Tian Xiao and Sun Jiaojiao didn't have such an opinion.

It just so happens that they haven't discussed what to do next, so let's fight together.

Since they were going to play badminton with Tian Xiao and Sun Jiaojiao, the team naturally had to make some arrangements.

Originally, Pan Qing and the other three teachers were planning to play doubles, but now that Tian Xiao and Sun Jiaojiao were added, they would not be able to play doubles, otherwise these two little girls would have no experience at all.

As soon as everyone discussed it, let's play singles, get on and off the court, and take turns.

Tian Xiao and Sun Jiaojiao didn't really care, the six of them were just rock-paper-scissors to decide the order of going off and on.

Soon, Pan Qing and another male teacher appeared first.

The next one is Sun Jiaojiao.

Tian Xiao's luck was so bad, he came up with a fist and was the last in line.

It doesn't matter.

Pan Qing and the male teacher started fighting, and they didn't follow the rules of the game, so they went off the court with five balls.

Not to mention, Sun Jiaojiao and Tian Xiao saw that Pan Qing was quite strong at badminton, but the male teacher was much weaker. After only a few minutes of effort, he was killed by a few smashes by Pan Qing.

Next, it was Sun Jiaojiao's turn. She came to the opposite side with a badminton racket. Pan Qing saw that the opposite Sun Jiaojiao was soft and weak, and said in a gentle voice, "Don't be nervous! Exercise! It's nothing. Contest!"


Sun Jiaojiao smiled and nodded, and with a slight bow, she took a stance, ready to compete.

Pan Qing smiled, this little girl is quite a posture!

Huh, it's good.

Pan Qing also put on a stance, grabbed the ball and swung the ball when he was ready, then gently threw the ball in the direction of Sun Jiaojiao.

The moment the ball is released, it crosses the net.

Sun Jiaojiao's eyes narrowed, her whole body changed completely, her legs suddenly jumped with force, she raised her left hand to keep her balance, and her right hand grabbed the badminton racket and charged back!

Pan Qing didn't come back to her senses at all, but as soon as it got dark, she saw Sun Jiaojiao suddenly leap up like a beast, an indescribably strong aura that made Pan Qing startled for a moment.

Violent smash!


With a crisp sound, the badminton swept through the air, swiped directly past Pan Qing's face, and landed instantly.


A quiet needle drop could be heard in the audience for a while.

Pan Qing's eyes were a little dull, and the three teachers who were watching the game from the sidelines were also buzzing.

People are stupid.

Just, what happened just now! ?

As soon as Sun Jiaojiao landed, she looked a little panicked, "Mr. Pan, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!"

Just now, the badminton ball was obviously rubbing Pan Qing's face, making Sun Jiaojiao a little overwhelmed.

Because he had been playing with Tian Xiao for too long, he tried his best every time he swung the racket, which also made Sun Jiaojiao unable to control her strength at all.

"No, it's alright..."

Pan Qing suddenly came back to his senses, turned his head to look at the badminton behind him, and then turned to look at Sun Jiaojiao, feeling a bit outrageous.

How could this little girl have such a terrifying explosive power?

Not to mention these, the momentum just now really made Pan Qing a little... panic.

Who would have thought that the little girl who looked delicate and soft in front of her would burst out with the same aura as a beast!

Pan Qing hurriedly picked up the ball and waved at Sun Jiaojiao.

"It's okay, it's okay, you little girl can play ball!" Pan Qing came back to his senses, with an expression of surprise and joy on his face, "How long have you been practicing?"

Sun Jiaojiao was a little embarrassed by this sudden compliment, "I haven't studied for a long time, I'm just a newbie!"

Pan Qing laughed when he heard it.

Yo! This little girl is so humble!

"Keep going."

"it is good!"

Pan Qing quickly adjusted her mind, gave the badminton to Sun Jiaojiao, and let Sun Jiaojiao serve, she really didn't dare to be careless at all, she quickly straightened her posture, her eyes suddenly became serious.

A stance like an enemy.

Sun Jiaojiao served the ball, but Pan Qing stopped letting it go. As soon as Sun Jiaojiao served the ball, Pan Qing hurriedly cut it in the opposite direction.

With a light cut, the ball fell to the ground as soon as it crossed the net, while Sun Jiaojiao stepped forward to pick it up, Pan Qing had already jumped!

Veteran swings.


Also a smash comeback!

However, what Pan Qing never expected was that Sun Jiaojiao had caught up in this situation!

A step back, swing!


Instantly hit the badminton back!

The three teachers outside the field exclaimed instantly, looking in disbelief.

After all, the speed of Pan Qing's ball just now was so fast that their eyes didn't even catch up. Sun Jiaojiao was able to hit back in this situation! ?

Fortunately, Pan Qing's professional quality was there, and it was too late to be surprised, and the whole person had already reacted.

The advantage is mine!

Pan Qing saw the opportunity and got up and jumped again, dunking again.


Sun Jiaojiao picked it up again, and tossed the ball back with all her might to keep the distance.

For a time, the whole stadium was a crisp spiking sound.

The three teachers outside the field were all numb.

When Pan Qing was young, he was a retired badminton player from the provincial team!

It was only when I was older that I was coordinated by the body to become a teacher in No. 1 Middle School.

Vice President of Jiangnan Badminton Association!

Or one of the coaches of the city team!

Although it is said that he is old and his physical functions are not as good as before, his professionalism is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

I have known Pan Qing for so long, and I have never seen Pan Qing so serious!

The second ball was played for more than two minutes, and finally because Pan Qing made a mistake, the ball stopped before it crossed the net.


Pan Qing's breathing was naturally a little short, his head was covered with sweat, and because of so many consecutive spikes, his right hand had lost some strength.

Haven't played so hard in years.

Glancing at Sun Jiaojiao across from her, she saw that Sun Jiaojiao's face was neither red nor out of breath, her eyes... were indescribably terrifying.


It seems to be waiting for Pan Qing to continue serving.

Seeing this, Pan Qing felt a little complicated.

Why does she look so delicate and cute... She seems to be a different person when she starts playing.

Although the skills are not very good, the body control and reaction ability... are ridiculously strong!

At this moment, Tian Xiao's voice suddenly came from outside the arena, "Teacher Pan, don't let Sun Jiaojiao! Quick, kill her! I'll fight you!"

Pan Qing was startled, turned his head and glanced at Tian Xiao outside the court, but saw Tian Xiao's small face bursting with excitement, holding the racket in one hand, as if he couldn't wait to play with him on the court.

Seeing that Pan Qing's strength is so strong, and his skills are super good, Tian Xiao is eager to try...

Pan Qing was a little dazed.

Looking at the appearance of these two little girls, they are cute and loving, and they speak like a spoiled child.

"We play super fierce~"

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