That morning, Zhou Feng contacted Wang Lebang again and asked Wang Lebang if he could contact Police Jiang and go to the hotel where Ren Tianqi collapsed for a routine check.

Although Wang Lebang didn't know what Zhou Feng was going to do, he should be right to listen to Zhou Feng.

I just told Police Jiang and went to the hotel named by Zhou Feng for a routine check.

After completing the routine inspection, Wang Lebang replied to Zhou Feng that it was over.

"Okay, hard work!" Zhou Feng smiled, "At three o'clock in the afternoon, we will meet again, the same place is He Cao's house."

"Oh, okay."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Feng sorted out the intelligence information about Ren's family in the southwest.

This morning, I have commissioned many business consultants to collect a lot of business information about the Renjia in the southwest.

In addition to the information that can be found on the bright side, there is naturally a lot of information that cannot be found.

Then, through the second judgment of the collected intelligence, combined with various news reports on the Internet, there are news about official support and cooperation for enterprises.

A huge network of interests of the Renjia family in the southwest continued to emerge.

Naturally, it is quite complicated, and this was finally screened out by Zhou Feng after discarding some unnecessary interests.

Of course, this is only a preliminary prototype, and the real interest network may only be more complicated than this.

how to say?

Zhou Feng thought about it and decided not to miss this opportunity.

Mainly because of Ren Tianqi's performance and Jiang's toughness, Zhou Feng had to change his plan.

But the Ren Family in the Southwest is not something you can eat if you want. This benefit network is not something that outsiders can casually participate in, and even a slight touch will lead to backlash.

And the only breakthrough is Ren Tianqi.

Of course, the real core of this plan is Wang Lebang and the Jiang police behind Wang Lebang.

As long as this move is suitable enough, even if it is impossible to eat the Southwest Ren family in one go, it can at least tear off a large piece of meat.

And the key step in this move is whether the parents of Class 7 are sensitive enough to smell and courageous enough.

But presumably these parents in Class 7 can achieve this level. It goes without saying that they have a sense of business, and their ability to judge the situation will not be too bad.

Just need to add a little seasoning.

Three in the afternoon.

According to the agreed time, Zhou Feng came to He Cao's house again.

It was He Cao who opened the door.

Seeing Zhou Feng, his heart was haggard.

Ah... Brother Feng... Just let me go!

Yesterday, I was already dead for a day, and today you came over to let me continue to die, right! ?

Zhou Feng didn't know what He Cao was thinking, and said, "Is anyone else here?"

"A few have come, and the others haven't arrived yet."

"Well, I'm sorry, I originally planned to change the place, but after thinking about it, your feng shui is good!"


He Caopi smiles and does not smile.

God damn good Feng Shui!

Social death feng shui is not it! ?

However, how dare He Cao say something, it is not because Zhou Feng has squeezed it to death. Besides, this time everyone is gathered together to help him.

Society is dead.

"Oh, right……"


"In addition to those in front, I called two more, Deng Sijia and Zhuang Rou."


Brother Feng, are you targeting me?

You are obviously trying to kill our society, right! ?

Didn't you say to keep it a secret?

How come there are more and more people!

Seeing He Cao staring at him with an expression of disbelief, Zhou Feng stretched out his hand and patted He Cao's shoulder, "It's fine, just get used to it, who hasn't made a point of black history! As long as... don't let Tian Zhen know. That's it."


He Cao gave up struggling.

The personnel arrived one after another, and Deng Sijia and Zhuang Rou came with a confused look.

They didn't know why Zhou Fengfeng suddenly called them to come to He Cao's house.

However, after learning about what happened, the two of them despised He Cao as usual and then asked Zhou Feng what plans he had.

After all, in a class, you can't wait for death.

But everyone's eyes basically fell on Zhuang Rou.

It's been a long time since I saw her. Zhuang Rou was still thin during the holiday. How could she become fleshy in the blink of an eye?

Zhuang Rou rolled her eyes, spread her hands and said, "Don't look at it! During this period of time, Lao Chen fed me every day, saying that I was too thin and unhealthy. After eating and eating, I became like this!"

"Don't laugh, it's very likely that you will be next!"


Deng Sijia and Sun Jiaojiao shivered for no reason.

"Okay." Zhou Feng waved his hand, motioned everyone to look at him, and said, "The next plan requires everyone's cooperation... and acting skills!"

"Ah?" Deng Sijia asked subconsciously, "Who are you playing!? Playing Lao Chen!?"

When she heard that she was going to play Lao Chen, Zhuang Rou immediately shook her head and said, "Zhou Feng, I can't do this, I can't play it, I really can't play..."

"Don't play Lao Chen." Zhou Feng smiled and said, "Play your own parents."


Everyone was stunned for a moment.

! ?

Wu Minmin in the corner was shocked.

"Of course you don't need everyone to act. You don't need Yan Mao, and neither does Wang Lebang."

Wang Lebang shrugged, but I wanted to act, but my parents weren't home either.

Yan Mao breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing this.

I really dare not play my dad!

His violent temper, if I dare to play him, if I find out, I will be slapped in the face.

"Then, what are you playing!?"

"It's not enough to talk about it, it just needs you to reveal some information, pretending to be small talk..."

Zhou Feng then took out a stack of paper with words on it, and distributed it according to the name.

"I have basically sorted out all the situations I have considered for you. Let's take a look and remember."


Everyone got their own share.

Sun Jiaojiao had a total of three pictures, and they looked at them after they got them back.

Wu Minmin secretly glanced at it.

The content of the first page is as follows.

Adjust your mentality, find time to chat with your parents, and pay attention to look relaxed

Your own father, I heard about the Ren family in the southwest when I was chatting with Deng Sijia today, do you know him?

No matter how your parents looked at the time or their tone of voice, they would usually ask back, nothing more than what happened? What do you want to know? and many more

Don't care too much about this attitude, it's nothing more than doubts, you continue the topic

You and I have heard Deng Sijia say that the Ren Family in the Southwest may be about to collapse.

The suspense has been set, your parents' appetite is basically hung up, no matter what the attitude is, you continue the topic, you can add some attitude yourself, scratch your head, or think

I don't know if it's true or not. Anyway, Deng Sijia said that the Jiang police seem to be eyeing the Ren family in the southwest and are secretly investigating, and there should be some action in the near future.

Don't hesitate, keep talking


! ? ! ?

Wu Minmin looked horrified.

He stared at Zhou Feng with wide eyes.

This... this has a trick! ?

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