police station.

Sun Ziyang's parents rushed to the police station as soon as they received the call.

At first, I thought that Sun Ziyang was causing trouble again, but I was quite depressed.

Isn't this kid supposed to be nice? Why did it cause trouble again?

However, when he arrived at the police station, he found out that Sun Ziyang did not cause trouble, but went to swim in Jinjiang and was taken back to the police station after being mistaken for suicide.

Sun Ziyang was depressed and embarrassed.

Why do I get picked up every time?

Toxic isn't it?

But it really did cause trouble to people, and quickly apologized.

"Police Uncle I'm sorry! I caused you trouble!"

"I'm really sorry!"

Fortunately, it was just a misunderstanding. The police didn't blame Sun Ziyang. They just said that they shouldn't go swimming in Jinjiang at night.

Sun Ziyang was taken home by his parents.

On the way, Sun Ziyang's parents were also very puzzled.


Why did you go swimming in Jinjiang if you didn't go home after your evening self-study? ?

Sun Ziyang was not easy to explain, so he just said that he didn't know which tendon was wrong, and suddenly wanted to go swimming.

Anyway, I won't go swimming in Jinjiang at night.

Fortunately, it was just a misunderstanding, and the parents did not take it to heart.

However, Sun Ziyang would not stop his research.

This dazzling is another weekend.

Feng Qian's feeding effect has already begun to bear fruit.

The most obvious effect is that Chen Chu can take out a building drawing at random. Feng Qian can not only name the designer of the building, but also explain the design concept logically and clearly.

Of course, it doesn't stop there.

Under high-intensity dessert feeding, the most obvious effect is weight... Ah, no, the improvement of aesthetics!

Now Feng Qian's aesthetic has reached 157!

The most direct effect brought about by the substantial improvement in aesthetics is Feng Qian's dressing style.

It really is that the clothes are not the same every day, and the styles are changeable.

The most important thing is that Feng Qian's style and dressing have not strayed from her current student role.

Chen Chu, a student in other classes, could not ask for it, but in Class 7, Chen Chu clearly stipulated that girls are not allowed to wear makeup, lipstick, high heels and revealing clothes, and boys are not allowed to have long hair, dye their hair, etc.

Don't talk to me about freedom or freedom, since you are a student, you have to look like a student.

Anyway, when I was the head teacher for a day in Class 7, I had to abide by the rules for one day.

Feng Qian's dress, Chen Chu is completely acceptable.

Not only Chen Chu can accept it, but even many young female teachers can accept it.

Chen Chu was stunned that an accident a few days ago made Feng Qian popular among the female teachers of No. 1 Middle School.

That day, Mr. Xin from the next office gave Chen Chu the materials. It happened that Chen Chu went to the toilet at that time. When Mr. Xin saw that Chen Chu was not there, only Feng Qian was sitting in the seat of Chen Chu, and put the materials aside. Let Feng Qian tell Chen Chu.

Feng Qian responded, glanced at Teacher Xin's dress, and suddenly said, "Mr. Xin, do you want to put your clothes in your pocket?"

Teacher Xin was taken aback, "Ah? What's wrong with my clothes?"

"Mr. Xin, your figure is so good, you should show it off!" Then Feng Qian said, "If you put your clothes in a little bit, I think it will look better."

"Yes, is it?"

"You can try it!"

Teacher Xin really followed Feng Qian's instructions, pocketed some clothes in the waistband of his trousers, and looked in the mirror in the office. It was true, and the effect was immediate.

Obviously the feeling is similar, but in terms of appearance, the whole person is really much slimmer.

"Mr. Xin, you are rolling up your sleeves and showing the tip of the cuff."

Teacher Xin really did exactly that.


"No, it's not." Feng Qian saw that she had used it herself, and folded her cuff to reveal a small sharp corner. "That's it, you can see the effect."

Teacher Xin took a look.


It's really amazing, how do you feel that your hands have become very slender?

And the two small sharp horns are like two small tails, cute and a little naughty.

Then Feng Qian helped Mr. Xin to stroke the clothes on the back and said, "Mr. Xin, you have to weigh out the sense of line..."

"Then you don't want to tie this kind of hair. I'll teach you a way to tie it. It's very simple. After you get used to it, you can tie it yourself, and it fits your temperament very well!"

"Yes, is it?"

"Come and sit, I'll tie one for you now!"

Then Mr. Xin was pulled by Feng Qian to Chen Chu's desk and began to help Mr. Xin to re-tie his hair.

As a result, when Chen Chu came back, he saw this scene and was stunned for a while, but he didn't bother, instead he lay on the partition beside the desk and watched.

Teacher Xin was very embarrassed and decided not to stick it.

Chen Chu hurriedly waved his hand, "Don't! Just tie your hair, don't delay things, it's fine."

Naturally, Chen Chu will not stop this kind of thing. It just happens that he can change the stereotypes of teachers in other classes about Class 7 and enhance the friendship between teachers and students, isn't it good?

Not to mention, after re-tiing her hair, Teacher Xin really has a feeling of a big change in her temperament.

Teacher Xin usually has a more capable style. Feng Qian made such a toss, and the ladylike model came instantly.

This teacher Xin looked at herself in the mirror, she was really happy in her heart, and hurriedly thanked Feng Qian.

How can anyone think they look good?

Originally, Chen Chu thought it was just a small episode, but he never expected that Teacher Xin suddenly became an advertisement.

The other female teachers were really surprised when they saw Mr. Xin's change, and hurriedly asked Mr. Xin where did you buy the clothes and where did the hair come from?

So beautiful!

It turned out that Feng Qian from Class 7 did it, and the little girl was very enthusiastic.

When everyone heard that they were students of Class 7, many people gave up their thoughts. After all, many people had no contact with the students of Class 7 at all on weekdays, and many people had the impression of Class 7 that they stayed in the last semester.

However, there are indeed many female teachers who have had a lot of communication with the students in Class 7. After all, occasionally I have to go to Chen Chu's office to get materials, or chat, etc. After a long time, I know that the current Class 7 is true. Changed, harmless to humans and animals.

The previous seventh class was really domineering.

How arrogant?

To put it more exaggeratedly, if the children of the seventh class were walking on the street, they would encounter a dog.

Even the dog got two slaps.

Just so domineering.

Anyway, after a long time, there are still many teachers who still have a lot of goodwill towards Class 7.

No, there were other female teachers who came to find Feng Qian specially and said that if Feng Qian was okay, she would come to their office and teach them to tie their hair.

Feng Qian was a little dumbfounded.

This office is not for casual strolling!

However, when Chen Chu saw it, it was a good thing!

To change the stereotypes of other teachers, start with Feng Qian!

Let Feng Qian go to the next office to tie the hair of the female teachers and exchange feelings.

As a result, Feng Qian was completely out of the circle.

The younger female teachers set up a separate WeChat group and dragged Feng Qian into it.

e... Chen Chu still knows many young female colleagues who are serious in front of the students, but they are actually super sand sculptures.

In the work group, there are people who send memes every day.

Then Feng Qian became the fashion godmother in the group in a blink of an eye...

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