After all, this matter can't be hidden, Yuan Wen will definitely know about it later.

So Chen Chu didn't hide it, and simply explained everything to Yuan Wen clearly.

When Yuan Wen heard it, her expression was so weird.

"Mr. Pan and Sun Jiaojiao played badminton. Because they played too intensely, Mr. Pan accidentally twisted his waist. Is that what you mean?"




After the two fell into silence for a moment, Yuan Wen held her hands and looked at Chen Chu silently, with a look of believe it or not.

"I didn't lie to you, if you don't believe me, just ask Teacher Pan!"

Yuan Wen really didn't believe it.

After all, Yuan Wen knew exactly what happened to Sun Jiaojiao.

Don't say anything else, the little girl who can't even turn a bottle cap off at ordinary times, you suddenly told me that I can fight with Teacher Pan! ?

Although Mr. Pan is old, he is still a coach and a retired athlete.

Anyway, Yuan Wen was in disbelief.

But on second thought, this is Chen Chu's student!

Isn't Liu Yuchen dancing well, suddenly he went to participate in the scientific research team to make circuit boards, and even now it has become a sweet pastry. Participating in the national youth scientific research competition is competed by major schools, and even now No news yet.

Not to mention Liu Yuchen, Deng Sijia's recommended quota was not obtained by Chen Chu to help make up the class. Originally, Yuan Wen felt hopeless.

After a moment of silence, Yuan Wen said, "Really...really?"

Chen Chu pursed his lips and nodded slightly.


Chen Chu spread his hands and said, "I only recently discovered that Sun Jiaojiao's motor nerves are particularly strong."

Yuan Wen just remembered that when she was in Kunhai, the dance studio people said that Sun Jiaojiao was playing with sandbags very well, and one after another, she said, "This...I have heard a little about it."

"I also thought it was strange at the time! How can this little girl have such strong motor nerves?" Chen Chu clapped his hands, "And guess what?"

"What's the matter?"

"I visited Sun Jiaojiao's family in the past. Sun Jiaojiao's grandparents were volleyball players in the factory. They played volleyball very well. Sun Jiaojiao's grandfather was even more amazing. He used to be a professional athlete.

Look at how powerful the genes in Sun Jiaojiao's family are. It can be said that the whole family has super-strong motor nerves, which have been inherited. "

Chen Chu said with a serious face, "Maybe I haven't trained well before, and Sun Jiaojiao doesn't like sports, so I can't see it. As a result, I played badminton with my classmates during the vacation, and my talent showed immediately. I was also very surprised!"

Chen Chu thinks this statement is perfect, and no one will doubt him anyway!

Sure enough, Yuan Wen nodded thoughtfully when she heard it, "It's true that the genes are very powerful."

After saying that, Yuan Wen looked at Chen Chu even more strangely. "But it stands to reason that something like talent should be shown when I was a child. How can it be shown in high school?"

Do you think this question is hard for me?

Chen Chu was delighted, and a smile appeared on his face, "Then this must have something to do with me! After all, I take them to exercise every day. If I don't exercise, my physical fitness will come up, and my talent will be revealed? Wan? After that, Sun Jiaojiao really became an athlete and even won an Olympic gold medal, so why not thank me, the head teacher?"

In this case, it is absolutely impossible to disentangle all relationships, otherwise it will definitely make people more suspicious.

On the contrary, it is to take credit.

Advance and retreat!

Sure enough, Yuan Wen couldn't help laughing when she said this, "Look how beautiful you are, and you won the Olympic gold medal? Whether she can become an athlete is not a word!"

Seeing this situation, Chen Chu breathed a sigh of relief.

Perfect, it successfully dispelled Yuan Wen's suspicion.

And this set of rhetoric applies to students in all seven classes.

They are all genetically powerful.

My credit is to be sharp-eyed. I can see their talents. Anyway, they will be successful in the future. I have both honors and bragging rights. In the future, if I go out and brag, I can say that everyone was my student in the past!

As long as most of the credit goes to parents and grandparents, no one will doubt it.

If you don't believe me, ask yourself!

already deceased?

Then you have the ability to go down and ask yourself...

What's the matter with me, someone Chen?

Yuan Wen had nothing to doubt, besides, she had nothing to doubt.

I just think that Chen Chu's ability to tap the potential of students is very impressive.

Yuan Wen was very happy for the students in Class 7, and she happened to meet such a good teacher as Chen Chu.

Otherwise, the current seventh class would not be like this.

Anyway, if it was her, she definitely didn't have the ability.

As soon as Yuan Wen left, Chen Chu hurried back to the ward and continued the topic just now.

After all, according to the trend of the topic just now, it is very likely that Pan Qing has already taken a fancy to Sun Jiaojiao!

Don't hurry to take advantage of the fire... ah, no, let's push the boat!

"Mr. Pan, did you have something to say just now?"

Pan Qing was silent for a moment, then said, "Sun Jiaojiao is indeed a good child. Although Sun Jiaojiao is a bit older now, based on what I've seen so far, I think it's too late, so I plan to talk to the city team. Recommended on that side…”

ah... city team ah...

Chen Chu felt a little lost in his heart.

This is too low, at least the entire provincial team!

After all, with Sun Jiaojiao's talent, wouldn't it be more than enough to join a provincial team?

After all, it has the potential of the second-generation Dragon King!

Mr. Pan, you look down on my students a little bit.

Besides, joining the city team must take a long time to train before it is possible to enter the provincial team, and then it is possible to enter the national team through layers of selection and the like.

No one can say how long this process will take, in case no one is interested in being buried?

"Mr. Pan..." As the head teacher, he must help fight for it. Chen Chu smiled and said cheekily, "Do you know the provincial team? Sun Jiaojiao is a very talented child, and so do you. I've seen it, I think she should be able to meet the standards of the provincial team, why don't you push it for a while!"

Pan Qing was stunned for a moment, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "It's not that I don't want to push, her physical ability is up to standard, but her skills are too poor! Like the one I played with her before, she didn't know how to resolve it, she just blindly caught the ball. That’s all, the attacking power is all in my hands, at least I have to go to the city team to practice for a period of time to improve the skills. If she really has that talent, I will definitely try to recommend her to the provincial team.”

"I only realize now that Sun Jiaojiao said she only studied for a few days, but she really only studied for a few days..."

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