With this dazzling effort, several seats in the classroom were vacant during class.

Xu Chao, Sun Jiaojiao, Yan Mao, Li Yiyang and Deng Wei, who just took a leave of absence.

Chen Chu doesn't have anything to be sad about, and he doesn't have that sad kung fu.

After all, there are too many things to be busy at the moment. Just after booking the high-speed rail ticket to Kunhai, Chen Chu has to be busy sorting out the study materials.

Of course it was for Feng Qian.

Meilunyan is a special talent, and the specific effect of Chen Chu is currently unknown, but it is certain that this talent should cover architecture, art, clothing, etc., and generally belong to the category of artistic aesthetics.

This concept is very broad, so there are many options to choose from.

To be realistic, it is architectural design, clothing design, and various art performance designs.

Therefore, Feng Qian has too much to learn. If she wants to truly awaken her talents and apply them to practice, she must make extraordinary efforts.

Of course, because this child is too handicapped and has extremely poor learning ability, there is no increase in learning ability related to the talent of Meilunyan. After thinking about it, Chen Chu decided to use Chen's secret method.

Feed the pig teaching!

This is also no way.

Feng Qian's foundation in this regard is really poor, and her own knowledge reserve is too scarce.

Generally speaking, those with talents are cultivated at an early age, and only through their own efforts and the accumulation and precipitation of time will they gradually show their strengths.

Feng Qian has been doing her best to play since she was a child, and her parents are helpless. After all, she is just such a girl.

It is not ruled out that the parents of Class 7 have the idea of ​​​​opening a trumpet, but looking at their children, to be honest, they really dare not give birth.

One is not well managed, another one?

I am afraid how many properties have to be Huo Huoguang.

Moreover, the seventh class is a very special situation.

A once in a century.

Just because of the education reform.

Otherwise, according to the normal circumstances, the seventh class is generally dispersed and put into other classes, at least other schools do this.

Of course, after actually getting in touch, Chen Chu found that many people in Class 7 are not too bad in nature, at least Zhou Feng and this group of sports students appear to be very honest in Class 7.

But in the environment of the previous seventh class, if you were well-behaved and sensible, you would definitely be isolated and even targeted.

Chen Chu was busy arranging materials at the moment, and then prepared to print all the materials that could be printed.

Because the transformation of the teacher's sweet power requires a physical medium.

It's not that Chen Chu didn't try to turn the USB flash drive into dessert after putting the data in the USB flash drive, and... it is feasible.

But the required teaching points are astronomical, and they are tens of billions of teaching points at every turn.

And if it is really converted into dessert, a lot of knowledge will rush into the mind after this sip. If it is too violent, it will cause nerve pain, memory confusion, and even cause syncope and even death!

In a way, also a weapon?

Knowledge in the literal sense is too vast to spill over to death...

Anyway, Chen Chu will definitely not mess around, and they are honestly organized into book content.

After all, there was already a Zhuang Rou who was fed like this before. Trouble is trouble, but thinking that these children will become all-powerful figures in all walks of life in the future, Chen Chu feels that it is a trivial matter.

Is there any teacher who doesn't want his students to become talents in the future?

I don't want that to be unworthy of the word teacher! Anyway, after the materials were sorted out, Chen Chu went to the Academic Affairs Office to borrow a printer to print the materials frantically, and because of the relationship with Director Sun, Chen Chu still had some privileges, at least no one in the Academic Affairs Office would trouble Chen Chu.

In a blink of an eye, after the evening self-study was over, Chen Chu was still printing materials in the Academic Affairs Office, and he stayed up until everyone else got off work, and Chen Chu was still there. As a result, the manager even gave Chen Chu a spare key and asked Chen Chu to do so. Remember to close the door and turn off the lights etc.

This tossing was a night, and all the information was converted into desserts and stored in the inventory, and then Feng Qian was called to the office the next day.

"Old Chen?"

When Feng Qian was wondering, Chen Chu took a chair and put it in front of him and moved the laptop over.

"Come on, I specially found it for you last night."

Feng Qian sat down and looked at the computer, her eyes widened, it was an e-book.

"Appreciation of Famous Architecture"

A look at the catalog, more than 300 pages.


Looking at Feng Qian's confused look, Chen Chu smiled slightly, "This is to improve your aesthetic ability and enrich your knowledge. You can come and see after class."

"Look, isn't this building beautiful?"

Chen Chu quickly turned a few pages and found a photograph of the building.

After all, just looking at the text, Feng Qian would definitely not be able to accept it, but if there were pictures, the effect would definitely be much better.

Sure enough, as soon as Feng Qian saw the photograph, her eyes lit up and she really looked at it.

"Don't just look at the picture, but also understand the history of the building, the design meaning and the aesthetic concept in it..."

Feng Qian responded. After all, she has a special state of being addicted to beauty, but she is very focused.

"are you hungry?"

"Alright, alright, what's wrong?"

As soon as Chen Chu opened the drawer, it was a sliced ​​cake.

"Come on, it's tiring to use your brain! Replenish your consumption. This is what I specially prepared for you. Eat it yourself, don't tell others! And don't waste it, you must eat it cleanly, and cherish the food."

Feng Qian?

Suddenly, a fleshy figure popped out of his mind.

Is the victim surnamed Zhuang laughing? Sooner or later it will be your turn!

Heaven is good for reincarnation, who will Heaven forgive?


Feng Qian's body froze suddenly, and she didn't dare to touch the cake that Chen Chu took out.

Chen Chu hurriedly shoved his fork into Feng Qian's hand, "Hurry up, hurry up."

e...Is it alright not to eat?

As soon as Feng Qian raised her head, she gave Chen Chu a complicated look.

For a long time, he didn't speak.

Eat, for fear of gaining weight, she is a dancer and has to maintain her figure.

If you don't eat it, you will betray Lao Chen's wishes, and Lao Chen is definitely not happy.

If Lao Chen is not happy, the consequences...

Feng Qian knew which one was more important and which one was more important. She gritted her teeth secretly, her hand holding the fork trembled slightly, and she reached out to the cake by the table and forked a small piece into her mouth.

Chen Chu hurriedly asked with a smile, "Is it delicious?"


"You can't waste it! Look at your skinny child, you have to eat it all!"

Looking at the whole plate of cakes on the table, Feng Qian was stunned. She looked at Chen Chu's eyes like a monitor. Although she smiled, Feng Qian already felt a sense of oppression.

She felt that if she couldn't finish her meal today, she might not be able to leave the office.

"Feng Chen Makes Up Classes to Gain 100 Million Kg"

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