Chen Chu soon had an idea.

It is still the first to get rich and then to get rich, and let Yang Tianyu take Feng Qian to practice together.

During the evening self-study, Chen Chu called the two to the office, and even made a space for the two to teach them to start painting.

Of course, before painting, let Feng Qian drink the medicine.

Feng Qian just sniffed her whole face and squeezed it into a ball, showing how disgusted she was.

"I'm bored. You have nosebleeds every day these days. The medicine is specially used to replenish qi and blood. Drinking it is good for your health!"

There was no other way, Feng Qian could only drink it bravely. After drinking, Chen Chu handed over the prepared mineral water. Feng Qian managed to hold back the retching and slowed down.

"Drink for a week in a row!"

"Ah!?" Feng Qian looked confused.

Chen Chu made a face, "This matter is not negotiable, you must drink, this is for the sake of your health."

Feng Qian didn't dare to say a word.

"At present, I found that both of you have talents in art, so I decided to help you develop it in depth!" Chen Chu said slowly, "First of all, I will teach you from the most basic, and study hard."

Both were stunned.

Yang Tianyu can't figure out what Lao Chen is thinking now.

Didn't you suggest yourself to be a dancer before? Why are you pulling yourself to learn to draw now?

Feng Qian was also stunned.

If Lao Chen wants to say that Yang Tianyu is talented in art, then I believe it, but Lao Chen, is it a bit too rushed for me to say that I have talent in art?

Just what I drew with my hands... that's just horrible...

"Don't be confused, this is called comprehensive development!"

"And as the old saying goes, more skills don't overwhelm you, and you will be the same. In the future, you will have more paths in society, and it will also make your development more diversified. I have high hopes for the two of you. Yes, the two of you must be the two most talented people in our class in the future!"


Old Chen, don't be fooled.

You must have said that to everyone anyway.

After staying with Chen Chu for a long time, in fact, everyone can more or less guess what Lao Chen said on weekdays.

But it is still the same sentence, everyone understands Lao Chen's intentions, and they are all for everyone's future.

You have to give Lao Chen a face anyway, right?

Learn to learn!

Anyway, it's better than being tutored by Lao Chen.

Chen Chu didn't intend to teach such superb skills, it was not necessary at all, and he didn't have the time.

Both of them have C-level art talent, just need to get in the door, and the rest will be easy.

What's more, Yang Tianyu is already in a state of art fanaticism, and it is easier to teach. When Yang Tianyu learns it, he can teach Feng Qian.

Chen Chu can only teach beginners, because the real purpose is not to let two people go to the art major. If they teach too much, they really run into the direction of art. Feng Qian is fine, but Yang Tianyu is really crooked.

As an artistic creation, painting has a great influence on aesthetics and can be used to assist the development of the two's original talents.

Complement each other.

Fortunately, the attitude of the two of them, Chen Chu, is quite satisfactory, and there is no slack or complaint, and their attitudes are very correct and serious.

It's really much more worry-free than when I first took over the seventh class.

Yang Tianyu is indeed a very fast learner and has a strong ability to accept, but Feng Qian is still the same. He understands and understands.

It's a bit of a sleight of hand.

However, this kind of thing is not something that can be solved in a day or two, it takes time.

There is also Yang Tianyu teaching next to him, although he often practiced by himself, he was on top.

Anyway, after practicing for a week, Chen Chu felt that it would be somewhat effective.

As a result, Liao Kunyang and others learned that Chen Chu was actually teaching Yang Tianyu and Feng Qian to draw, and a group of art students were also stunned.

It is well known that Chen can paint.

Especially the picture of the Thousand Miles of Rice Waves in Xingfu Xiaozao. Although Lao Chen always said that it was copied from other people's paintings, the art students naturally didn't believe it.

And even if it is a copy, it is a master's handwriting to be able to draw this level.

In fact, everyone had long wanted to let Chen Chu teach painting, but it was difficult to speak.

After all, Chen Chu is so busy on weekdays that he doesn't seem to have time to teach painting, but now that he sees that he still has time to teach Yang Tianyu and Feng Qian to paint, he feels a little uncomfortable.

They are all students in Class 7. Old Chen, you teach dance students and sports students to draw, but you don't teach us art students. What do you mean?

Anyway, as soon as everyone discussed it, let Liao Kunyang talk to Lao Chen.

Liao Kunyang couldn't help rolling his eyes immediately, "What do you want me to tell Lao Chen?"

"Why don't you just tell Lao Chen that we also want to learn to draw?"

Liao Kunyang thought about it, and this matter still has to be said.

He really wanted to learn to paint with old Chen, so Liao Kunyang came to the office to look for Chen Chu while he was taking a break from his evening self-study.

Chen Chu was teaching Yang Tianyu and Feng Qian there. When he saw Liao Kunyang at the door, he went over and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Old Chen, this..." Liao Kunyang scratched his head, "We also want to learn to draw!"


Chen Chu was dumbfounded.

He really hadn't considered this before, and he was only teaching some basic introductions. Like Liao Kunyang, a group of art students, although many of them have the element of messing around, they have more or less practiced art before. The basics are definitely not taught, so I didn't think about it at all.

In this regard, he is also biased.

The feelings of the art students were not taken into account.

"I actually just taught them the basics of getting started. I didn't teach too much, and you all know the basics." Chen Chu smiled, "Of course, if you are interested, you can come and participate. "

"it is good!"

When Liao Kunyang went back and talked about it, the art students heard it, it turned out to be teaching some basics! I thought Old Chen was teaching them some secret skills!

That's even better!

No need to go to class! Evening self-study has to read books, how boring!

A group of people hurried to the office door with a pen and paper and waited.

When Chen Chu saw this, the eyes of a bunch of art students at the door were shining, and they were speechless for a while.


Where did you guys come to learn to draw?

It is clearly for the sake of being open and upright and not studying at night!

But after all the words were spoken, Chen Chu couldn't go back and regret it.

Over time, these guys will take advantage of their own loopholes.

However, that's fine.

Among art students, girls are the most numerous.

Feng Qian's progress was too slow, and there was no way to teach her by hand, so she just came to ask them to tutor Feng Qian, and the progress might be faster.

"Go back to the classroom and get the chairs, there are no more chairs here!"

As soon as Chen Chu waved his hand, a group of art students rushed into the classroom in a swarm, moving chairs into the office in a swarm.

The other teachers who had just finished their class were planning to go back to the office to rest.

Push the door open.

The eyes of the ten or so Class 7 people fell on each other at once.


Dangerous! ! !

The teacher decisively closed the door and went to another office.

slip away.

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