After sending Cao Yunjing back to school, Lin Zidong returned to the police dog training base and looked at the litter of little police dogs who were especially noisy on weekdays. After receiving Cao Yunjing's training, not only did he not make noise, but he had already learned everything. Actions and gestures.


Lin Zidong patted the ground like Cao Yunjing, and suddenly all the little police dogs sat on the ground.

"Get down."

"stand up!"

"Queue up..."

All the little police dogs are very obedient to carry out the orders, since Cao Yunjing explained that these little guys should be obedient before leaving.


Lin Zidong looked at this group of well-behaved little police dogs and couldn't help laughing for a while.

Mom! This is a bit wicked!

Lin Zidong felt that his training for half a year might not have this effect. As a result, Cao Yunjing came and trained for a few hours before he became like this.

Cao Yunjing's talent is simply that God is chasing after him to feed him!

If such a talented person is really drawn into the police dog training department, Lin Zidong can't even imagine what it would be like!

There are four major police dog training bases in the whole of China. The small training base in Jiangnan is not known at all. If Cao Yunjing can join the police dog training base in Jiangnan, it is said that China will soon have the fifth largest police dog training base.

And with Cao Yunjing's training speed, it can basically be said that as long as one litter is born, there will be a litter of police dogs that can be used, and there is no such thing as elimination.

Lin Zidong felt that this kind of talent must be fought for, but he was just a trainer, with more seniority. Naturally, he did not have the ability and rights. He still had to report this matter to the top, so he hurried to the training base. contacted the person in charge.

It didn't take long for the person in charge of the Jiangnan Police Dog Training Base to arrive.

"Lao Lin, why are you calling me over in such a hurry?"

The person in charge was not too young. He was in his fifties, and his hair was a little gray. He hurried over when Lin Zidong said there was something urgent.

"Go, open your eyes with you!"

Lin Zidong brought the person in charge to the kennel and saw the litter of small police dogs.

"What's wrong? Isn't this just out of the nest?"

"Look at it!"

Lin Zidong walked in and started giving orders. The little police dogs, who were still a little noisy, started to execute the order immediately after hearing the order. They were not obedient, and the person in charge was full of surprise when they saw it. Is this the effect?"

Lin Zidong asked back, "Do you think it's outrageous?"

"It must be outrageous to be trained like this just out of the nest!" The person in charge laughed, "But you are so experienced, it is not surprising that you can be trained like this! How did you train it? Did you learn any special skills? ?"

"I didn't train it at all!" Lin Zidong said with a wry smile, "Isn't there a visiting high school student at our base today? You approved this matter!"

"Yes, there is such a thing!" The person in charge came back to his senses and said stunned, "Don't you mean that the student who just came out of the nest was trained by the student?"

"That's it!" Lin Zidong shrugged and pointed to the little police dogs, "It took one or two hours to train like this!"

"Uh..." The person in charge shook his head and waved his hand, "Impossible, impossible, it will take at least half a year for this normal training to become... um... Really!?"

Seeing the serious look on Lin Zidong's face, the person in charge asked suspiciously.

"Would I joke with you about this kind of thing?" Lin Zidong said quickly, "I can't explain it clearly. Anyway, this kid seems to be close to animals by nature, and even the old skin sticks to him!"

"There is such a thing!?"

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it myself!" Lin Zidong reluctantly spread his hands, "So if there is such a talent, what are you going to do?"

"It goes without saying, it must have been snatched!" the person in charge said anxiously, "Which department... Hey, wait a minute, high school students? This is a bit of a hassle!"

"What's the specific situation?"

Lin Zidong explained what he had learned to the person in charge.

"I'm a sports student, and my academic performance doesn't seem to be very good." Lin Zidong raised his eyebrows and said, "Aren't you going to help me fight for it?"

"If this kid is as capable as you said, he will definitely fight for it!" The person in charge frowned. "Wait a minute, only you know about this, right?"

