As soon as Sun Ziyang took off his clothes, he also put on swimming trunks, and followed a group of old men to plunge into the water.

After Jin Jiang swims more often, every time Sun Ziyang swims, he feels as if he and Jin Jiang have become one.

Really, he felt that as soon as he closed his eyes, a whole new underwater world would emerge in his mind.

It's like turning on the perspective plug-in, there is a sense of clearness at a glance.


But he won't tell anyone, after all, he can't explain it clearly.

Of course, Sun Ziyang didn't really come to swim.

Swimming is just an appearance. Sun Ziyang's real purpose here is to observe the current.

The trip to Sanya really touched Sun Ziyang deeply.

People speak lightly.

So he thought that he must take the opportunity to enter the high-level, and when he really has the decision-making power, he can really save the lives of countless people!

However, relying on reading speed is too slow.

Even if Old Chen helped pave the way, Sun Ziyang was still too slow.

Why can't we be like Super?

Although he didn't know what Xu Chao was doing in the research institute, Sun Ziyang immediately realized that Xu Chao must have been taken seriously when he saw that Xu Chao came and went freely, and that there was even a special driver escort arranged by the Jiangnan Agricultural Science Institute.

This time, Sun Ziyang immediately wanted to understand.

Xu Chao must have come up with some major research results, otherwise it would not have been so taken seriously.

Then if I also come up with any special research results, even those that affect the whole world, wouldn't I also be valued?

Anyway, Xu Chao must have been opened by Lao Chen, and I was also opened by Lao Chen. If Xu Chao can do it, so can I!

This is the real purpose of Sun Ziyang's swimming in Jinjiang. He wants to produce some research results.

And it's quite a different kind.

With his special ability, Sun Ziyang felt that this matter should not be so difficult.

Not to mention, Sun Ziyang really found something different after careful observation for a period of time.

The laws of water movement.

Thanks to his own special ability, Sun Ziyang discovered that when the water moved, it would release a special message.

The feedback from each exercise method is different.

Just like when he recorded the hidden current in Sanya last time, every time Sun Ziyang went ashore, he would take out a notebook from his bag and record it.

They are numbered according to the movement of the water flow.

This time, what Sun Ziyang wrote down when he went ashore is No. 104, which is characterized by a fluctuating line, with a fluctuating length of about 710 meters, a large amplitude, and a high frequency. so tall? ’

After writing the content, Sun Ziyang drew a rough wavy line at the back, so that the preliminary record was completed.

After returning home, Sun Ziyang had to use the computer to check to see if there was any relevant literature or research content to help him further understand.

After swimming for almost an hour, it was almost time for Sun Ziyang to say goodbye to the old men and go home.

After returning home, I drilled directly into my room, turned on the computer, and started to log in to the forum.

Because this data search is also a hassle, and Sun Ziyang has no relevant research, how can he select from so many data that it is consistent with the water flow he has recorded?

After thinking about it, Sun Ziyang decisively found an academic forum on the Internet called the Hydraulic Fluid Research Forum. There are really gods in the forum.

"I used to work at a certain research institute..."

"I was walking around the Institute of Hydraulic Power of the Chinese Academy of Sciences..."

And so on, as soon as he opens his mouth, he is a boss-level existence.

Although many people are playing tricks, there are really many bigwigs who even directly tell you what literature is, the corresponding paper, what book to read, and even the actual movement and meaning of this hydraulic power are with you. Said clearly and plainly, really everything.

Isn't this much faster than finding it yourself?

In fact, Sun Ziyang had posted a post before, but no one cared about his post at all, and after waiting for two or three days, no one responded.

Seeing this, Sun Ziyang was angry.

Am I the poor guy?

Decisively open a reward directly on the forum, as long as you can answer, a post is 500, the account is left, and I will send the money directly!

Money can turn the devil around.

I waited two or three days before and didn't reply, but this time a reward was offered, and three replies were posted in half an hour.

And the responses of the three people are basically the same, and even several documents and papers overlap.

Sun Ziyang took a look, and the three of them decisively paid the money.

And I replied to the posts of the three big guys below the post. I read them all, and I benefited a lot. Thanks, the money has arrived.

The three big guys all replied thank you one by one.

As a result, Sun Ziyang's post was featured on the same day by the administrator, and his nickname was sun, which was too lavish, so he was dubbed "Japanese guy" in the forum.

e... Actually, that's just the pinyin of my surname.

But Sun Ziyang doesn't care anymore. Anyway, this method is feasible, so he has been exploring it by offering bounties.

Learn more, spend faster.

Sun Ziyang has already posted more than 70 posts, and his pocket money has been spent cleanly.

If you have no money, you can only ask for it at home.

When Sun Ziyang's parents took a look, what did you do? Spend so much money all at once?

You didn't spend so much when you didn't do serious things before!

Sun Ziyang was dumbfounded, could it be the same?

I used to hang out with Brother Hao, and Brother Hao paid for everything, and I didn't need to spend any money.

It's not a secret anyway, so I didn't make it clear to my parents, I even showed the transfer records.

When the parents saw it, they felt relieved.

Turns out he was doing the right thing!

Anyway, the family was not short of money, so he transferred 100,000 yuan to Sun Ziyang on the spot to show his support.

After all, after earning so much money, isn't it just that Sun Ziyang can become a device in the future?

The flower has to be spent.

And this time the newly discovered number 104, Sun Ziyang also posted a post and offered a reward.

But this time is different.

Because of his reputation as a Japanese guy, as soon as the post comes out, there will definitely be a reply within half an hour.

But Sun Ziyang waited for half an hour and no one answered.

This waited until after nine o'clock in the evening before the first person replied.

The reply was from a user named 'kk47888647'.

The name Sun Ziyang is very familiar. Although he doesn't know the identity of the other party, the big guy has answered nearly 30 posts of him in Huide, Japanese, English, French and other languages, and he is really thoughtful. There are several The original foreign language documents were all translated directly by others, otherwise Sun Ziyang would not be able to read them at all.

Sun Ziyang suspects that this guy's knowledge reserve is at least equal to 025 old Chen!

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