After a long time, Liu Yuchen still has a good impression of Wang Xu, and Wang Xu is really good and treats her very well.

In my heart, I naturally don't want Wang Xu to embark on the road of breaking the law.

But Liu Yuchen didn't know how to deal with this problem for a while, and she wasn't sure whether Wang Xu was really doing something illegal, so she definitely couldn't just call the police at this moment, but she was afraid that something would really happen. There is no way to recover.

After thinking about it, Liu Yuchen quickly took out his mobile phone and called Chen Chu.

Chen Chu was asleep when he was woken up by the ringing of his mobile phone. He answered the phone in a daze and heard Liu Yuchen say, "Mr. Chen, I have something to tell you!"

Chen Chu quickly pulled himself together and asked, "What's the matter?"

After a moment of hesitation on the other end of the phone, Liu Yuchen said, "Teacher, it's about Wang Xu."

When Chen Chu heard Liu Yuchen's tone, it seemed that something was not right, and his face changed suddenly.

Even though Wang Xu has been warned so many times, this kid still dares to mess around! ?

After all, Wang Xu has a lot of bad habits.

"This little bastard didn't do anything to you, did he?"

"Ah...ah?" Liu Yuchen was stunned. "What? He didn't do anything to me!"

"Cough cough... No, it's okay." Chen Chu seemed to be thinking too much when he heard it. After all, if Wang Xu wanted to force him, he should not be able to beat Liu Yuchen, so he quickly coughed, "The teacher is on a lunch break, and his mind is a little confused! Did something happen?"

Liu Yuchen said what happened just now.

"Teacher, that chip is a very high-end chip, so it's very wrong, and Wang Xu's reaction is also very wrong..." Liu Yuchen said hesitantly, "I'm afraid that Wang Xu will go astray."

When Chen Chu heard this, he couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Can this little bastard Wang Xu save me some snacks?

As soon as Chen Chu guessed, he knew that this must be a matter of national security, and something like drones must be evidence.

Even taking these things to find Liu Yuchen, this is strictly calculated, it has already involved leaking, and even asked Liu Yuchen to dismantle the evidence.

Confidentiality agreement signed!

Moreover, Chen Chu knows that Wang Xu must have done it without telling the above. After all, Guoan will never allow such a situation.

It made Chen Chu so angry that he lost sleep for a while, no matter whether Wang Xu's intentions were good or bad, but at least he had to abide by legal procedures.

Especially in the future, Wang Xu will become a law enforcer. If Wang Xu himself does not obey the law, how can he expect ordinary people to obey the law!

No matter how complicated the procedure is, it represents a certain fairness and impartiality, as well as restraint.

Even if you don't want to go through complicated procedures, you have to get permission first, otherwise, if you really want to settle accounts, even Liu Yuchen may have to be involved.

The status of national security is not for you to do whatever you want.

This guy's legal awareness is too weak!

"It's okay, I already knew about this before!" Chen Chu suppressed his anger and said to Liu Yuchen as calmly as possible, "Wang Xu has already told me, and I know what's going on, so you Don't worry."

When Liu Yuchen heard this, he felt relieved.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Chu couldn't sleep, so he hurriedly called Wang Xu, only to find that Wang Xu's phone was on the phone, he frowned, feeling that there was no point in contacting Wang Xu at this time. Everything that the kid should do has been done, and now it is estimated that he has already taken credit for the obtained data.

Chen Chu couldn't help patting his head and resting his forehead. He had no choice but to call Feng Yuan and ask him to pick him up and go to Guoan.

Not long after, Chen Chu met Feng Yuan in the familiar parking lot.

Chen Chu smiled wryly, "Brother Feng."

"Let me guess!" Feng Yuan raised his eyebrows and said, "It's that kid Wang Xu who is in trouble again, right?"

"Yes..." Chen Chu sighed helplessly, "I have to see Sun Chu."


After all, Wang Xu's identity is now classified, and Feng Yuan naturally has signed a non-disclosure agreement.

It's just that now Wang Xu is in charge of Lu Chao, and he doesn't know what happened.


