And that night, Hu Haiying also informed Deng Wei of the good news.

When Deng Wei first heard it, he couldn't believe it, because he felt that his problem was very serious.

Deng Wei was naturally very excited, and quickly said, "Professor Hu, thank you, thank you so much!"

"It's not just me that you want to thank!" Professor Hu said with a smile, "It was a little troublesome, but your head teachers went to the Kunhai Education Bureau, and even took out their teacher qualification certificates to help you guarantee. , so that the Kunhai Education Bureau is willing to speak for you."

"Son, you really met a good teacher!" Hu Haiying said, "Take this opportunity and don't let it go!"


Deng Wei responded with a red eye.

I was probably a little touched when I heard that Lao Chen went to the Kunhai Education Bureau to use the teacher's qualification certificate as a guarantee.

Wiping away his tears, Deng Wei tried his best to make his voice seem calmer.

After talking to Professor Hu, I called Chen Chu.

Chen Chu was drinking and bragging with Dong Ziqiang, when he saw Deng Wei calling and answered the phone, "Deng Wei, what's the matter?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, before a crying voice came, "Old Chen, thank you."

Chen Chu smiled, "I won't say more, just try to make me proud of you in the future."


After hanging up the phone, Chen Chu was naturally full of relief.

pretty good.

It would be great if there were a few more peace-of-mind like Deng Wei from Class 7.

I still haven't figured out how to pave the way! Deng Wei himself would go for a walk.

Well, the teacher's house can be crowdfunded with your walking bonus.


The next morning, Chen Chu took the high-speed train back to Jiangnan.

Of course, the first thing I did when I returned to Jiangnan was to prepare for a home visit.

Don't worry about Zhuang Rou's side for the time being, and play outside with Sima Qing and others.

Because I had already contacted Sun Jiaojiao's parents yesterday, Chen Chu can come to Sun Jiaojiao's house this afternoon and meet his father Sun Qunce and mother Xu Xiaolin.

The meeting went smoothly, but before Chen Chu could speak, she saw Sun Jiao's petite face beside her with nervousness, her eyes staring like copper bells.

Seeing Sun Jiaojiao's inexplicable expression, the mother Xu Xiaolin was stunned for a moment and whispered, "What are you doing?"

"It's okay, I'll listen next to it."

"Then why are you showing such an expression?"

I'm staring at Lao Chen!

What if Lao Chen wants you two to cry on a whim?

I can't stare at this, just in case!

At this moment, Chen Chu had already spoken to Sun Qunce, but he didn't care about Sun Jiaojiao beside him.

Naturally, Chen Chu had already thought about his speech and had a basic understanding of the family profile.

Including the situation of the grandparents' generation, it is also necessary to make a simple record.

Sun Qunce felt that something was wrong.

"Mr. Chen, why do you need to know about the previous generation?"

Chen Chu smiled and said, "It's like this, children are more or less inherited from their parents and grandparents. I understand, or your parents usually observe to see if your children have some talents. If there is, I can help to guide in time.”

Sun Qunce gave a wry smile, glanced at Sun Jiaojiao next to her, and fell into silence.


Sun Jiaojiao felt that she had been offended.


dad! I am your own daughter!

How can you be silent at such a time?

You have to praise me! Praise to death!

I have many advantages!


Seeing that the whole family fell into silence, Chen Chu coughed. As expected, he couldn't ask such a topic, and hurriedly said, "Well, two parents, let's talk about our ancestors, shall we?"

"I know about Sun Jiaojiao's grandparents and grandparents. Of course, I don't need to be specific. I just need to know about my occupation."

Sun Qunce thought about it and said, "My parents are nothing special. They are both retired employees working in the factory. If there is anything special, the two of them met together when they were playing volleyball in the factory. My mother volleyball. Well played, does that count?"

"Forget it." Chen Chu quickly took the notes and asked again, "How is the situation with grandparents?"

"The situation with my father-in-law and mother-in-law is different. My father-in-law is a retired athlete and went to work at the Southwest Sports Bureau. My mother-in-law..." Sun Qunce turned his head and asked Xu Xiaolin, "What does mother do?"

"I worked in the factory and changed several units later. It's normal if you don't remember." Xu Xiaolin said, "It doesn't feel special."

"Teacher Chen, that's it."

"Okay, okay."

There are still quite a few factors involved in the budding state of talent, and there must be a certain connection between the genes of the ancestors.

The ancestors of Zhuang Rou's family have strong motor nerves, and there is even a grandfather who retired as a professional athlete.

Chen Chu quickly knew it in his heart.

After the home visit, Chen Chu was about to leave.

The couple held back for a while and let Chen Chu have a meal, and they were very grateful to Chen Chu in their hearts.

After all, their children have changed so much. As parents, they know very well what role Chen Chu played in it. It is impossible to say without leaving a meal.

Chen Chu declined, saying that there were other students' matters to deal with, and left in a hurry.

As soon as he left, Chen Chu immediately called Tian Xiao's parents.

There is no need for home visits for the time being, and we will talk about it later.

The main purpose now is to summon Tian Xiao.

Chen Chu was going to ask Tian Xiao to help train Sun Jiaojiao for a Dragon King-style training.

The specific training method Chen Chu already knew in his heart, and the training venue was decided at the school.

Others are not easy to borrow. Is the indoor gymnasium of No. 1 Middle School not easy to borrow?

The physical education teacher has a key, just find the physical education teacher Li Ke.

All kinds of training equipment are available.

Chen Chu didn't plan to call Wang Lebang anymore, there's no need, Tian Xiao alone is enough.

Besides, Wang Lebang has to fight crime, so there is no need to waste Wang Lebang's time.

This was not discussed with Tian Xiao's parents. It happened that Tian Xiao was still staying in Jiangnan and was caught by Chen Chu.

Early the next morning, the school's indoor gym.

Tian Xiao and Sun Jiaojiao were both called.

Having to go back to school on vacation is not something to be happy about for the two of them.

Tian Xiao asked, "Old Chen, what are you doing?"

Chen Chu pointed at Sun Jiaojiao.

Disc her!

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