The matter of Li Yiyang made Chen Chu feel very bad.

Now the police are investigating and collecting evidence. Chen Chu does not know what the specific situation is. However, as far as Chen Chu understands, Li Yiyang belongs to the group of students who have not changed, so in Chen Chu's view, this I'm afraid the matter has nothing to do with Li Yiyang.

What can Chen Chu do when things get to this point?

However, this incident also reminded Chen Chu. In order to prevent the students from repeating the same mistakes and repeating the tragedy of Li Yiyang, Chen Chu has decided to let Xu Tianhao teach the rest of the seventh class.

Now Xu Tianhao's ability is already in control, and even his power can be controlled.

Make you peaceful makes you peaceful, shame makes you shame, and most importantly doesn't have a cooldown like an epic education skill.

To a certain extent, Xu Tianhao has even mastered the 'mythical education skills'.

When it was time for class, Chen Chu began to look for the next person to educate.

First educate the group of students with the lowest morality!

But when Chen Chu opened the teacher's eyes, he immediately discovered anomalies.

He seldom used the teacher's eyes to observe the state of the students. Even when he observed, he focused on the few students who had been gifted with talent before, and other students had little meaning to observe.

But when he saw it today, Chen Chu was a little stunned.

Luo Hao

Sex: Male

age 15

Virtue 68

Intelligence 51

Stamina 52

Aesthetic 48

state aversion learning

Ignore bad habits

no talent

Learning Effectiveness 217

Comprehensive evaluationf

How can virtue be so much higher?

Chen Chu looked at other people, and the other values ​​were normal and low, but their virtues were all high.

The most outrageous thing is that Yan Mao, who has been dozing all the time, has 81 virtues!

Um! ?

After a moment's astonishment, Chen Chu suddenly woke up and glanced in the direction of Xu Tianhao subconsciously.

Xu Tianhao's smile was just an inadvertent glance from Chen Chu.

"It's definitely Xu Tianhao! Otherwise, it's impossible for virtue to rise so much!"

"And this is not one person or two, but the students in the whole class are extremely virtuous!"

"So, Xu Tianhao should have secretly educated all the people in Class 7 when he was not paying attention!"

"The most outrageous thing is that I didn't even notice it, and I didn't notice any abnormality in any of the students!"

A few thoughts flashed in Chen Chu's mind, and when he came back to his senses, he was overwhelmed with relief.

Before I told Xu Tianhao not to attack the students in Class 7, it was mainly because he was afraid that Xu Tianhao's indoctrination power would be too strong, and he was afraid of educating all the students in Class 7 to be peaceful.

I would like to talk about how the students in Class 7 seem to be honest during this period. I thought it was Xu Tianhao’s deterrent effect as a disciplinary committee member, but I didn’t expect Xu Tianhao to silently educate everyone. !

Chen Chu's heart was naturally very moved, and there was no blame at all.

It was at this moment that Chen Chu suddenly realized something.

its not right!

Xu Tianhao was soaked in rain and dew, so he definitely didn't let Li Yiyang go.

It stands to reason that Li Yiyang's virtue should also be on the high side, but police officer Long said that he was drunk and troubled.

After all, there are a lot of people who make trouble after drinking alcohol with peaceful people on weekdays.

After thinking about it, Chen Chu decided to go to the police station and asked for leave after class.

Deduction of wages is deduction of wages.

Chen Chu didn't care so much. He came to the police station and found Officer Long first. Because he was still in the process of investigating and collecting evidence, Li Yiyang was still in custody for the time being. Fortunately, because of the relationship with Officer Long, he quickly I saw Li Yiyang.

When he saw Li Yiyang, this kid was sitting in the detention room with his head lowered and silent. He heard the movement and then raised his head. When he saw that Chen Chu was coming, he was stunned for a moment. He lowered his head and said nothing.

Chen Chu decisively opened the teacher's eyes and glanced.

