Chen Chu picked up the phone and saw that it was Zhao Yizhou's number.

Right now, when it's time to eat, Happy Small Kitchen should be the busiest time.

Afraid that something troublesome might have happened.

Chen Chu hurried out of the private room and went to the corridor to answer the phone.

"Old Chen, someone came to our store to make trouble!" Zhao Yizhou's voice was quite irritable as soon as the call was connected, and he seemed to be quite angry. "I don't know who brought a bunch of migrant workers over to eat, making a lot of noise. It made the inside of the store so smoky, and made all the guests quarrel away, and I'm not good at expelling people. Damn, it's still blocking the door on the first floor, someone must be making trouble on purpose."

Chen Chu's face sank.

Although Zhao Yizhou's temperament is not bad, he is very impulsive, and hurriedly said, "Don't worry, but don't have any conflicts with others! I'll come over right away!"

Anyway, when Chen Chu heard Zhao Yizhou's tone, he felt that the situation was quite bad.

No way, Chen Chu had to hurry back to the private room.

"Old classmates, I'm really sorry!" Chen Chu said apologetically, "Suddenly something urgent happened, so I have to rush over there immediately!"

Everyone was stunned for a while, looking at Chen Chu's anxious expression, naturally expressing understanding.

"Then go quickly! Don't delay things!"

"It's okay, they're all in Jiangnan anyway, so there's a chance to get together!"

"Okay, okay, sorry, I'm really sorry, see you next time!"

Chen Chu hurriedly left, but just after leaving the door of the restaurant, Qi Yuandong was leading a woman into the restaurant.

The other party was wearing a long black coat with a base layer, a small suit vest, and a delicate handbag and a mobile phone in his hands. He was tall, with light makeup and makeup, and he was elegant and atmospheric everywhere.

Who is not Zhao Yafang?

Almost passed by.

Thanks to Qi Yuandong's sharp eyes, he caught a glimpse of Chen Chu who was about to leave in a hurry, and immediately chased after him and stopped in front of Chen Chu, "Chen Chu? Why are you in such a hurry!?"

"Big face, something urgent happened, I have to hurry over there!" Chen Chu hurriedly said with an apologetic smile, "I'm really sorry, we'll meet again next time!"

As soon as I heard Chen Chu's tone, I knew something had really happened.

Qi Yuandong smiled bitterly in his heart, and glanced helplessly at Zhao Yafang, who had just followed behind.

This finally helped create an opportunity.

Are you saying it's a coincidence?

"Are you in a hurry?"

It was Zhao Yafang who asked.


Chen Chu responded subconsciously, and when he came back to his senses, he realized that he didn't seem to know the woman in front of him.

"My car is parked at the door, I'll take you there, don't delay things."

Before Chen Chu could refuse, Qi Yuandong, who was beside him, quickly added, "Yes, you didn't drive either. It's lunch time again. You have to wait for a long time for a taxi. Let her take you there!"

"Okay, okay, please!"

Zhao Yafang waved her hand, whispered that it was okay, and headed to the side of the road first.

Chen Chu hurriedly followed, got into the car and just fastened his seat belt, he quickly took out his mobile phone, located Xingfu Xiaozao, and opened the navigation, "The location is here, I'm really bothering you."


Zhao Yafang responded, already started the car, and started walking according to the navigation.

Chen Chu's expression in the passenger seat was a little gloomy.

He was wondering who was going to make trouble for Happy Xiaozao.

Is it the previous landlord?

Should not be!

It stands to reason that after eating my epic education skills, it is unlikely to continue to run back and cause trouble, right?

After all, no one knows the power of epic educational techniques better than Chen Chu.

Or...the landlord's husband, relatives, etc.?

After all, the conflicts of interest with Xingfu Xiaozao are nothing more than the landlord, or the restaurants next to them, who robbed them of their business, and it is not impossible to hold grudges.

After all, there are always people who are unreasonable.

Forget it, it’s useless to think about it so much now, analyze the specific situation in detail, and then look at it later, he only hopes that Zhao Yizhou will not start a fight with others as soon as he gets up.

Zhao Yazhi on the side glanced silently at Chen Chu beside him, did not disturb, just drove the car attentively.

A little faster than usual.

After a while, there was a red light.

It was quiet inside the car.

Chen Chu came back to his senses, glanced at Zhao Yafang beside him, and said sincerely, "Thank you so much."

"You're welcome." Zhao Yafang paused and pointed to the mineral water next to Chen Chu's car door. "New, drink some water slowly."

"Oh, oh, good."

Chen Chu was really anxious, took a sip of water from a bottle, and then silently stared ahead.

Embarrassment in hindsight.

It turns out that no one knows.

I was also suspicious.

Who is this?

Today's class reunion, this is my junior high school classmate?

How come I don't know?

Anyway, Chen Chu has never seen it before.

Moreover, the other party's dress and temperament felt like the kind of high-ranking person in the company, a bit similar to Deng Sijia's mother's temperament, but not so domineering.

Maybe it was the big boss that Qi Yuandong knew, who happened to meet, and the other party kindly sent him off?

You deserve to be able to drive!

You can only live a rich and noble life, a happy life, and a happy and healthy life!

Green light, the car sped all the way.

After about ten minutes, the car finally stopped at the door of Xingfu Xiaozao.

"Thank you, thank you so much."

Chen Chu got out of the car and hurriedly said thanks.

Zhao Yafang waved her hand gently and smiled softly, "It's alright, just go get busy."

Chen Chu didn't delay his efforts, and he hurried into the store as soon as he turned his head.

On the other hand, Zhao Yafang couldn't help but be stunned when she looked at the decoration of the happy little stove, and then looked at the big menu at the door, and she couldn't help laughing for a while.

"Such a high-end decoration sells fried rice bowls?"

"This marketing's the first time I've seen it."

Zhao Yafang didn't leave in a hurry. After all, it was more than ten years ago that she saw Chen Chu for the first time.

Although he didn't recognize himself at all, so that he kept drinking water in the car to cover up his embarrassment.

It feels... still the same.

Zhao Yafang smiled softly, walked leisurely to the door of the store and sat down.

Resting his chin in one hand, he looked curiously at the situation inside the store.

As soon as Chen Chu walked into the store, he heard quite noisy voices on the first floor.

When I looked over, I saw a group of people dressed as migrant workers who had just come off the construction site occupying a large table. Some of them were wearing construction site helmets. They were smoking and drinking. There were already many cigarette butts on the ground. , smoky, and his voice is louder than the other.

Looking at the appearance, he is also older, generally in his thirties and forties.

There are only this group of people on the entire first floor, and it is strange that other guests can stay.

At a glance, you can see that it is deliberately finding fault, and the intention behind it is quite poisonous.

If you do this, it will ruin the reputation of the store. Then it will be publicized. Why, you discriminate against migrant workers? Store bullying?

Are migrant workers not human?

It's weird that it doesn't bring down the store.

If this is not smashed, if this group of people come here every day to make trouble, sooner or later they will have to close their doors!

Call the police?


I am.

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