In order for Feng Qian to awaken the talent of Meilunyan, a good environment is definitely necessary.

However, there is no need for a refurbishment.

Because the decoration environment of Feng Qian's house is quite good, it belongs to high-end decoration. Besides, Feng Qian's father was originally engaged in construction projects, so he should have hired a designer to design it specially. Therefore, compared with Zhuang Rou's house and the like, Feng Qian's house The layout of the house is quite reasonable, it belongs to the European minimalist style, and it is quite beautiful.

So to a certain extent, Feng Qian can form the talent of beautiful eyes, and the decoration of the home must also have a certain influence.

There is no need to change the general environment, mainly for Feng Qian's room.

So Chen Chu followed Feng Qian to her house again and glanced at Feng Qian's room.


Chen Chu did not expect Feng Qian's room to be equivalent to three staff dormitories.

Nearly sixty flats.

Anyway, Feng Qian is very excited now. She is looking forward to what kind of style Lao Chen will decorate for herself.

Of course, this matter must be explained to Feng Qian's parents.

However, Chen Chu was not very good at speaking, so he had to ask Feng Qian to discuss it with his parents.

When Feng Qian's parents heard that Chen Chu was going to help decorate Feng Qian's room, everyone was dumbfounded.

Feng Qian's father, Feng Cheng, said in tears, "Is Mr. Chen so busy?"

"Old Chen is not busy! He's busy!" Feng Qian said quickly.

"Then why are you still free to help you decorate the house?"

"I don't know, but..." Feng Qian said excitedly, "Dad, Lao Chen's decoration design is super awesome!"

"How powerful can it be?"

Feng Cheng didn't pay much attention to it. After all, they were naturally acquainted with a lot of professional designers.

Chen Chu is just a teacher. Even if he can do a little decoration design, how can he be so good?

Without saying a word, Feng Qian took out her mobile phone, pulled out the video of Xingfu Xiaozao, and showed Feng Cheng, "Dad, look at this..."

Feng Cheng glanced at it, stunned for a moment, and then looked at it seriously.

Seeing that Feng Chengdu was serious, Feng Qian couldn't help but say proudly, "This is what Lao Chen designed himself, and even the decoration was decorated by Lao Chen himself! Isn't it amazing?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense?" Feng Cheng raised his head, his face full of disbelief, "Can you design it yourself and decorate it yourself?"

"Why am I lying to you!" Feng Qian said seriously with a small face, "Dad, what level do you think Lao Chen is at?"


"If your teacher did the decoration himself, let him resign!" Feng Chengdao said, "He can start a decoration design company at his level! And from the effect of his finished product, there is no need to worry about the source of customers. , some people want to cooperate with him."

"Old Chen has no money! How can he afford to open a company!"

"I can lend it to him!" Feng Cheng said with a serious face, "No interest, as long as he is willing to cooperate with my company to sign a contract, just speak up."

Feng Qian really told Chen Chu.

Chen Chu could not laugh or cry.

What I asked you to discuss with your father is about renovations. Why did the topic come to this?

"I've got your mind, but these are just my hobbies. Besides, if I start a company, who can control you?"

Feng Qian smiled embarrassedly.

After a long time, I have feelings with Lao Chen. If Lao Chen really quits his job, he will feel reluctant in his heart.

This incident is just a small episode, and there is no opinion on the decoration.

Chen Chu started to do it.

In fact, there is no need to repaint it at all.

After all, the original decoration is very good.

What Chen Chu has to do is to add the icing on the cake, to make decorations and changes on the original basis.

The rest are minor issues, and most importantly, the various models.

Chen Chu intends to do a lot of architectural models, small sculptures and paintings...etc.

These themselves don't cost a lot of money, they are mainly time-consuming, and most of them are delicate work.

Even with the help of the pen master, it is estimated that it will take at least a week to get it done.

Chen Chu bought the materials and took the pen to work in the staff dormitory.


training hall.

Sun Jiaojiao and Wu Minmin have already started training.

Ren Tianqi has already gone abroad, and the Ren family in the southwest is also cold.

Sun Jiaojiao naturally came back to continue training with confidence.

But for Wu Minmin, she was still a little confused until now.

It was probably the performance of the students in Class 7... It really shocked her three views.

Go to fool your parents in an open and honest way... and even have prepared words!

For Wu Minmin, who is always guilty of lying to her parents, she can hardly believe that these people can fool her parents with such peace of mind!

For a moment, Wu Minmin mistakenly thought that she had entered the MLM organization by mistake.

And Zhou Feng is the head of MLM.

For a young sports girl who just turned 16 and spends her days training in the training hall, this is really like a dream.

Today happened to be volleyball training.

Sun Jiaojiao and Wu Minmin were sweating their youth on the volleyball court, and outside the training hall, a white-haired old man had just walked out of the stand exit, accompanied by several heads of the sports association.

Who is it if it's not Xu Dafang?

On the surface, the retired old man came over to take a look, but in fact he was secretly inquiring about his granddaughter.

To be honest, Xu Dafang had a hard time believing that his granddaughter had changed her mind.

After all, a child who was so disobedient in the past suddenly became so well-behaved and sensible that no one could easily believe it.

However, after coming to the training hall today, Xu Dafang realized that his granddaughter had really changed a lot.

He also made a special inquiries, and the coaches in the training hall gave Sun Jiaojiao a good evaluation.

Serious, hardworking, humble and... gifted!

Especially when he heard that Sun Jiaojiao actually participated in all four sports, and secretly observed how Sun Jiaojiao was playing volleyball, Xu Dafang couldn't help but feel relieved and a little proud.

My Xu family's genes are still quite strong!

I knew this kid must be an athlete!

Of course, I learned from Xu Xiaolin that the real reason for Sun Jiaojiao's change was that the seventh class had a new head teacher, Chen Chu.

And it was this Chen Chu who discovered that Sun Jiaojiao had a talent for sports, and even came to the house to do ideological work.

Since Sun Jiaojiao was obedient and sensible, not only did the relationship between Sun Qunce and Xu Xiaolin become more harmonious, but Sun Qunce also changed a lot.

The best thing about Xu Dafang is that he is honest, and he will repay his kindness.

That afternoon, Xu Dafang went to the Jiangnan Education Bureau for a stroll.

The head of the Jiangnan Education Bureau, Huo Ju, heard that Mr. Xu was coming, so he didn't rush to invite Mr. Xu into the office respectfully.

Xu Dafang naturally also chatted, revealing a few words intentionally or unintentionally.

Probably because I know a young man from No. 1 Middle School named Chen Chu, um, not bad.


Huo Bureau still doesn't know what it means!

Elder Xu is going to be promoted!

Understand, greatly understand!

Don't hurry up and talk, yes, Mr. Xu, I've heard of this person, and he's really good.

As soon as Xu Dafang left, Bureau Huo quickly asked someone to check Chen Chu's information first.

How could he know about Chen Chu, but Mr. Xu's face must be given to him!

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