When Chen Chu returned to the classroom, he saw the falling wall covering and the torn curtains and curtain racks at a glance.

Chen Chu's face darkened immediately, and he looked at the seventh class with a serious look.

"What the hell is going on here!?"

For a time, everyone in Class 7 didn't dare to take a breath.

Play to play, trouble to trouble, don't joke with Lao Chen at this time.

It was at this moment that Zhou Feng took the initiative to stand up.

"Hmm... eh?" Chen Chu's attitude naturally eased up in an instant, but after all, he was in front of everyone, so naturally he couldn't be too protective of Zhou Feng, so he quickly raised his face and asked seriously, "What's going on?"

"I was in a hurry just now and wanted to go with Wang Lebang to save people, so I pulled the curtain down, although it didn't help much." Zhou Feng said quickly, "Teacher, we didn't tear the curtain on purpose."

Chen Chu nodded slightly, "I see, um, since it wasn't intentional, then I don't blame you guys. I'll pack up later, and I'll let the people from the school's logistics department come over to fix it!"

"Zhou Feng, sit down!"

Zhou Feng just sat down.

On the other hand, the others looked at each other in dismay. They didn't expect that Old Chen could talk so well, and he didn't even have any doubts.

Everyone thought they would definitely be scolded.

"Although you have seen what happened today, don't talk about it casually." Chen Chu hurriedly warned, "Until the specific situation is clear, don't make random guesses. After the police investigation is clear, it will be announced to the society. , lest these news turn into rumors, cause panic and unnecessary trouble, you know?"


The crowd hurriedly responded.

Now that the matter has been resolved, it is natural to continue the class when the class is over. After the class is over, Zhou Feng came to the office and helped Cao Yunjing and others follow Chen Chu to ask for leave.

Because during class, Chen Chu saw that Zhou Feng had been signaling to himself, so he did not ask Cao Yunjing and others where they were, he knew that Big Brother Bang would naturally reply to him.

"Ask for leave?" Chen Chu couldn't help but wonder, "Why do you want to ask for leave?"

Zhou Feng said calmly, "Cao Yunjing's house has something urgent to deal with. Well, it won't be too long. You should be back for the evening self-study. Don't worry, Old Chen."

"Okay, I see." Chen Chu nodded slightly, naturally without any doubts.

Zhou Feng just returned to the classroom and glanced at Xu Chao in the back seat. At this moment, Xu Chao was holding the pot of succulent, and he didn't know what he was muttering, as if he was coaxing a child.

Zhou Feng smiled helplessly, shook his head and returned to his position.

On the other hand, Tian Xiao has been pondering since returning to the classroom.

Just because I saw Wang Lebang desperately preparing to jump out today, the strings in my heart couldn't help being touched.

Immediately, he was infected by Wang Lebang's brave and fearless spirit.

She really didn't expect that under such circumstances, Wang Lebang said that he was going to save people without even frowning.

You must know that this is a little careless, and Wang Lebang's little life may not be saved!

However, Wang Lebang was able to put his own life aside, thinking about saving others, and even had a heroic feeling of dying calmly.

Tian Xiao felt as if a fire suddenly burned in his heart.

The three books Chen Chu gave her, she read for a long time, all the words were nothing more than expounding the fearlessness and bravery of the Chinese soldiers and the spirit of defending the family and the country, but Tian Xiao never had any special feelings.

But just today, she felt what it means to not be afraid of sacrifice and move forward bravely.

What a shock Wang Lebang's performance had on Tian Xiao's spirit!

For the first time in her mind, the countless images of defending the family and the country appeared!

In the real face of war, even if there is a hail of bullets in front of you, even if there is continuous artillery fire in front of you, even if the stump in front of you is broken, even if there is blood in front of you...

These people are for a belief, for the belief of defending the family and the country, for the people they love, for their children and grandchildren...

Forge ahead, never showing fear in his eyes, go to death calmly, and use his own life to compose a true heroic song!

"Majestic and high-spirited, crossing the Yalu River..."

