Zhang Jingshuo felt that this was a bit unusual.

Naturally, it is necessary to explain the situation to Ren Tianqi's father, Ren Fei.

The first two days to report the situation.

Because Ren Fei was not in the southwest at this time, he could only contact him through video calls and other means.

At the other end of the video, Ren Feizheng, who is in his fifties, is sitting on the sofa in a suit and leather shoes, frowning while smoking a pipe.

"Jiang Jiang's behavior... is a bit abnormal."

Zhang Jingshuo was naturally respectful, "Yes, sir!"

"What is this for?" Ren Fei couldn't help but muttered twice, for a while he couldn't understand Jiang Police's such abnormal behavior.

Because if Jiang police really wanted to attack the Ren family in the southwest, how could they dare to startle the snake without any evidence?

This is completely irrational behavior.

The interest network of the Ren Family in the Southwest is so intricate and complicated, no matter who wants to move the Ren Family in the Southwest, they can only investigate and collect evidence secretly.

Is this... Police Jiang is beating my Southwest Ren family?

Thinking of this, Ren Fei couldn't help but snorted, his eyes full of disdain.

Although the police Jiang is in the limelight now, but if he really wants to move the Ren family in the southwest, then I don't mind starting first.

After all, there are a few really clean people who want to get into high positions these days!

As long as you dig deep, you can always dig something out.

"I know, stay calm for now and see what Police Jiang will do next!" Ren Fei said solemnly, "Always keep people's attention on Police Jiang's movements, and report to me immediately if there is any abnormality. In addition, Your main task is to protect Tianqi."

"Yes, sir."

After all, it's old age.

Ren Fei is still very fond of Ren Tianqi.

After being instructed by Ren Fei, Zhang Jingshuo felt relieved for the time being.

Hope you're just overthinking it.


After finishing the rehearsal at He Cao's house that day, everyone went back to their respective houses and started their own performances.

Everyone is naturally a little flustered when playing Lao Chen, and Lao Chen is too insidious and cunning, and it is easy to reveal his secrets.

But as a parent, it's not a big problem.

After all, they are basically people who used to lie.

After Sun Jiaojiao and Wu Minmin returned home, Sun Qunce didn't return home until after ten o'clock in the evening.

Sun Jiaojiao, who had been rehearsing in the bedroom, heard the movement and immediately went downstairs.

"Dad, you're back!"

Sun Qunce hummed, and was about to go back to the study when Sun Jiaojiao pretended to suddenly remember something, "By the way, Dad, I heard a little bit of wind at Deng Sijia today."


Sun Qunce went straight upstairs.


Sun Jiaojiao froze in place.


Why are you not cooperating with me at all! ?

Then Xu Xiaolin looked at Sun Jiaojiao with a puzzled expression, "What?"



After all, it doesn't make sense to tell my mother about it.

Sun Jiaojiao hurried upstairs and swept in the direction of the study, and she saw that Sun Qunce was looking at the computer with frowning furrowed when she came back.

No different from usual.

However, Zhou Feng has already emphasized that the important thing is to adapt accordingly.

Sun Jiaojiao's thoughts moved, she hurried downstairs, poured a glass of boiling water, and brought it into the study.

"Dad, what are you looking at?"

"Company report."

"Oh..." Sun Jiaojiao said with a smile as soon as she put down the boiling water, "Dad, let me tell you something!"


"Do you know the Ren Family in the Southwest?" Sun Qunce frowned slightly and turned to look at Sun Jiaojiao, "What do you mean?"

"I heard Deng Sijia say that the Ren family in the southwest is going to collapse."

Um! ?

Sun Qunce's expression changed slightly, "Huh?"

"I don't know if it's true or not. Anyway, Deng Sijia said that the Jiang police seem to be eyeing the Ren family in the southwest and are secretly investigating. There should be some action soon."

"Deng Sijia said that her family is waiting for the opportunity now, and her mother is now looking for a partner."

"Chaoyang Group?"

Sun Jiaojiao was taken aback for a moment, "Ah, yes."

"and then?"


Where did I just say! ?

Dad, it's all your fault!

Who told you to interrupt me!

"That, Dad, wait a second, I'm going to the toilet!"

After speaking, Sun Jiaojiao hurried out the door, turned her head and went back to her bedroom. She hurriedly took out Zhou Feng's words from the quilt, took out the words and glanced at them, read it in her heart, and then hurriedly went back and followed Sun Qunce. say something.

Halfway through the conversation, Sun Qunce was about to speak.

Sun Jiaojiao was about to quickly say, "Dad, listen to me first!"

"I haven't spoken yet..."



I forgot where to say.

However, even though there was a small situation, fortunately, Sun Jiaojiao was fooled.

Of course, the most important thing is that Sun Qunce's current thoughts are not on Sun Jiaojiao at all. The news revealed from Sun Jiaojiao's mouth just now was explosive news, and Sun Qunce immediately sensed the opportunity.

Sun Jiaojiao finally finished what Zhou Feng explained, but Sun Qunce by the side remained silent.

Sun Jiaojiao looked at it and had to secretly say Zhou Feng's bullshit!

As expected of our seventh class Zhuge Liang!

Basically the same situation as Zhou Feng expected.

Then it should be next.

Can you help me with the contact information of Deng Sijia's mother?

"Can you help me and ask Deng Sijia's mother's personal contact information?"

Sun Qunce suddenly opened his mouth.

Sun Jiaojiao narrowed her eyes.

Holy shit!

"Why do you look so surprised?"

"No, it's alright..."

Sun Jiaojiao came back to her senses and hurriedly responded, saying that I would contact Deng Sijia immediately.

After turning his head, he hurried back to the bedroom and opened the WeChat group.

The group members set up a WeChat group by themselves to facilitate communication.

"Jiajia, I've got it done on my side? How are you doing on your side?"

"Waiting for your news!"

"What about the rest?"

"I'm done here."

"My dad hasn't come home yet."

About that night, the respective parents have been talking on the phone.

The first thing these parents did was to inquire about Jiang Police's movements. After all, they all had a lot of acquaintances.

Everyone was very keen to capture a message.

On the same day, Jiang police dispatched a group of personnel to go to Kunhai to report on the work.

It looks normal on the surface, but it's actually quite intriguing.

It's only been half a month since the last work report, and suddenly I went to the work report again?

It's really not quite right!

More than this group of parents feel that something is wrong, Zhang Jingshuo has obtained relevant information for the first time.

Twice a month work report! ?

Under normal circumstances, isn't it a work report every six months?

Zhang Jingshuo narrowed his eyes a little, what did he mean?

Jiang police is knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger?

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