Yang Tianyu, a dancer, didn't just talk about it, but really had to go to class.

Jiangnan No. 1 Middle School has art courses in the first stage of high school, but compared to the dance students who have to train every day, there are only three art classes a week, and the content of these three classes is more for guidance and communication. Assign homework and let students do it by themselves, and more professional course guidance will be given in the second year of high school.

Yang Tianyu's art class is scheduled on Thursday, and the rest of the time is dance class.

Yang Tianyu had no opinion on this, and responded very readily.

However, after Yuan Wen knew about this, she was completely stunned by Chen Chu's operation.

Are you not fooling around?

Yang Tianyu's reporting on sports and dancing at the same time is a bit of a joke. After all, a person's energy is limited after all.

And as the old saying goes, you can't chew too much.

It's good now, it's all reported.

You, the head teacher, don't stop you! ?

In case that when the time comes, you can't make a name for yourself, you don't learn the three things well, and your learning is delayed, then the child won't remember to hate you! ?

Yuan Wen's worries are not unreasonable.

But on second thought.

There is nothing wrong with this statement if it is applied to other people, but if it is applied to Chen Chu and the students in Class 7, it does not feel so suitable.

After all, there is a three hundred and sixty-line head teacher who grabs food from each other.

You have to say that greedy chewing is not rotten. Chen Chu, who is greedy for chewing too much, can still digest it perfectly for you.

This is not just a dance, it is a professional dance fan...

And should I say or not, Chen Chu seems to be able to see the talents of the children, and he can dig out the talents of the children in a short period of time. Although the direction is indeed outrageous, it does make the children's talents show. Incisively and vividly.

Such as Liu Yuchen, such as Sun Jiaojiao...

Moreover, Chen Chu is so responsible for the children of Class 7, obviously this matter should be seriously considered.

Yuan Wen didn't think that Chen Chu was someone who would just mess around.

Thinking about it this way, yes, it seems that I think too much.

In the afternoon of the same day, Yang Tianyu took the information and followed Deng Sijia and others to the dance studio to report.

"Mr. Yuan, this is the form that Lao Chen asked me to give you. I have filled it out."

"it is good."

Yuan Wen took the form filled in by Yang Tianyu, glanced at it, and there was basically no problem. She smiled and said to Yang Tianyu, "From today onwards, you will be part of our dance studio, but because you turned around temporarily. Yes, so there are a lot of basics and skills to relearn. You, Deng Sijia, Feng Qian and the others are all in the same class. If there is something you don’t understand at ordinary times, if I’m not here, you can ask Deng Sijia for advice. Remember to ask for advice humbly. , Deng Sijia's foundation is still quite solid."

"Yes, I understand."


Yuan Wen took Yang Tianyu to formally meet all the dancers.

People are stupid.

As for Yang Tianyu's height and size, he seemed out of place among a group of dancers.

Moreover, many people know that Yang Tianyu is a sports student from the seventh class.

Why did you suddenly become a dancer? ?

Yuan Wen did not explain too much. After the introduction, Yang Tianyu lined up and officially started the dance class.

Deng Sijia and Feng Qian looked at Yang Tianyu with a smile that was not a smile.


here, brother?

I don't know who was still there saying that he didn't want to be a dancer a few days ago.

Isn't this still here?

So, in the seventh class, you must not just stand fg casually, maybe one day you will go astray.

Yang Tianyu pretended not to see, anyway, he was thick-skinned.

Of course, the one who should escape is still unable to escape.

After the break, Yuan Wen called Yang Tianyu to him.

"Yang Tianyu, come, open the ligament!"


Yang Tianyu was instantly shocked.

Still open?

"Mr. Yuan, I have opened it!"

"Huh? Has it been opened?"

Yuan Wen was stunned for a moment, is this child so self-conscious?

"Your next one-word horse."

Yang Tianyu got off the horse without saying a word, don't say it, it's quite standard.

Can it be standard?

Ji Keke was so ruthless that he didn't show any affection.

Yang Tianyu felt as if his legs were about to be broken several times.

Not only the one-character horse, but also the eight-character horse.

Deng Sijia and others took a look, and they all came forward to watch.

"Yo! Yang Tianyu, yes!"

"The posture is pretty standard."

"That's it!" Yang Tianyu raised his eyebrows, "Since I'm going to be a dance student, then I have to practice hard!"

Seeing that Yang Tianyu's ligament can be stretched, Yuan Wen said, "Okay, no problem."

Yang Tianyu thought he had escaped the disaster, but Yuan Wen turned around and said to Deng Sijia and others, "Help him down."

"it is good!"


Yang Tianyu's face suddenly turned pale.

Badly beaten.

Of course Chen Chu didn't know that Yang Tianyu was suffering from lower waist at this time.

As soon as Yang Tianyu's problem was solved, Feng Qian's situation was considered.

Originally, when he went to the art department before, Chen Chu thought about taking Feng Qian with him.

But thinking about it, it's a little too early.

Feng Qian is still handicapped.

Even if I let the art students help me get started, it is not easy to learn. Even if you are talented, it will take time to precipitate, you can only take it slowly.

The only good thing is that this little girl finally has no nosebleeds.

Anyway, Feng Qian couldn't be in a hurry.

Recently, Chen Chu found that Zhuang Rou's teaching point output is also stable and high-yield.

After a long time, Chen Chu also felt a lot of rules.

How well the students learn, examination is one way, and the other way is to judge according to the output of teaching points.

Zhuang Rou is now at a stage where she has begun to advance to a higher level of chemistry.

And with the passage of time, with the help of Zhou Feng, Zhuang Rou's cross-border field has also begun to be officially activated.

Have begun to dabble in mathematics and physics-related knowledge.

A few days ago, when Chen Chu passed by the classroom and peeked at the window, he found that Zhuang Rou was watching physics.

It was still English at the time.

And now Zhuang Rou's genetic inheritance has reached 50.

Only his own learning efficiency is enough to 3333, which is not counting the blessing of various ornaments and the increase of the magic circle of the learning mage.

True horror.

But problems followed.

After observing for a period of time, Zhuang Rou's genetic inheritance stopped moving.

And switching to physics and mathematics also made Chen Chu realize that Zhuang Rou should have reached the bottleneck period.

To go up, you must find a direction that fits your talent.

Polymer Chemistry and Organic Chemistry.

Only by studying these two fields can the genetic inheritance continue to rise.

With a certain mind, Chen Chu immediately took out his mobile phone and called Director Jin of the Kunhai Research Institute.

"Director Jin, do you want your ancestors or not? 》

"As long as you open the mouth, I will send it over to let you knock one for the little ancestor"

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