary Tian hurriedly connected it, and his voice suddenly became serious, "Chairman."

"At this point, the results should be released, right?" He Xueqin was quite calm, and after a moment of hesitation, he said, "Do I need to do some mental preparation?"

"..." Secretary Tian was silent for a moment, "Need."

He Xueqin couldn't help sighing, "Okay! Tell me, what's the last?"


"It's not the countdown, the eldest miss ranks first." Secretary Tian said slowly, "9475 points."


There was silence on the other end of the phone for a moment, and suddenly He Xueqin's slightly speechless voice came, "Xiao Tian, ​​you are naughty..."

"But I know you're comforting me, um, I don't blame you, but you have to be a little more measured..."



"9475 points, absolutely true..." Secretary Tian had already photographed the score sheet on the bulletin board and immediately sent it to He Xueqin.

There was a dead silence on the other end of the phone.

"This...she cheated!?"

Secretary Tian said with tears in his eyes, "Chairman, I have already seen the exam room. There are eight invigilators and four monitors. How could the eldest miss do something wrong?"


He Xueqin was speechless for a while.


Dance Office.

Yuan Wen naturally knew that today was the day of the grade formula, so she had already called someone she knew to inquire.

Seeing that there was no voice on the other end of the phone, Yuan Wen anxiously asked, "How is it? Is it over 500?"

"Ah...this..." There was a voice that couldn't help crying and laughing from the other end of the phone. "Yuan Wen, do you think your student is not very good at studying?"

"It's really not very good!" Yuan Wen said quickly, "Don't be fooled, tell me your results quickly!"

"You're sure your student is called Deng Sijia, aren't you?"


"..." There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, "The total score is 9475 points, the first place and the second place are 633 points, so you call this a bad study?"

"How much?" Yuan Wen thought she had misunderstood, and hurriedly asked again.

"9475 points!"


Yuan Wen's voice couldn't help raising several pitches, causing the dance teachers around to look at him with a puzzled look.

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