Because she wanted to secretly train with Tian Xiao to grab time, Sun Jiaojiao would leave the gym and join Tian Xiao as soon as she finished her training these days.

No, the coach just informed that today's training will be here, Sun Jiaojiao immediately packed up her things and trot away.

On the way, I didn't forget to say hello to everyone, and I happened to see that the volleyball training team had not finished yet, but the two players who had been beaten by Sun Jiaojiao were sitting on the side and resting. When they saw Sun Jiaojiao coming, they quickly got up. greet.

There was a hint of fear in his eyes.

Sun Jiaojiao didn't look any different, she said hello and left.

But the two of them looked at each other when they saw Sun Jiaojiao leave, and breathed a sigh of relief.

It had been several days since they were beaten by Sun Jiaojiao. In fact, the two of them were really panicked at the beginning, and they almost stayed up all night.

Because they didn't know what kind of terrifying revenge they would receive from Sun Jiaojiao next.

After all, they didn't believe that Sun Jiaojiao would let them go so leniently, and would even act as if nothing happened.

Both of them were ready to be found by Sun Jiaojiao in various ways.

However, the truth is the exact opposite of what they thought.

After so many days, Sun Jiaojiao didn't find any trouble with them even once. At most, Sun Jiaojiao didn't give them any good looks when they met.

And then... it's gone.

He didn't say that he secretly added special condiments to their meals while they were eating to disgust them, or blocked them at the toilet door when they went to the toilet.

None of these behaviors!

This made the two of them even more panicked!

Sun Jiaojiao dared to threaten and intimidate them. They were supposed to make trouble for Sun Jiaojiao like this, but Sun Jiaojiao didn't even bother them?

This is totally unreasonable!

Could it be that there is a bigger pit waiting for them?

Anyway, the two of them were really nervous.

If Sun Jiaojiao tossed and disgusted them, they would probably feel more at ease in their hearts, but now Sun Jiaojiao didn't do anything to them, or even ignored them. This kind of abnormal behavior naturally made people feel uneasy.

This has also led to the two players' training conditions these days being particularly bad. Especially yesterday, when Sun Jiaojiao played volleyball with a group, she found that the two players were always absent-minded, and they were often prone to mistakes during training.

Smart as me!

Sun Jiaojiao immediately realized what was going on.

Maybe he scared them too much?

This is too intimidating!

Really, how dare you trouble me so much!

Sun Jiaojiao had no choice but to beat her again. She called the two of them to her while they were eating and said that if you two want to practice, give me a good practice. If you don't want to practice, get out of here. I'm too lazy to take care of you two either.

Sun Jiaojiao didn't bother to play those dirty tricks.

If I really want to piss you off, then neither of you can appear in front of me.

Just as Sun Jiaojiao was leaving the training hall and was about to take a taxi to meet Tian Xiao, she suddenly saw several Benz cars parked at the entrance of the training hall, and many men dressed as bodyguards were standing by.

Sun Jiaojiao didn't take it seriously, and just waited for Didi to come over, but she didn't want the door of one of the Dabens to be pushed open at this time.

"Sun Jiaojiao?"

Sun Jiaojiao was stunned for a moment, only to feel that the voice was inexplicably familiar. When she followed the sound and saw the person coming, her expression froze a little.


Ah... this... Ren Tianqi waved at Sun Jiaojiao, Sun Jiaojiao had no choice but to put away the thought of pretending not to see it, and hurriedly walked over, with a smile on her face "Tian. Brother Qi! Long time no see!"

"When did you come back?"

"It's been a while since I came back..." Ren Tianqi looked up and down at Sun Jiaojiao, his expression also a little strange.

Is this the Sun Jiaojiao I know?

They look exactly the same, but why is their speaking style completely different from before?

In Ren Tianqi's mind, the appearance of Sun Jiaojiao in the past appeared.

Probably just holding hands, with the arrogant eyes of an old lady who is number one in the world, her words are also very aggressive, and she feels like she has thorns all over her body.

But now that she saw Sun Jiaojiao, let alone a stab, her arrogant and domineering attitude was gone.

The eighteenth change of the female college?

Tsk tsk, it's only been a year and a half since I haven't seen each other, and things have changed a lot.

Ren Tianqi still asked strangely, "Are you really Sun Jiaojiao?"

"It's me!" Sun Jiaojiao spread her hands, "Isn't it like that?"

"I thought it was the wrong person just now!" Ren Tianqi's expression became even weirder, "Why are you here?"

He stretched his finger to the training hall in Gangnam City.

In his impression, Sun Jiaojiao seemed to like dancing.

Sun Jiaojiao naturally didn't want to explain too much, "I'm here to exercise!"

"Oh, such a thing!"

Sun Jiaojiao had no plans to talk to Ren Tianqi more.

She didn't like this person since junior high school, and if it wasn't for the Ren's family in the southwest, she would be too lazy to take care of him.

Moreover, she and Ren Tianqi can't be considered familiar, at most they know each other.

I didn't have a lot of dealings when I was in high school.

Apart from that Sun Jiaojiao hated people who were more attractive than herself at the time, of course it was because...she only attended classes for a few days a month, and basically didn't go to school much.

Naturally, there is not much to deal with.

What's more, despite Ren Tianqi's always smiling face, he is a very sinister and spicy person at heart.

And this person has a particularly strong desire to control.

Anyway, from Sun Jiaojiao's own understanding, Ren Tianqi is a very vigilant existence.

Can't be provoked or can't hide?

But Sun Jiaojiao is also very curious about how Ren Tianqi came here?

This is not a question to ask.

Ren Tianqi smiled slightly, "Come and find someone, maybe you know him too."


"Wu Minmin, have you heard of it?"

! ?

Sun Jiaojiao was startled in her heart, and her face was indeed foolish, "I think I've heard it before."

"It's normal that you don't know." Ren Tianqi grinned, "After all, you were often out of school at that time."


Just in time, DiDi arrived, and Sun Jiaojiao quickly pulled away.

Ren Tianqi didn't hold back, he didn't have any interest in Sun Jiaojiao.

However, after Sun Jiaojiao got into the car, she parked in the backyard directly around the corner.

"Master, okay, stop here for a while!"

The driver of the car was stunned.


I just stepped on the accelerator for less than ten seconds!

Sun Jiaojiao was too lazy to explain, and hurriedly called the two team members.

Although she didn't know what was going on for the time being, she seemed to remember that ren Tianqi was indeed madly chasing a girl at that time in junior high school.


It seems... there is another He Cao?

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