Cao Yunjing looked around, because it was a newly opened park and it was still time to eat, so not many people came.

"Long time no see, how are you doing?"

A low wolf whimper could be heard faintly from the glass end.

"That's good, that's good. I'll come to see you when I'm free in the future. Well, this place will be very safe, and no one will bully you."

The other wolves one after another came to sit in front of the glass one after another. After seeing Cao Yunjing, their eyes instantly became much kinder.

"Okay, you all seem to be doing well, so I'm relieved."

Cao Yunjing was relieved to see that this group of wolves were all healthy and had no problems.

When he left the zoo and was about to take a taxi back to school, Cao Yunjing suddenly received a call, and the caller was the policeman from the previous time.

"Brother Cao, didn't you say you wanted to go to the police dog training base last time?" The other party's laughter came from the other end of the phone. "It's already allowed over there. When you have time, I'll come and pick you up."

Cao Yunjing suddenly looked happy, and hurriedly said, "I'm in Jiangnan Zoo now, um, or I'll go over now!"

"Uh? Are you not going to class?"

"It's okay, I'll just ask for leave, our head teacher will definitely agree!"

The other party didn't ask much, and drove to Jiangnan Zoo to pick up Cao Yunjing. Cao Yunjing called Chen Chu to ask for leave. When Chen Chu heard that Cao Yunjing was going to visit the police dog training base, he naturally had no objection. , which made Cao Yunjing go.

It seems that Cao Yunjing took the words he said before in his heart.

This made Chen Chu feel quite relieved.

But the only thing that worries Chen Chu is that Cao Yunjing's talent is too special. If he goes to the police dog training base, there shouldn't be any trouble, right?


It didn't take long for Cao Yunjing to come to the police dog training base, but because the policeman who brought him was still on duty, naturally he couldn't take Cao Yunjing to visit, so he handed Cao Yunjing over to a policeman named Lin Zidong, forty. Next year, it happens to be specially trained police dogs.

However, Lin Zidong knew that Cao Yunjing was the high school student who helped detect the case of smuggling mixed-race wolves last time, so when he met Cao Yunjing, he couldn't help but boast.

After a few simple chats, the two quickly became acquainted.

Cao Yunjing called him Uncle Lin.

"I'm curious, why are you interested in the police dog training base?" Lin Zidong asked doubtfully. "To be honest, there really isn't much to see here except for dogs!"

Cao Yunjing grinned, "I just came to see the police dog."

"Your hobby is a little bit special!" Lin Zidong laughed and said, "These little guys are obedient only in front of their trainers. They are very fierce when they see strangers, so don't be frightened. Let's go!"

While walking, Cao Yunjing asked again, "Uncle Lin, what type of police dogs are we mainly training here?"

"There are all types, but most of them are tracking dogs and drug detection dogs."

There are four main types of police dogs: riot dogs, tracking dogs, bloodstained dogs, and anti-drug dogs.

Different types of work, different types of suitable.

At this moment, Lin Zidong had brought Cao Yunjing to the kennel. When he heard the movement, the whole kennel was full of barking sounds, and each kennel was blocked by a hollow iron gate.

"Oops! It's time for these guys to take their lunch break. They look very unhappy!"

Lin Zidong laughed and led Cao Yunjing around at the beginning, but this visit immediately made Lin Zidong feel that something was not right.

Originally thought that these little guys should be barking fiercely, but when they leaned over to take a look, they were wagging their tails and lying on the iron gate, screaming while sticking out their tongues.

He looks so happy and excited!

This made Lin Zidong feel very puzzled, and it was strange. If there were strangers in the kennel on weekdays, these little guys would definitely be ferocious, grinning and trying to bite. Excited and happy, it doesn't look fierce at all.


However, Lin Zidong didn't take it seriously, and soon led Cao Yunjing to the German Shepherd kennel he trained, but when he saw his German Shepherd, he was also very excited, lying on the railing, his tail wagging violently.