"En." Lin Zidong nodded slightly.

"I can ask a few old friends to see if I can win a spot. The profession of police dog technology is quite unpopular, I think it should be well-known!" The person in charge thought about it and quickly said, "But this is our brother. The two have to keep it a secret, and if I win it, I'll have to see with my own eyes what this kid is capable of!"

"Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with this, when I call someone over, you'll know it when you see it with your own eyes!" Lin Zidong hurriedly said, "No one else can learn this skill at all! We have to find his parents and take good care of them. Discuss and negotiate, and fight for it. When you graduate, you can get us here. Otherwise, the talents that have been cultivated with great difficulty will be robbed by the major bases. By then, we will not cry! Originally, there are not many of us here! "

"You first help to win the opportunity, and the rest will be discussed later!" Lin Zidong bowed to the person in charge, "You don't want to stay here forever! It's only fifty now! I won't say those pretty words anymore, let's talk about it. Actually, wait a few years for him to come to us after graduation, and he will definitely be able to get his grades soon, and you will definitely be commended by then, and you should be able to climb further!"

The person in charge raised his eyebrows, winked at Lin Zidong and said, "Then you will take my place, right?"

"If I have this opportunity, I will definitely take a seat! Who doesn't want to be a leader!" Lin Zidong laughed, "This matter is good for everyone anyway, and the most important thing is that we are also contributing to the country!"

The person in charge couldn't help but be happy.

"For your sake, I'll definitely fight for it! Well, tonight I'll go and have a good chat with my old classmates!"

"Okay, waiting for your good news!"


After Cao Yunjing returned from the police dog training base, Chen Chu naturally called Cao Yunjing over to ask.

"How is it? Is the police dog training base interesting?"

"Yes!" Cao Yunjing nodded slightly, "It's very interesting!"

"Then do you have any thoughts about going to the police academy now?"

Cao Yunjing scratched his head embarrassedly, "Yes, yes, but, Lao Cheng, you also know my grades..."

"Don't say that there are none of these!" Chen Chu waved his hand and said solemnly, "Deng Sijia's bail for Bei Wu, do you know?"

"Know, know."

Chen Chu couldn't help but ask, "To put it a bit harsher, Deng Sijia's academic performance is not as good as yours! She can recommend Bei Wu, why do you think you can't even get into a police academy?"

"This is not old Chen, you help her with tuition every day!"

"If you want to go to the police academy, I can help you with tuition every day, as long as you want!" Chen Chu said sternly, "How is it?"

Cao Yunjing was naturally a little unhappy when he heard that he was going to tutor, and hurriedly coughed and said, "Old Chen, let's talk about tutoring later! Besides, I don't have a chance to pass the tutoring! What if I forget about tutoring now?"

Chen Chu didn't know that Cao Yunjing resisted learning. After all, he always hated learning.

He didn't intend to force Cao Yunjing in this matter. Anyway, the direction was set. Since Cao Yunjing was willing to go to the police academy, it would not be too late to find time for tutoring in the future. It is indeed a little early.

"Okay, anyway, you learn to hurry up on weekdays!"

"Yes Yes."

Cao Yunjing hurriedly slipped out of the office.

Chen Chu is in a good mood. The seeds that he sowed in Cao Yunjing's heart have finally grown. It's good to have this idea.

Speaking of the police academy, Chen Chu thought of Warden Xu Da.

If Xu Tianhao really wanted to be a prison guard, he would definitely not be able to pass the political trial. After all, Xu Qiang had been in prison, and it is estimated that even the police academy might not pass the test.

Anyway, the normal way is definitely not into the prison system.

Therefore, I am afraid that this matter still needs the support of Guoan, but now there is no need to worry too much about this matter.

In fact, the one who needs the most attention right now is Liu Yuchen.

After hesitating for a while, Chen Chu planned to go to investigate Li Zhenhua's tone first, so he hurriedly set off towards the office of the third grade group.

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