Name Li Yiyang

Sex: Male

age 15

Virtue 78

Intelligence 52

Stamina 55

Aesthetic 51

state aversion learning

Ignore bad habits

no talent

Learning Efficiency 88

Comprehensive evaluationf


Yan Mao and Li Yiyang definitely received special attention from Xu Tianhao, and their virtues are almost catching up with the students after rising stars!

Officer Long brought Chen Chu a chair and said, "Xiao Chen, half an hour."

"Yes, yes, thank you Brother Long."

Officer Long didn't say much, then closed the door and walked out.

There was a sudden silence in the house.

After a long while, Chen Chu suddenly said, "Do you remember what happened last night?"

Li Yiyang hesitated for a moment before saying, "I don't remember very well, drink, drink too much..."

As he spoke, Li Yiyang suddenly raised his head, but he stopped talking.

"What's wrong?"

"I really didn't want to hurt anyone!" Li Yiyang bit his lip, and his eyes suddenly turned red. "Teacher, I really don't want to go to jail!"

"It's useless to talk about this now, things have already happened!" Chen Chu said with a cold face, "Crying doesn't help!"

Li Yiyang held back the tears, but did not let himself cry, he lowered his head and covered his face with his hands, looking extremely regretful.

Chen Chu frowned and remained silent.

Although there are many doubts in the monitoring, the fact that Li Yiyang intentionally hurt people does exist.

But Chen Chu naturally had no way of knowing the specific situation, and he, a teacher, naturally had no right to adjust the monitoring.

Judging from the information Chen Chu has obtained so far, Li Yiyang did it because he had an argument with the boss, but Officer Long still revealed a small word, the boss is a strong-looking middle-aged man. A young man, and when he started to monitor the blind spot, he could only see the back.

There is a lot of information in this sentence!

Li Yiyang is not tall and strong, and his strength is definitely not as strong as the other party's, and he is in a state of drinking too high.

In this state, Li Yiyang actually stabbed the opponent head on!

This in itself is very wrong...

Anyway, Officer Long's words immediately made Chen Chu realize that there was something wrong with the boss.

"You are here to reflect and reflect!" Chen Chu suddenly stood up and said, "If you are really guilty, the law will naturally not let you go, but if you are really wronged, the law will naturally return you to innocence!"

"See if you dare to drink in the future!"

Chen Chu scolded angrily, turned around and walked out. After meeting with Officer Long, he asked about the boss's situation.

"I'm awake, I can't tell you the specifics." Officer Long frowned. "Anyway, I thought there was a problem, and then Li Yiyang's parents went over to apologize in person, and they were willing to bear all the losses and proposed a reconciliation."

Officer Long looked around and secretly stretched out two fingers, "20 million!"

"But the boss was unwilling to reconcile, saying that he must bring Li Yiyang to justice and never let Li Yiyang commute his sentence."

Chen Chu's eyes widened, 20 million won't reconcile?

"I've dealt with so many cases, and this is the first time I've seen such a high compensation amount..." Officer Long lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and said, "Anyway, I don't understand, after all, no one died. It's just that he was injured himself, and the compensation of 20 million should be reconciled, anyway, I will definitely be happy to replace it with me!"

These words are very common in Officer Long's mouth, and it is estimated that he has seen similar things a lot.

Chen Chu naturally did not understand, "Is he too young?"

"It shouldn't be." Officer Long shook his head and frowned. "But I didn't feel how much hatred he had from his testimony. We are still looking for clues to see if we can find any clues. That's all I can tell you. , you don't need to worry too much about this matter, anyway, we can definitely find out if there is a problem, it's just a matter of time."

"Yes Yes."

"Brother Long, I beg you one more thing, can you tell me which hospital that boss is staying in now?"

"Why are you asking this?"

"I went over to take a look. Li Yiyang is still my student. I, as a teacher, also have the responsibility of improper education."

Officer Long patted Chen Chu on the shoulder, "You are a teacher who really cares about what you do. It's not a big deal. I have to go to the hospital to change shifts later. You can go with me."

"it is good!"

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