At noon that day, the group arrived in Kunhai and checked into the hotel.

Assistant Ke arranged a double room for Wu Ming and Xu Tianhao to live together.

Today's task is mainly to rest and recharge for tomorrow's game.

But Wu Ming's three teammates wanted to go shopping because they were all coming to Kunhai for the first time.

Since it is a team, then Wu Ming has to be called.

The three of them made an appointment to come to Wu Ming's room, knocked on the door, and saw Wu Ming open the door after a while.

"What's wrong?"

"Wu Ming, we are going out for a walk, do you want to follow us?"

Wu Ming didn't have any thoughts. He wanted to stay in the room and continue reading, but after thinking about it, he turned to look at Xu Tianhao, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed and closed his eyes. "Brother Hao, do you want to go out for a walk?"

The other three people just saw this scene, and immediately looked at each other.

This... is this meditating! ?

This one named Xu Tianhao... is really a bit of a maverick.


Hearing Xu Tianhao's response, Wu Ming smiled at the three of them, "Then let's go shopping together."


"Okay, okay."

After a while, the group of five left the hotel. After all, they didn't know each other well and didn't know where to go.

Wu Ming came to Kunhai quite a few times, so he acted as a guide. There happened to be a lively commercial street nearby called Dianhuhui, so he decided to go to Dianhuhui.

As a result, just halfway through, I saw someone arguing on the side of the road, and there were many people watching nearby.

This group of people looked over and saw that two cars had collided, and the two car owners were wrangling there, and they seemed to be more angry, and it was estimated that they were about to fight.

When everyone heard it, it seemed that one of them suddenly wanted to jump in the queue, and the line became more and more solid.

The person who was hit was not convinced, and asked the other party to lose money and apologize. The other party said that you did not steer, and secondly, you cut the line to step on the line. I was driving normally, so why should I apologize to you for losing money? It's almost as good as you give me money to apologize.

Three poles this day, the weather is hot, it was quite stuffy, and the anger has become more vigorous.

Both of them were strong men in their thirties and forties. At this time, they were grabbing each other's collars, pointing at each other, grinning, and looking like they wanted to eat people.

The people who eat melons nearby did not dare to come forward casually, so as not to be implicated accidentally.

The three people who followed Wu Ming and Xu Tianhao were also high school students, and they were not very old. They dared to get involved in this kind of thing. Naturally, they just glanced at them and left.

However, after walking a few steps, they suddenly realized that Wu Ming and Xu Tianhao hadn't followed at all. The three of them were stunned for a moment, and when they turned their heads, they saw Wu Ming and Xu Tianhao stopping there, as if they were discussing something.

The three of them were dumbfounded when they saw this, but they didn't expect Wu Ming and Xu Tianhao to love watching the fun so much.

No way, the three had to walk back, and when they were about to call for the two to go together, they saw Wu Ming had already rolled up his sleeves and said to Xu Tianhao, "Brother Hao, I'll open the way for you!"

Um! ?

The three were stunned.

Seeing that Wu Ming had stepped forward, he shouted, "Don't look at all, don't look at all, there's nothing to see, everyone, let's go!"

Wu Ming shouted in this voice, but many people really came back to their senses, turned their heads and left.

After all, it is easy for people to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. This is not a good thing, so don't be dragged into it accidentally.

Many people dispersed at once, and at the same time, Xu Tianhao also walked forward, and after passing Wu Ming, he came to the two car owners.

"Zhao Nima! Let go, I won't be polite if I don't let go!"

"I tell you, it's not over for today!"

Just when the two were grinning, a peaceful voice suddenly came from their ears: "You two, why are you so angry?"

The voice seemed to penetrate the heart at once. For a moment, the two who were still grinning inexplicably felt that the anger in their hearts had subsided a lot. When they turned their heads, Xu Tianhao had slowly raised his hands and landed on their shoulders respectively. Above, he patted lightly and said with a smile, "Everyone values ​​harmony."

The melon-eating crowd who were watching the play saw that Xu Tianhao actually stepped forward to pull the frame, and their expressions changed.

Some of them looked weird, thinking that Xu Tianhao was meddling with his own business, and at first glance, he was still a high school student, yes, he was afraid that he would be beaten if he was not careful!

Some were worried, and at the moment, they were afraid that Xu Tianhao would be involved.

After all, these two people are in good spirits at the moment, and only the police can come to dissuade them. If others go over, being scolded is a trivial matter, and they may even ask for a beating.

Just when everyone was thinking about it, the two grinning car owners suddenly stopped.

The two were silent for a while, and after looking at each other, they both let go of each other's hands, and the expressions that were originally angry suddenly became much calmer.

"It wasn't a big deal in the first place, it was just a touch. There's no need to fight for this trivial matter. If something really happened, it would be too late to regret it." Xu Tianhao smiled slightly, "Be kind and make money! Shake hands, apologize to each other, if there is any problem, just discuss it with kindness."

The two car owners are out of anger now, and they don't know what's going on. When Xu Tianhao said this, it felt like it wasn't a big deal. As a result, the two of them quarreled.

Thinking about it, it doesn't seem necessary at all.

Anyway, my heart is very calm now, and Xu Tianhao's anger is instantly extinguished by Xu Tianhao.

Seeing that the two had calmed down, Xu Tianhao smiled and retracted his hand.

"Peace makes money, peace makes money." One of the car owners suddenly laughed, and hurriedly extended his hand, his attitude changed 180 degrees in an instant "Sorry, brother, it's my fault, mainly because I was in a hurry today, so I just It's all my fault to think about jumping in the queue, you don't remember the villain's deeds, don't have the same knowledge as me."

The other car owner also laughed, and quickly reached out and shook hands with each other, "If it's all your fault, then it's not right, a slap didn't make a sound, I was also very angry at the time, and no one is in a hurry! Understand and understand. You must not know me in general!"

"In this way, the two of us will not block the road. Let's drive to one side and discuss it slowly!"

"Okay, okay, no problem!"

The two of them got into the car with a smile and hurried to the side of the road.

The onlookers eating melons? ? ? ?

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