Yuan Wen outside the door hesitated, but decided to go in and take a look.

Although Deng Sijia's words did hurt a professional dancer's self-esteem, Yuan Wen also knew Deng Sijia's temperament and was not malicious.

Of course, there is no need to care about a child, that seems to be a small measure.

Besides, what Deng Sijia said is also true.

After calming down, Yuan Wen pushed the door open and entered the dance studio.

When everyone saw Yuan Wen coming, they quickly said hello.

Yuan Wen smiled, "How's the rehearsal going?"

"It just started, and the progress is pretty good!" Deng Sijia hurriedly came to Yuan Wen. "Mr. Yuan, I just re-arranged the movements, you can help me take a look."


After that, Deng Sijia made a dance according to the video, and then gave Yuan Wen a sample, and then started to dance the movements she made up.

Yuan Wen watched and was secretly surprised by Deng Sijia's growth rate.

It's only a holiday, Deng Sijia's progress is really very obvious.

When she was rehearsing with Chen Chu in the art hall before, Yuan Wen felt that Deng Sijia's foundation was getting stronger and stronger, and she even had the style of a professional dancer.

Now, looking at Deng Sijia's own movements, although it was made on the basis of the opponent, it can be seen that Deng Sijia's talent has been initially shown.

The control of the strength of the action, the expression of the rhythm, etc., all aspects have begun to form some of their own styles.

Although it still seems a little immature, it is already a pretty good start.

Before that, the children in Class 7 basically had a mixed attitude, and Deng Sijia was the same. The dance class on weekdays was basically an attitude of completing the course, and it was only a coping attitude. Just a little better.

In a blink of an eye, the child has gradually grown up.

Yuan Wen is naturally very pleased with this, and she is not stingy. Naturally, she has simplified some redundant actions.

"Let's reset."

"First of all, the movements here are strong enough, but the overall look and feel is a little worse." Yuan Wen explained Deng Sijia's movements while reviewing them, "You are like the movements here, add some rhythm, such as legs. , waist, you can feel it yourself, is the effect better?"

Deng Sijia hurriedly tried a few moves, and it was indeed better than before.

"Because it is a very subjective form of expression, it emphasizes personal experience and aesthetics, and everyone has their own style. Teacher, no matter how much I say, it is better for you to experience and explore..."

"There is no way in this world, but if you walk a lot, there will be a way. The truth is the same..."

Yuan Wen was guiding Deng Sijia carefully, while Yang Tianyu and the others were naturally not idle, and continued to practice dancing on the side.

At least practice the basic movements first.

As a result, Yuan Wen couldn't help being distracted when she saw Yang Tianyu's situation.

Yuan Wen is not familiar with all the students in Class 7. For example, Yang Tianyu and Cao Yunjing are only familiar with each other. They know they are from Class 7, but they don't even know their names, but they look like sports students.

Yuan Wen asked, "Who is leading the dance now?"

"Yang Tianyu, from our class." Deng Sijia replied, "Sports student."

"Huh?" Yuan Wen couldn't help but be a little surprised. "Teach Feng Qian?"

"He dances much better than Feng Qian." Deng Sijia smiled. "And don't look at him as a sports student. His mother used to be a dancer in the art troupe. When he was a child, his mother taught him to practice, so he still has some foundation."

It really is!

At least Yuan Wen took a look at Yang Tianyu's situation and danced really well.

These seven classes are really weird.

Physical education students have a little more foundation in dancing than dance students.

However, Yuan Wen's mind was not on Yang Tianyu, she was just curious, and she was still concentrating on guiding Deng Sijia.

It just so happened that after Chen Chu was busy with his work, he also came to the dance studio to see how the children were rehearsing.

Be prepared to take a walk around each dance studio.

The dance studio where Yang Tianyu and the others were located was the first person to come here, but Chen Chu was quite shocked when he saw Yang Tianyu leading the dance there!

Even Feng Qian followed Yang Tianyu to practice there! ?

Chen Chu subconsciously used the teacher's eyes to take a look, but did not find Yang Tianyu's talent awakening.

Nothing happened.

When a group of people saw Chen Chu coming, they hurriedly said hello.

Chen Chu saw that Yuan Wen was also guiding Deng Sijia there.

Good guy, these necessary conditions are sufficient!

And Yang Tianyu doesn't seem to be too reluctant to dance, and even ran to lead the dance.

Seems like nothing happened to me.

Chen Chu said hello at the door and let everyone continue the rehearsal. After saying that, I came over to take a look, then turned around and closed the door.

Keep going!

I feel that if things go on like this, Yang Tianyu's talent should be activated, and Yuan Wen will still serve as a guide these days. When he sees that Yang Tianyu has this qualification, maybe he won't need to talk to him, Yang Tianyu himself will go to Yuan Wen.

Sure enough, this time the party was arranged quite well.

Chen Chu had a hunch that this matter with Yang Tianyu should go smoothly.

And it's just a dance, it won't make any moths come out.


Chen Chu reached out and slapped himself lightly.

I said don't stand up fg, don't stand up fg, why did you stand up again accidentally!

I withdraw what I just said!

Of course, it can't be biased. After Chen Chu strolled around the other dance studios, he turned his head and went to the biology laboratory and the physics laboratory.

Naturally, it was because there were not enough rehearsal venues. It happened that both laboratories were in the hands of Class 7, so they just took them out as rehearsal venues.

Even the gym was occupied.

Anyway, after walking around for a while, Chen Chu was in charge of delivering meals.

Of course, it can't be given away in vain. Happiness Xiaozao is not his own, and Zhao Yizhou and Lu Mei's. One yard is one yard.

The children only ordered takeout, and Chen Chu made a round trip.

However, Chen Chu was stunned that he could collide with Wang Xu when delivering food.

Just came out of the dance studio with takeaways and was about to go to the physics laboratory, when I saw Wang Xu also taking takeaways to prepare to go to the physics laboratory, the moment I saw Chen Chu, Wang Xu's happy expression instantly changed. solidified.

The physics laboratory was used by Liu Yuchen's group.

Chen Chu still doesn't know what Wang Xu is doing.

"Ha ha……"

"Ha ha……"

"Have you written the review yet?"


"It's only a review of 100,000 words, and you haven't finished writing it for a holiday?"


Wang Xu snorted inwardly.

It's just a girlfriend, and you haven't found it for almost 25 years! ?

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