No, Sun Ziyang asked Liu Yuchen to tell him about it, and asked Liu Yuchen to do him a favor.

After all, Liu Yuchen was admitted to the National Defense Science and Technology University, and he was recommended for scientific research competitions. Maybe he could really tinker with it.

Of course, it's not about letting people help out for nothing.

Anyway, Sun Ziyang also said generously, if you are willing to help me, feel free to speak up when you have time in the future, as long as I can help, I will definitely help.

Liu Yuchen is not a stingy person either, they are all classmates, and they have a good relationship on weekdays.

It doesn't feel like a big deal.

As a result, Sun Ziyang sorted out all the information of K-boy and sent it to Liu Yuchen.

Liu Yuchen was a little stunned when he saw it.

The information sent by Sun Ziyang is really detailed, even the description of the equipment, including the principles of motion and the like.

But the problem is, these are large devices!


Do you really think my little girl can build a Gundam with her bare hands?

And for this material, I have nowhere to buy it!

There are many new materials, even Liu Yuchen has never heard of it.

"Of course I don't want you to make it. Simple and reduced versions are fine. I want to use these for experiments!" Sun Ziyang hurriedly said, "Anyway, I will cover all the materials and design fees."

It just so happens that I still have 100,000 yuan sponsored by my parents. Although I can't afford the equipment, it shouldn't be a problem to build a simple version. It really doesn't work.

"This..." Liu Yuchen said to the phone with tears and laughter, "Sun Ziyang, I haven't been involved in hydraulic research yet, so I have to ask others for help."

"In our school's scientific research team, there is a senior in high school who seems to have research on hydraulics. I asked her if she could help?"


Sun Ziyang readily responded, but asked Liu Yuchen not to spread the word.

Now that this matter is settled, Liu Yuchen can only ask others to help.

After all, many of these equipment belong to high-end research laboratory equipment, and it is really not possible to create a simple version casually.

The person Liu Yuchen was looking for was the leader of the scientific research team, and he also sent the information to this senior, who was stunned at first glance.

These are all high-tech equipment, even if there is a principle, but it is very difficult to do!

This also involves mechanics, aerodynamics, etc.

Their fields of study and expertise are different.

There's nothing you can do about it, it's just brainstorming.

The scientific research team gathered again, and even Sun Ziyang called over on Sunday to discuss it together.

It is worth mentioning that.

This year's scientific research team has been favored by many schools because of the National Youth Scientific Research Competition, especially the team represented by Liu Yuchen. The experimental projects are too amazing and advanced. The most outrageous thing is that the experimental results have been quite perfect, almost have Potential to start production on the market!

Other schools did not grab Liu Yuchen in the end, but grabbed the others.

Li Zhenhua made a lot of money, and all the scientific research groups he led have won the recommended places from major universities!

Of course, everyone knew that it was Liu Yuchen's light.

Liu Yuchen is in charge of the group's experimental projects and the core motherboard design, accounting for about 80, and the others add up to at most 20. Otherwise, it is impossible for their experimental projects to be the first in the National Youth Scientific Research Competition. .


So when they heard that Liu Yuchen needed help, everyone put down what they were doing without saying a word and got together.

However, Sun Ziyang was dumbfounded.

Although under He Cao's supplementary class, Sun Ziyang did feel that his knowledge reserve was much better than before, but what Liu Yuchen and the others said, Sun Ziyang knew the words, and when they put it together, they didn't know what it meant.

Fortunately, he doesn't need to know.

A bunch of people gathered there to discuss, and Sun Ziyang could only nod at the side.



it is good!

However, problems also followed.

After some discussion by the scientific research team, at present, only three of them are sure to be built, and the others are not at all sure.

Even if they know the principle and how the equipment works, they don't have professional equipment and materials, so they can only take a step by step.

Sun Ziyang was not disappointed, and even thought it was outrageous.

If you can confidently create three simple versions, it will be very strong, okay?

However, Sun Ziyang still summarizes everyone's questions, and when he goes home in the evening, he will ask Mr. K if there is a simplified version, design drawings, etc.

Sun Ziyang was shocked by this question.

"What kind of immortal is this guy!?"

Seeing that Mr. K really sent the simplified version of the design, Sun Ziyang was stunned.

Holy shit! ?

There really is! ?

"K, what the hell are you doing?"

"Confidentiality, I can only say that these are the rest of our games..."

Sun Ziyang felt that it was outrageous, but fortunately, he also kept a hand.

This guy is a bit too scary, so he only asked Liu Yuchen what they were not sure about, but he didn't mention the three things that were sure.

Seriously, if he said it all, maybe this guy would have researched the results before him?

By then, it will not be in vain.

After all, this research result was used by Sun Ziyang as a springboard for himself, and must not be shared!

I want to be the leader in the future with this research!

Sun Ziyang didn't prostitute for nothing, and transferred money to Mr. K.

Accompanying chat fee and design drawing fee.

That night, I happily sent the design to Liu Yuchen.

There is a simplified version of the design drawing, it is simply a multiplier.

Liu Yuchen and others don't need to grope on their own, they still have to study, so I don't know how long it will take, just follow the map to find out!

Of course, the manual ability of this research team goes without saying.

Two days later, Sun Ziyang, who was in class, received a message from Liu Yuchen and asked him to go to the laboratory of the scientific research team. The simple version of the equipment was all ready.

After class, Sun Ziyang went to the laboratory of the scientific research team non-stop. When he got there, he saw that the simple version of the equipment was placed on a table. It was really rudimentary. The wooden frame and the small motor were, fortunately, waterproofed at the request of Sun Ziyang.

Well, the so-called waterproof treatment is transparent tape and plastic wrap to prevent short circuits.

Following that, a group of people took the simple version of the equipment and the battery went to the park near the school.

At the edge of the pool, Sun Ziyang rolled up his trousers and jumped down first.

Then take the next device and start testing.

Mr. K is Mr. K. All the simple design drawings sent can be used. At least the information conveyed is very consistent with what Sun Ziyang recorded, but the power is insufficient, so the water flow is very small.

Of course, it is also a simple device for experimenting in a water tank or water tank.

What more bike do you want?

On the contrary, the three new devices that Liu Yuchen and the others worked on together had some problems. The water flow produced by one of them was not stable at all. There was no other way but to rebuild it.

However, the seniors in the third year of high school were all dumbfounded.

Then Sun Ziyang knew what happened to the water just by touching it in the water?

You don't need to observe?

Mom! What kind of monsters are the seventh class! ?

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