Li Yiyang is now entering an unknown state.

Li Yiyang couldn't explain this state at all, and he could only blame all the reasons for Lao Chen's actions on him.

This unknown state is very miraculous. When Li Yiyang senses the pulse, and starts to review the other's physical condition through all means such as watching, hearing, asking, and cutting, the internal structure of the other's body will be constructed in his mind, and after countless trainings, Li Yiyang has been able to completely control this special state.

He named this state modeling.

As the name suggests, in the modeling state, he can construct the body structure of the other party in his mind at the same time, and once he enters the modeling state, he seems to have the perspective of God, and he can observe wherever he wants to observe. The internal situation of the opponent's body is at a glance.

This feeling is so wonderful that at first Li Yiyang wondered if he had some kind of delusion.

After a long while, Li Yiyang withdrew his hand, and a complete model of Aunt Li had already been constructed in his mind.

Only then did the massage begin, and when her hands touched Aunt Li's waist, the model she built began to change.

Countless muscles and blood vessels changed with his movements.

Amazingly amazing.

This made Li Yiyang recall that when he first entered the modeling state, he felt exhausted and even had a headache in less than ten seconds.

Obviously, modeling the state is very energy-intensive, and the brain is overwhelmed by processing so much information at the same time.

So that when he first entered the modeling state, Li Yiyang slept for almost a day before recovering.

This is why Li Yiyang stays at home every day.

In order to exercise your mental strength, you need an environment where you can rest at any time.

This has been tossing until now, and now Li Yiyang has been able to maintain a stable modeling state for a long time after numerous exercises. From the first ten seconds to now, he has been able to persist for two hours. about.

Two hours is the current limit of Li Yiyang, beyond this limit, Li Yiyang will be dizzy.

Clearly overused.

But at least Li Yiyang has found a way to exercise.

And through this kind of exercise, he found that his memory has also been greatly improved, and even many things that he could not remember before can be awakened at once.

Li Yiyang finally knew why all the students in his class looked abnormal.

After being manipulated by Lao Chen, there will be more or less such wonderful and special... abilities?

Li Yiyang didn't know, so he didn't ask much.

Although Lao Chen pretends to be foolish all day long, he knows it in his heart.

Since all this was given to him by Lao Chen, he naturally could not live up to Lao Chen's wishes.

Li Yiyang was not interested in Lao Chen's methods, nor did he want to find out.

After finally getting this special ability, it's not stupid, and I asked Lao Chen if he did it?

Old Chen Yi is not happy, you know too much, take back your special abilities and erase your memory! ?

And then everything went back! ?

When his brain is exhausted, he will go to Chen Chu for a showdown. Li Yiyang doesn't want to do this kind of loss-making business.

Pretending to be confused is the wisest choice.

After Li Yiyang massaged for about ten minutes, Aunt Li also felt that the pain in her waist had gradually eased a lot.

And it actually felt a little warm in the waist.

This feels even more miraculous.

"Aunt Li, how do you feel?"

Aunt Li had a happy look on her face, "Aiya! Yi Yang, you are really amazing! I feel so much better now, it doesn't hurt as much as before! It's been a long time since I've felt so comfortable."

"Aunt Li, this massage can only temporarily relieve your pain, and I can't give you massage every day. In this way, I will give you a prescription, and you can continue drinking it every day. If you insist on drinking it for a month, your condition will worsen. If the degree of improvement is improved, you must also cooperate with some corresponding exercises." Li Yiyang smiled, "Although there is no way to achieve a complete radical recovery, it can minimize your pain."

"Yi Yang, thank you so much! I don't even know how to thank you!"

"Aunt Li, you're welcome, these are my thanks for eating this meal for nothing!"

Anyway, Aunt Li seems to be much more refreshed now than before. At least the pain in the waist has been reduced a lot, and it is not as uncomfortable as before. Li Yiyang also quickly wrote the prescription, so that Aunt Li must follow the prescription. The cooking time should also be controlled within half an hour.

Aunt Li happily put away the prescription, and said that she would go to the pharmacy in the town to pick up the medicine tomorrow, and then went to cook again.

Li Yiyang was also a little tired, and hurriedly sat down to rest.

Yan Mao hurriedly came over, blinked and asked, "You can learn this well!"

"A million times stronger than you!"

Yan Mao pouted, "Okay, you can just shy, don't worry, I will definitely go to you when you become blind and open a massage shop for the blind!"

"Then I'll go buy pork from you when you kill the pig."

The two compared their middle fingers to each other.

Coldly, Xu Tianhao's voice came from his ears, "Don't quarrel between classmates, just love each other..."

The two men, who were holding their middle fingers, shivered involuntarily, and then hurriedly leaned against each other's shoulders.

"Hehe, Brother Hao, our relationship is getting old!"

"Yes, yes, the relationship is very good, even more than a brother!"

Xu Tianhao on the side smiled slightly.


When it was time to eat, the Eight Immortals table in Aunt Li's house was full. Probably Aunt Li was very happy today, so she specially prepared a lot of side dishes.

After waiting for the dishes to be ready, Aunt Li hurriedly greeted everyone to eat.

Wang Lebang started to devour for a while, and his mouth was full of oil, but he still smiled at Aunt Li, "Aunt Li, it's delicious!"

Aunt Li was already used to Wang Lebang's attitude, and hurriedly said, "Eat slowly, don't choke!"


Yan Mao and Li Yiyang on the side were helpless again, and decided to stay away from Wang Lebang.

We don't know this man.

Eating is like fleeing.

However, just as they were eating, anxious shouts came from outside the house.

When Aunt Li heard this, she hurried out the door, only to see that a fellow villager was calling her.

Seeing the anxious look on the fellow's face, Aunt Li hurriedly asked, "What's up!?"

"Uncle Fu is gone." The fellow hurriedly walked forward, "Let's go and have a look!"

As soon as Aunt Li heard this, it was worth it, and hurriedly followed the fellow.

On the other hand, Yan Mao, who was eating in the house, was slightly startled, and he got up quickly without thinking, "I know Mr. Fu, I'll go take a look!"

Li Yiyang frowned slightly, "I'll go with you!"


"Hey! Wait for me later!" Wang Lebang quickly wiped the oil from his mouth with a paper, and followed with his hind feet.

Seeing this, Xu Tianhao smiled at Aunt Li's two sons.

"You guys stay at home, don't run around."

The two sons spoke in unison, smiling hilariously.


Xu Tianhao was stunned for a moment, and when he saw that the two children seemed to be trying their best to imitate him, he couldn't help laughing and crying.

"Say well."


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