"This is the one I've been training for the longest, and I call him Laopi." Lin Zidong said with a strange expression, "but Laopi seems a little too happy today, um, you look very welcome, just in time. The training time is almost here, I will take Laopi to show you how the police dogs are trained."

"Okay, Uncle Lin!"

Cao Yunjing responded quickly, he naturally knew that these little guys were welcoming him, but he didn't dare to show any abnormality, lest he couldn't explain it clearly when he got an explanation.

"Old Pi, sit down!"

Lin Zidong quickly made a gesture, and the old man in the kennel quickly sat down, but he still stuck his tongue out, very excited. Lin Zidong took out the key and opened the door. The person just walked in and was about to fasten the chain. , who would have thought that as soon as the iron door opened, the old man inside ran out in a flash, causing Lin Zidong to change his face!

what happened?

On weekdays, no matter how active Lao Pi is, he will listen to Lin Zidong's words, and he will never make any overstepping actions.

It's a big trouble now!

"Brother Cao!"

Lin Zidong exclaimed and rushed out quickly, for fear that Lao Pi would bite when Cao Yunjing jumped up.

After all, Lao Pi is usually very fierce.

But when Lin Zidong came out, he found that Lao Pi was sitting in front of Cao Yunjing obediently, sticking out his tongue, wagging his tail frantically, and rubbing his head against Cao Yunjing's thigh, causing Cao Yunjing to smile awkwardly" Uncle Lin, it seems to like me!"

"Uh...uh...yes, I can see..." Lin Zidong was dumbfounded at once, and he coughed dryly when he turned around. He quickly pointed at Laopi, and said with a stern face, "Get down! Today you Why are you so disobedient, believe it or not, I will beat you?"

Lao Pi hurriedly fell down, and there was a whimper in his mouth.

Cao Yunjing on the side couldn't help coughing.

Maybe what others heard was just a simple dog barking, but what Cao Yunjing heard was probably... canine swearing.

Seeing that Laopi was finally honest, Lin Zidong quickly took the chain and fastened Laopi.

There is always a sigh of relief in my heart, fortunately there was no accident, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable!

But the more I think about it, the more it feels wrong!

He is so obedient today, how come Cao Yunjing is not honest today! ?

Did you eat the wrong thing?

"Brother Cao, you don't have anything on you, right?"

"No, no, I have nothing on me!"

Cao Yunjing quickly proved his innocence and flipped through his pockets.

"I'm afraid you have something on your body that can make dogs particularly excited and liked. This is a police dog base, and it's easy to get into trouble if you're not careful!"

Lin Zidong didn't think too much, after all, who would suspect a high school student who looked innocent?

Then, the two and one dog came to the training ground.

"Let Laopi warm up first."

Lin Zidong took out a tennis ball from his bag, and after shaking it in front of Lao Pi, he immediately threw it into the opposite Lin Zi, and then unbuttoned it.

"Old Pi, go!"

With an order, just when Lin Zidong felt that Laopi would plunge into the woods, he saw Laopi turned a corner and came to Cao Yunjing. He sat on his butt, wagged his tail, and stuck out his tongue crazily.

Lin Zidong looked at Cao Yunjing and Lao Pi with a confused expression.

Cao Yunjing scratched his head in embarrassment, and quickly defended, "Uncle Lin, this... Is there something wrong with Lao Pi? He seems to really like me."

"Something's not right, maybe there is something on your body that attracts him!" Lin Zidong came back to his senses and frowned, "Maybe it's the smell on your body?"

"I don't know either!" Cao Yunjing scratched his head and pretended to be foolish.

"Old Pi, come here!" Lin Zidong patted his thigh.

Lao Pi ignored Lin Zidong, glanced at Lin Zidong, and continued to lean beside Cao Yunjing.


Lin Zidong's face suddenly collapsed.

Damn, can even Dad admit that he's wrong?

You cry at the wrong grave, you know?

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