At this moment, Lin Zidong and Zhang Ze frowned as they looked at the documents they had just downloaded.

They have protected Cao Yunjing as much as possible, and they have also pulled the fire department together.

Cao Yunjing is not very conspicuous at present, and will not attract the attention of people with ulterior motives.

But what should come is still to come.

Because the Jiangnan Police Dog Training Base suddenly and explosively increased the number of applications for dogs in the first half of the year, it has attracted the attention of the above, and people are ready to send people to the Jiangnan Police Dog Training Base to investigate the specific situation.

This is a good thing and a bad thing.

The good thing is that it has attracted the attention of the above, and once the investigators come over and confirm that the dogs reported have met the standards, the Jiangnan Police Dog Training Base will definitely get a lot of benefits, and it will definitely be closer to the goal of the fifth largest police dog training base in the country. further.

And the bad things are self-evident.

Cao Yunjing will also be exposed in the line of sight above.

The most worrying thing may happen, people with ulterior motives will take advantage of Cao Yunjing.

However, sorrow returns to sorrow, after all, we have to face it.

Anyway, Lin Zidong and Zhang Ze have long considered that such a situation will happen, and they have already made a record.

Don't push people into a hurry.

The investigator arrived in the afternoon, and Lin Zidong and Zhang Ze looked at each other.

"Take one step at a time!"

"It can only be like this. If the above wants to reuse Xiao Cao, I think that is a really good thing, and if the above is willing to negotiate with other departments, perhaps Xiao Cao can join in advance, which saves a lot of unnecessary trouble. and procedures."

Because the trainers of the police dog training base are not front-line workers, the risk will be relatively low. From the current legal point of view, even if they are minors, they can join in advance if they have a major role and significance. .

Of course, the premise is that other departments have to agree, such as the labor and social security department, etc. Anyway, it is not a simple matter, and the relevant work needs to be coordinated well above.

It's not that early entry is equivalent to being tied to the Jiangnan Police Dog Training Base, but only considering the merits and rewards.

Lin Zidong and Zhang Ze both saw the potential of Cao Yunjing. In the future, Cao Yunjing will take over the head of the Jiangnan Police Dog Training Base. Early entry means early meritorious service, and the rewards will not be less, and Cao Yunjing has the right to speak. Naturally, it will be heavier, and people with ulterior motives will have to consider very carefully when they want to make small moves.

Anyway, before the two of them retire, they will try their best to help Cao Yunjing to get in place, for Cao Yunjing's good, but also for their own good.

The best of both worlds, why not do it?

When Cao Yunjing was eating in the cafeteria of the police dog training base, both Lin Zidong and Zhang Ze came.

"Xiao Cao, come here and tell you something."

Cao Yunjing came over with a puzzled look on his plate, "Uncle Lin, Uncle Zhang, what's the matter?"

Zhang Ze didn't hide it, and explained the truth to Cao Yunjing.

The number of dogs declared in the first half of the year was quite large. Especially during the holiday period, Cao Yunjing brought out three batches in one go, and all of them were police dogs that had passed the inspection and passed the standard and could be employed, and caught up with the sum of the previous three years. It is a strange thing to explode directly without attracting attention from above.

"The list declared now has been called back temporarily, and an investigator will be sent from it." Zhang Ze hurriedly smiled and said, "But you don't have to worry about anything, the investigator is just here to determine whether these police dogs are really qualified, not It's a lot of stuff, and you've trained it yourself, you must know it in your heart."

Cao Yunjing nodded slightly, he was naturally confident about this.

The dogs he trained are of course quality guaranteed!

Originally, a batch could be produced in ten days and a half months, but it took three months to repeat the training every day, and it was not until the holiday period that the official declaration was made.

The quality is definitely stellar.

"At about 4:30 in the afternoon, the investigator should be here." Lin Zidong said, "You can deal with it normally, just say whatever you need to say, don't panic."

"it is good."

Anyway, everything that needs to be explained has been explained.

After waiting until 4:30 in the afternoon, the investigator came to the Jiangnan Police Dog Training Base.

Naturally, Lin Zidong and Zhang Ze received them together.

Moreover, this investigator Zhang Ze knows, his name is Jiang Sheng, he is a few years older than Zhang Ze, and he is about to retire. He used to meet often when he went to Kunhai for meetings, and the other party is not a layman. It is precisely the Southwest Police Dog Training. One of the base's old trainers.

Whether the dog can do it or not is basically known at a glance.

This made Lin Zidong and Zhang Ze a little relieved, because they were afraid that they would send someone from above who didn't understand anything, and that was the most troublesome, and it took a long time to explain.

Since they are acquaintances, it is easy to talk.

Zhang Ze and Lin Zidong took Jiang Sheng to the kennel first, because the declaration had not been passed, so the dogs could only squeeze for the time being.

After the subsequent application is approved, the expansion funding can be approved before a new kennel can be opened.

Jiang Sheng walked around the kennel, but it really opened his eyes, and said happily, "Old Zhang, your Jiangnan police dog training skills are not small! Good guy, you really have trained so many breeds!"

Jiang Sheng was really surprised.

In the kennel, I actually saw a lot of Chinese pastoral dogs, and even a considerable number of hybrid breeds.

Quite outrageous!

Although other police dog training bases are also trying to train Chinese pastoral dogs to become part of police dogs, and indeed some Chinese pastoral dogs have already served, but the overall progress is very slow. In addition to more scientific training methods, it is also necessary to make The Chinese pastoral dog overcomes some traits in nature.

All in all, this is a very difficult project, and it also tests the trainer's ability quite a bit.

Suddenly seeing so many Chinese pastoral dogs in the kennel, Jiang Shengzhen was a little unbelievable when he saw it with his own eyes.

Then, for the first time, a few walks were randomly selected.

Each one has achieved the prohibition, and the various subjects are also quite well completed.

Of course, training is one thing, and whether or not you can actually complete the mission after serving is another.

Zhang Ze was naturally prepared for this.

"Old Jiang, you see, these are two police dogs that have already served. So far, they have followed five missions, all of which have been successfully completed."

"Oh?" Jiang Sheng took the information and took a look at "Big Head and Flying Legs?"

"Yes, this can be said to be the first batch to officially serve."

Jiang Sheng nodded slightly and said with a smile, "After all, they are all in this line of work. Whether the little guys can do it, we know it in our hearts. Even if you don't show me, I know that these little guys will definitely be able to complete the task."

This is the convenience of communicating with peers. If you are a layman, you may have to question all kinds of data even if you take out the information.

"Then let me meet the legendary trainer at your base, right?" Jiang Sheng said, "Let me see who is sacred!"

As soon as they met, Jiang Sheng looked at Cao Yunjing, who was slightly immature in front of him, and was a little stunned.

Although he is tall and strong, this looks like a minor!

Where's the kid from?

When asked what happened to Cao Yunjing, Cao Yunjing replied with a smile.

"Uncle Jiang, I am working and studying at the base, and by the way, I have an early internship."

"Work-study program"

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