Soon Chen Chu contacted Xu Chao, of course, he couldn't ask things right away.

Chen Chu must have a few words with Xu Chao.

Ashamed to say, since Xu Chao went to the Agricultural Science Institute, Chen Chu has not contacted Xu Chao much.

It's not that he doesn't care. He cares about every one of the seventh class children. It's just that the number of children is a bit large, and there are so many things to worry about.

Moreover, the children in front were already busy with their own affairs, so Chen Chu couldn't bother them.

Chen Chu then asked if Xu Chao was adapting in the Agricultural Science Institute, whether he was tired, etc. Let Xu Chao combine work and rest, don't work too hard, now you can toss when you are young, but in the future, your body may not necessarily be old. If you can bear it, you need to exercise a lot on weekdays.

After all, kids don't like to nagging themselves.

Xu Chao responded one by one and said, "Old Chen, I will remember to exercise, you don't have to worry too much."

"Well, that's fine." Chen Chu changed his words, "By the way, I have to ask you one more thing."

"What do you say?"

"Don't the Jiangnan Institute of Agricultural Sciences and the Kunhai Research Institute often cooperate?" Chen Chu asked quickly, "I have something to do with the Kunhai Research Institute."

As soon as Xu Chao heard this, he realized that Lao Chen was going to help others pave the way.

Kunhai Research Institute?

Xu Chao's eyes narrowed a little, doesn't that mean that the class has already been tossed out by Old Chen to have a chemistry-related talent?

After all, Lao Chen's mind is too good to guess.

"Okay, Lao Chen, I'll help you ask."

"Well, okay, please excuse me."

"Old Chen, don't talk to me so politely, I'm a little uncomfortable..."

"e... hurry up and go to work."



Chen Chu hung up the phone with a strange look on his face.

Why are these kids so mean?

And Xu Chao went to the director's office immediately after hanging up the phone.

Lu Yousheng didn’t go looking for it, because Xu Chao also knew that Lu Yousheng was a kind of scientific researcher, and his interpersonal relationship was average. He probably didn’t have much connection with the Kunhai Research Institute. long.

After a while, Xu Chao came to the office.

The office door is open.

Xu Chao knocked on the door and said with a smile, "Uncle Tian, ​​are you busy?"

Director Tian was busy writing the report materials when he suddenly saw Xu Chao coming, his movements stopped, and he waved at Xu Chao enthusiastically, "Don't be busy, don't be busy, come, Xiaochao, come and sit!"

As the saying goes, if one person attains the Tao, the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven.

The former Jiangnan Institute of Agricultural Sciences was just an agricultural institute.

Because Xu Chao's research has become an important national scientific research project, the Jiangnan Institute of Agricultural Sciences has long been different from what it used to be. His speech has a certain weight in the whole country, and the allocation of scientific research funds and so on, let everyone With a wave of Xu Chao's light, the salary of the scientific researchers in the entire institute has more than doubled.

Now Xu Chao is a famous person in Jiangnan Agricultural Science Institute. It is not certain that Xu Chao will be a character in the textbook in the future, let alone the director. Whoever sees Xu Chao serves him politely.

"Xiaochao, what would you like to drink?"

"No, no, Uncle Tian, ​​I came here to ask you something!" Xu Chao hurriedly smiled and said, "I want to get in touch with the Kunhai Research Institute and find someone who can talk to me, I may have something to do later. Please trouble people."

Director Tian was stunned for a moment, "Why do you suddenly want to contact the Kunhai Research Institute?"

Director Tian is really a little flustered now, afraid that Xu Chao will go to the Kunhai Research Institute.

After all, this is the big baby of our Institute of Agricultural Sciences!

Who is not selfish, who is willing to let Xu Chao go?

Taking a step back, it is right for people to go higher, but the Kunhai Research Institute does not specialize in agricultural research!

When you go to the house, they may not see you!

Besides, if you feel that your position is low, it's okay! I can give you the position of the director!

In the future, the Institute of Agricultural Sciences will have the final say.

Director Tian was thinking about making a good speech, but Xu Chao just smiled and said, "Uncle Tian, ​​I'm not hiding it from you, in fact, our teacher wants to contact the Kunhai Institute for something, so I just found it. me?"

"Oh, that's the case!" Director Tian was relieved immediately, and hurriedly said with a smile, "I know each other, we often cooperate with the Kunhai Institute, you can just wrap this matter on me, I'm sure Find someone you can talk to!"

"That will trouble Uncle Tian."

"Small things!" Director Tian laughed and waved his hands, then quickly said, "Xiaochao, in the future, whether you have any difficulties in life or work, feel free to come to me."

"Okay, then I'll wait for your reply, Uncle Tian."

Xu Chao smiled, and then turned to leave. As soon as Xu Chao left, Director Tian pondered for a while.

Looking for someone to talk to?

How many words do you need to find?


Anyway, this is the first time Xiaochao has come to find himself to solve his difficulties, so he can't do things beautifully?

Director Tian was determined, and immediately picked up the phone and dialed.

After a while, the phone was connected.

"Huh? Laotian?"

"Lao Jin, I have something to do with you."

"Yo!" Lao Jin on the other end of the phone couldn't help joking a few times. "Sure enough, the tone of speech is different now! What is the command of Director Tian Da?"

"Cough cough..." Director Tian hurriedly said, "You are deliberately flattering and killing veteran cadres. Be careful, I will report you to the branch!"

"Hahaha, tell me, what's the matter?"

Director Tian talked about the matter, and when he heard it on the other end of the phone, he was delighted, "You really know how to look for it! As soon as you look for it, you can directly look for the director of me! Okay, then we have to give our Comrade Xiao Xu a face. "

"Okay, then it's settled."

"Wait a minute, let's discuss one more thing!"


"Didn't you always want to come to Kunhai?" Director Jin on the other end of the phone smiled, "Why don't I apply to transfer you to be the director of the Kunhai Research Institute, and I abdicate and reluctantly become agricultural science Chief."

"Fuck you!" Director Tian immediately laughed and scolded, "Why are you thinking about beautiful things! I'm going to retire the director of the Agricultural Science Institute, and no one wants to snatch it. I won't do it for the president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences!"

"How much did the top call for you this time? Are you so floating?"

"Secret, I can't say that."

Hearing Director Jin envy for a while.

"Hey... We didn't know that Comrade Xiao Xu was so powerful! If I had known that, I would have given our Comrade Xiao Xu a knock, and let him allocate some money to my research institute..."


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