"Protecting peace, for the motherland, is to protect the hometown..."

"Good sons and daughters of China, unite together..."

The song that Grandma Wang would hum every morning suddenly sounded in Tian Xiao's mind.

In the blink of an eye, a big river appeared in my mind. Countless Chinese soldiers hummed songs, set foot on a foreign land with high fighting spirit and determination to win, just to defend the hard-won peaceful life.

Use my life and belief to defend the peace of my motherland, exchange for the well-being of my hometown, and protect the future of my people!

"Tian, ​​Tian Xiao, you...why are you crying?"

Suddenly, a classmate's voice came from his ear, Tian Xiao suddenly came back to his senses, but found that he had already burst into tears.

"No, it's alright..."

Tian Xiao quickly wiped away his tears and hurriedly pretended that nothing happened.

She suddenly understood why Lao Chen kept reading those books to herself.

After waiting until the end of get out of class, Tian Xiao came to the door of the office and closed the door lightly, "Mr. Chen."

Chen Chu couldn't help but stunned when he saw Tian Xiao.

Hey? It's not time to talk about the aftermath!

But Chen Chu didn't think too much about it, and hurriedly came to the door and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Teacher, I don't want to be a star anymore!"

Chen Chu was startled, and his face was filled with doubts for a while.

"and then?"

"I want to join the army and join the army to protect my family and the country."


Chen Chu's eyes widened, seeing Tian Xiao's serious face, Chen Chu's whole person was a little stupid for a while, "Ah? Why did you suddenly want to join the army?"

Tian Xiao's face was full of seriousness and said, "I suddenly figured it out!"

"This...this..." Chen Chu didn't know what to say for a while.

Why did you suddenly realize this?

It just caught me off guard!

"Teacher, didn't you give me those three books just to let me understand that only soldiers are the real stars?" Tian Xiao saw that Chen Chu's expression was not right, and he couldn't help but wonder, "Isn't it?"

"The teacher really wants you to understand this truth, cough cough... um, yes, I didn't waste my efforts, just have this consciousness!" Chen Chu said quickly, "But it's too early for you to join the army now. At the very least, you have to wait until you graduate high school and turn 17!"

"Well! I see, teacher."

Tian Xiao nodded slightly, then turned his head and headed towards the classroom.

"Tian Xiao, wait."

Tian Xiao turned his head to look at Chen Chu suspiciously.

"In the future, you don't need to talk to the teacher about your thoughts after reading." Chen Chu smiled, "Didn't you always want to find a teacher to learn close combat? On weekends, the teacher will come to Wang Lebang's house to train with you!"

"Okay!" Tian Xiaoyi was delighted, "The teacher taught me some great tricks!"

Chen Chu made an ok gesture, and Tian Xiao lost his form and went to the classroom with joy.

Chen Chu blinked his eyes.

Tian Xiao

Gender: Female

age 15

Virtue 60

Intelligence 66

Stamina 108

Aesthetic 60

state aversion to learning;

Fighting mastery (in this state, when you learn related skills in the field of fighting, your comprehension will increase by 500, and your physical strength will increase rapidly);

Awakening (in this state, virtue rises rapidly, speeding up the awakening of talent);

Bloodline of the King of Soldiers (in this state, enthusiasm for military subjects and learning efficiency are increased by 500)

no vice

Talented B-rank Soldier King

Learning Productivity 144

Overall evaluation: f

Chen Chu looked at Tian Xiao's state and couldn't help but be more puzzled.

At once……

He is fully prepared for a protracted battle with Tian Xiao. If he wants to stick to it for a year and a half, Tian Xiao's consciousness should be improved.

But I didn't expect Tian Xiao to suddenly have an epiphany today!

You make me so unprepared!

"Is this a good thing?"

Chen Chu touched his chin, and his expression was a little weird.

He felt that the time seemed a little too early.

Sure enough, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes.

Shaking his head slightly.

Forget it, let's go with the flow.

Anyway, if Master Pen is watching, there shouldn't be any trouble.


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