After thinking about it, Chen Chu felt that he could give it a try.

Anyway, the number of ornaments in the inventory is enough, and there are enough teaching points.

After all, in addition to the big brother in the list, many people in Class 7 are now producing teaching points.

Among them, the eldest brother accounted for 90, and the remaining 10 belonged to other children.

While Zhuang Rou was experimenting, Chen Chu also turned his attention to the inventory.

There is no need for a lottery for the time being, because it is difficult to ship through the lottery. Anyway, since he drew the Jiuqu Yellow River Pen, Chen Chu felt that his European energy had been used up, even if he used the advanced lottery mode, but it was also Nothing special came out.

Maybe it's because he didn't sacrifice Zhao Yizhou?


Would you like to sacrifice Zhao Yizhou in his next life?

Chen Chu shook his head slightly, let's not engage in these metaphysical things, let's be serious, anyway, there is a big brother in the list, and there is no shortage of teaching points.

Chen Chu naturally first aimed at the globe, his lifelong enemy.

First, come out with the entire ss epic globe and see what effect it has.

Even the mythical level.

Because of the existence of the pen master, Chen Chu was afraid that after upgrading to a mythical ornament, the long legs of the globe would run away by itself, and he might not be able to manage it.

Upgrading ornaments requires ornaments of the same level as materials, and the higher the level, the more materials are required, and the teaching points increase geometrically.

This breath of maturity raised the globe to level B, and everything went well.

After tossing out several B-level globes, I tried to upgrade to A-level, and then the system popped up a prompt.

There is a certain chance of failure when upgrading to level A. If you fail, the materials will disappear and teaching points will not be returned.


I knew the system would definitely do this!

In order to earn teaching points, there is no need to do anything, so you are starting to set me up here, right?

But Chen Chu doesn't matter anymore, anyway, he is rich and powerful at the moment.


The upgrade was successful, and a Grade A globe was obtained

Chen Chu was overjoyed, and he didn't look at the attributes of the A-level globe. What he needed was an epic-level ornament.

The reason is very simple, the restriction effect of epic ornaments will be lifted.

The decorations below the epic level can only be effective in the classroom, but the decorations above the epic level only need to be placed indoors, which means that it can also be placed in any room.

Chen Chu can also bear the price of upgrading to A-level. After all, one upgrade is about 100,000 teaching points. It doesn’t matter if it fails, but the price of upgrading to S-level has increased tenfold, about one million. It feels like a loss to fail.

But at this point, Chen Chu couldn't care less.


This dazzling, unknowingly has passed half an hour.

"Depend on!"

Chen Chu couldn't help but scolded, and Zhuang Rou, who was experimenting on the side, suddenly froze and looked at Chen Chu in panic, "Old, old Chen? Did I do something wrong?"

After all, it was the first time that Zhuang Rou heard Lao Chen being rude, and she felt a little uneasy in her heart.

"'s okay, it's okay..." Chen Chu returned to his senses and waved his hands quickly, barely pulling out a smile, "You continue, I'll go out for a walk and get some air."

"oh oh……"

Seeing Chen Chu turn her head and leave, Zhuang Rou's expression is a little weird.

what's up?

Zhuang Rou sneaked her head out and glanced, and saw that Chen Chu went to sit in the small garden on the top floor, looking a little ugly, and muttered in her mouth, "Why is the probability so low!? No, I will fight you today. It's gone!"

"I will sacrifice Zhao Yizhou to be single for 50 years in the next life, let me do it!"

The next moment, Zhuang Rou saw Chen Chu slapping the table angrily, and couldn't be in a hurry.

"Fuck! Failed again!"

"I fucking..."


Zhuang Rou felt that Lao Chen was a little abnormal today. She couldn't hear what Lao Chen was shouting, but she could see that Lao Chen was very anxious and irritable.

Zhuang Rou returned to the laboratory nervously for a while.


Zhuang Rou frowned.

Old Chen, is this... is menopause coming?

As far as Zhuang Rou knows, not only women will have menopause, but men will also have menopause.

How old Chen's attitude looks like menopause!

Zhuang Rou quickly took out her mobile phone to check the information.

Male menopause is caused by many factors. In addition to age factors, there are often the following situations where work and life stress is high; chronic diseases, such as diabetes, depression, cardiovascular disease, etc.; unhealthy lifestyles, such as smoking, alcoholism, etc.; poor living environment; lack of sports ; Abdominal obesity, etc.

Zhuang Rou glanced at it, Lao Chen's body is very healthy, and he doesn't have any bad lifestyle, and he has been exercising for a long time, which means... work and life are under great pressure...

Thinking of this, Zhuang Rou felt guilty.

It must be that Old Chen is too worried, too much pressure?

Thinking about it carefully, yes, Lao Chen has to take care of so many people in Class 7 by himself. Even if he is on vacation, he never goes home and stays in Jiangnan to take care of the people in Class 7. He runs around, and the people in Class 7 are not allowed to let him. Peace of mind, how could Lao Chen not be under too much pressure! ?

Thinking of this, Zhuang Rou's heart is even more unpleasant.

Old Chen urges me to study every day, but my progress has not been obvious. Old Chen must be anxious in his heart, but he has always been very gentle and never showed any impatience. He must have buried all the negative emotions by himself. In my heart, I couldn't solve it, and it gradually turned into stress over time.

No, I have to make Lao Chen happy! Find a way to make Lao Chen happy!

Zhuang Rou suddenly made up her mind secretly, from today onwards, she will read carefully, at least to make Lao Chen happy.

Thinking about it, Zhuang Rou's eyes turned red and she couldn't help covering her mouth.

She is really lucky to meet Lao Chen in this life.

Chen, I will try my best not to disappoint you.


in the small garden.

Because of the continuous upgrade failure, Chen Chu's mentality is indeed a little broken.

good guy!

Now there is only one S-class globe, and the upgrade conditions require thirty-six S-class ornaments and teaching points.

Not to mention the rest, the A-level upgrade to the S-level has failed 23 times in a row, and hundreds of A-level ornaments are gone!

This is not to mention the cost of upgrading the ornaments, half an hour, at least 40 to 50 million teaching points are gone.

It would be too pitiful to be angry with Chen Chu.

"System, why don't you just ask for a price, how many teaching points does an epic globe cost? Don't be disgusting with me! Can't I just buy it?"

The system cannot understand the host's speech


You're just being silly, aren't you?

Last time I managed to make some money, something happened right away, you told me you didn't understand, and now you're pretending to be stupid again?

 ̄︿ ̄

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