After collecting all the summer homework, Chen Chu naturally began to check everyone's composition.

During the holiday, I arranged to write a composition about what I want to do in the future, and see if I can use it as a reference.

As a result, at a glance, except for a few, the others are almost highly unified.

Nothing more than three, teachers, astronauts, scientists.


"So, what am I expecting?"

Chen Chu smiled bitterly, feeling a little wasted.

Thinking about it, I know that most people must be dealing with it, and there are basically a few who are willing to really think about this matter.

It's normal.

After all, every time Chen Chu had to ask in person, the children were willing to speak, and most of them didn't have much ideas about their future.

As they came here, the initial purpose was not to study, but to mess around.

Of course, there are still a few who wrote it seriously, and it is obvious who they are.

Wang Lebang wanted to become a people's policeman, and he was very emotional. It can be seen that he still wrote it seriously. If it weren't for too many typos, Chen Chu would still be very comfortable to watch.

I wrote the comments with a red pen. My feelings are sincere, but there are too many typos. Learning is also very important.

Li Yiyang and Yan Mao have the same goal of becoming a doctor, but the direction seems to be different.

Li Yiyang wants to become a Chinese medicine practitioner and is willing to explore and research in this direction, while Yan Mao wants to become a surgeon.


Each wrote a commentary.

What I wrote to Li Yiyang is to guard against arrogance and impatience, and the goal is close at hand

It is written to Yan Mao that theory and practice go hand in hand

Written to Deng Sijia is diligent and capable

What I wrote to Tian Xiao is come on, special forces

I wrote to Liu Yuchen that the future is yours

Written to Wang Xu is ┐──┌

and many more.

Basically the same direction as their current talent and walk.

Of course, there are two compositions that Chen Chu focuses on.

Zhou Feng and Xu Tianhao.

Zhou Feng, as always, writes like a chicken scratch, barely able to understand, but the content is really solid. He wants to become a people's teacher, and he mentions Mr. Tong Benshu, who has dedicated his life, and is quite emotional. Chen Chu It's really gratifying to see, think about it, write down comments, have faith in your heart, and people are Taishan

The most complicated is Xu Tianhao's composition.

Looking at the entire classical Chinese text, Chen Chu could not laugh or cry.

"Fifteen meat stinks, no virtue and no conduct..."

"Receiving the teacher's grace, wanting to share the same virtue..."

"All sentient beings suffer for eight thousand miles, so they are stagnant, and I am bound by the shackles to walk a little..."

Chen Chu looked a little headache.

But I didn't start imitating, I just finished reading it abruptly.

The last stubbornness of the language teacher.

I will never imitate classical Chinese!

It probably means that Xu Tianhao knew that he was wrong, thanked the teacher for his cultivation and guidance, and hoped that in the future, through his own efforts, he could lead others to be kind. Even if this road is difficult, my heart is very firm.

After thinking about it, I finally wrote a good comment.

When the composition was finally corrected, Chen Chu called Qiu Yue to the office and asked Qiu Yue to send the composition.

The next question to consider is still Yang Tianyu.

Chen Chu still doesn't know how to speak to Yang Tianyu.

In fact, it seems that there is no need to ask, and it is estimated that Yang Tianyu will not be interested in dancing.

However, no problem.

In fact, Chen Chu has already figured out how to guide him. First, he has to get Yang Tianyu interested in dancing.

And there are many kinds of dance, some dance types are especially liked by boys, such as hip-hop.

Let’s take a look at Yang Tianyu’s acceptance level first.

Class 7 has always had some kind of class party, and now it can be arranged.

By the way, it can also strengthen the feelings between the students and promote the harmony of the class collective.

In fact, Chen Chu also wanted to hold a party before, but the relationship between the students was not good at that time.

When the show is performed, there will be a lot of noise and even booing and the like, it must be very disappointing, and naturally there is no need to do it.

Now that we have gotten along for the past half semester, the relationship has naturally improved a lot.

What's more, it's a specialty class no matter how you say it, and naturally there are a lot of talents.

Otherwise, Chen Chu took advantage of the recess to go to the classroom.

"Everyone go back to their positions first, there is something to announce!"

Everyone hurriedly returned to their seats and sat down.

"Look at the other classes that have held quite a few social gatherings in one semester, but our class has never had one. I thought about it, and our class has also held it once, performing talents and creating a lively atmosphere."

"Besides, our class is a specialty class, and there are so many art students. I think our class's party this time must be very exciting! What do you think?"

Chen Chu thought that everyone's response might not be very enthusiastic, but he thought that after the news was announced, he actually won the support of everyone.


"I agree with both hands and feet!"

"Old Chen, when are you holding a party?"

"I thought about it, and it's set for next weekend, Saturday!"


The classroom suddenly fell silent.

Everyone can see that they are not very willing.


I knew it.

These guys must be so supportive because they think they don't have to go to class.

Fortunately, no one stood up to oppose and complain.

Let's do it, let's do it, since Old Chen has been begging so hard, I will show mercy and support it.


Forget it, I'm too lazy to compare with you.

"Everyone must participate in this class party. Whether it's a group or an individual, you can perform whatever you can, and you can recite poetry!" Chen Chu thought for a while, in order to increase the enthusiasm of the children, He decisively took out a stack of homework-free coupons that were printed out yesterday and stamped with a small red seal. "Then the performance selection will be conducted. The top three will be rewarded, and the first place will receive ten homework-free coupons! One! Get a homework-free ticket, you can get one free homework!"

Free homework tickets! ?

Everyone's eyes can't help but glow!

That look is already a bit like a wolf like a tiger. If Chen Chu is not so majestic here, maybe someone would dare to come up and grab it.

Coldly, Wang Xu suddenly asked, "Old Chen, can I be exempted from the inspection?"

As soon as the voice fell, the eyes of most people instantly became hot.


"The top three performers can all get a review-free coupon!"

This sentence was like a blockbuster, which exploded in the seventh class in an instant.

"I want to sign up!"

"I signed up!"

Seeing everyone's enthusiasm suddenly mobilized.

Chen Chu was really dumbfounded.

"Let's discuss it and see if it's a group or a solo performance, Wang Lebang, count the list, and give it to me when the statistics are finished!"

"it is good!"

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