On the other side, Lu Chao's residence.

As soon as Lu Chao took Wang Xu into the room, Wang Xu couldn't wait to take out the computer and the chip.

When Lu Chao saw the chip that had been dismantled, his eyes could not help widening, "Why did you dismantle the chip? You are destroying evidence!"

"Don't worry, this chip is not broken!" Wang Xu hurriedly said, "I have read the data inside!"


Lu Chao hurriedly sat in front of Wang Xu, and saw that after Wang Xu turned on the computer, he turned over all the data in the chip.

Lu Chao checked it out, and he couldn't help but his face changed greatly, and he couldn't help but take a deep breath, "Hi!"

Seeing that Lu Chao's face was wrong, Wang Xu hurriedly asked, "Brother Chao, what's wrong?"

"My God, this data is so detailed?" Lu Chao couldn't help widening his eyes. "Even where to take off, when to take off, flight route... It is more detailed than the drone data intercepted before. Several times, once this data is controlled by foreign forces, our aviation field is almost transparent, and even our base may be exposed..."

"I have to report to the top immediately!" Lu Chao quickly picked up the phone to report the situation.

As soon as I heard the above, I was shocked. It was so much more detailed than the previous data! ?

Quickly let Lu Chao and Wang Xu take all the drones to Guoan for a second study and follow-up.

Seeing that the situation was so tense, Wang Xu couldn't help but feel a little smug in his heart.

Is this a great achievement?

When Lu Chao and Wang Xu arrived at Guoan, Lu Chao first let Wang Xu stay in the car to wait for the notification, and he immediately went to Guoan with all the drones and data.

Sitting in the car, Wang Xu was also bored. Lying on the chair, he was using his mobile phone to scan a small video. As a result, he turned his head and saw a very familiar face standing outside the car and staring coldly. He was so frightened that Wang Xu fell from the chair on the spot.

With a bang, the door of the van was pulled open, Wang Xu covered his chest and said with a wry smile, "Old Chen, you scared me to death!"

"The sound insulation of this car should be good, right?"

"Ah...that's fine."


Chen Chu closed the door.

After a long while, Chen Chu walked out of the car with a refreshing look on his face.

Sure enough, I felt a lot more comfortable in my heart.

"Why are you standing still! Why don't you come out quickly?"

Chen Chu spoke back angrily, and saw Wang Xu staggering out of the car, his little face so aggrieved.

Just now in the van, Wang Xu underwent a set of Chen Chu's method of relaxing tendons and activating blood, which was heart-wrenching.

It was Chen Chu who pinched the tendons and pulled the ligament again, which was probably equivalent to the total of thirty times Tian Xiao tortured him.

"What? Do you want to do it again?"

Wang Xu's whole body suddenly jolted, and he kept backing back in fright. He slammed into the door of the car all of a sudden, and waved his hands frantically, "No, no, no... No need, old Chen, I feel that the two veins of Ren and Governor have been opened up for many years! My rhinitis is cured all of a sudden!"

Chen Chu snorted coldly, "Come with me!"


Wang Xu quickly followed behind Chen Chu and entered a small conference room in the basement.

It's just that there was no one in the conference room, so Wang Xu was naturally a little confused. After seeing Chen Chu sitting down, he held his hands in silence. Wang Xu hurriedly sat aside, not daring to speak.

After a long while, Chen Chu said, "Did you read the data after removing it?"

"Well..." Wang Xu was taken aback for a moment, "Huh? Old Chen, how did you know?"

"Don't worry about how I knew." Chen Chu rolled his eyes angrily. "When you go back, recite the National Security Code and Criminal Law for me. I will check every day!"


"Not happy?" Chen Chu's eyes widened, angrily, "I'll relax your muscles again? Treat your cervical spine?"

"Back! Back! Back!" Wang Xu's face changed greatly in fright, "I'm back!"

Chen Chu gritted his teeth, and before that, he had to run to Sun to beg for mercy.

I haven't come to Guoan a few times, and most of them are begging for you.

It's really... heartbreaking!

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