Chen Chu watched the girls' movements silently at the station card.

Anyway, at first glance, Chen Chu felt that something was not quite right the more he looked at it.

The girl he helped before seemed to be a little out of place. Seeing that expression, she even seemed very unfamiliar with this environment, and she had been looking around in a cramped manner.

On the contrary, her friends were very comfortable. After entering this environment, they immediately integrated into it. When they came up, they ordered a lot of beer and filled the table. Then they took out fine cigarettes and started smoking. Yes, and that girl occasionally coughs, her smile is very far-fetched, and others wave her hands when they hand her a cigarette.

Anyway, I couldn't hear what Chen Chu was talking about. At the end, when I saw the little girl, I reluctantly took one and forced it over. After two puffs, I started to cough like crazy, which made the other girls laugh out loud. laugh.


If this was a student in my seventh class, he could write a review that he doubted his life!

Of course, this situation is impossible to happen in the seventh class.

Now children are very conscious, and their vices are basically less and less.


In the seventh class, there are Xu Tianhao, the chief commander of quitting smoking, and the three-headed dog of hell, the devourer of vice...

Speaking of which, Chen Chu hadn't seen the three-headed dog in hell for a long time, and he didn't know which class he went for a walk.

Forget it, it won't bite anyway.

Wander whatever.

Anyway, as soon as Chen Chu saw this situation, the teacher's soul immediately started to ignite a small flame.

But Chen Chu still forcibly controlled it. After all, in this crowd, he went up to educate people for no reason. Even if he was a teacher, he was afraid that he would be criticized.

Now Chen Chu is fighting there in his head.

Do you care about this?

I managed it, but I can only manage it for a while, what should I do in the future? I don't understand the situation, what should I do if I don't help this little girl, but let her suffer cold violence instead? If it is self-defeating and she loses these friends, I am afraid that I will be blamed instead.

Epic educational techniques can't be used for everyone at the same time.

Beginner teacher domineering is only useful to Class 7.

Sure enough, it is still necessary to brush up the proficiency of the junior teacher Domineering as soon as possible, upgrade it, and after upgrading to the advanced teacher Domineering, the scope of the target should be able to expand to other people, then Chen Chu will not have to have a headache when he encounters this situation again. Now, a teacher who is domineering in the past has to silence me all.

Then, when Chen Chu was struggling, he suddenly saw a group of men heading towards the girls.

This group of men are not very old, and they generally look like they are 18 or 19 years old. They seem to know each other. The girls also quickly greeted them, and then vacated their seats for the boys to sit down, chatting and laughing with the boys. Have a drink and chat.

The most outrageous result was that, within two minutes of arriving, they started hugging and hugging, and even kissed on the spot.


Seeing this scene, Chen Chu's blood pressure rose instantly, and he couldn't help but patted the station card table.

What kind of system?

How old did it start to be?

Whether it's a boy or a girl, at least learn to love yourself!

You don't necessarily know what kind of person the other party is, and you dare to hug and chew?

Take responsibility for your own life!

In Chen Chu's heart, there is a feeling of anger and unhappiness.

But Chen Chu still restrained himself, but until he saw this scene, Chen Chu couldn't help it.

The girl he helped before sat nervously in the corner, with a man sitting beside him, and then started to touch the girl with a smile on his face. The girl looked really scared, but she couldn't hear her clearly. What those friends said, forced Chen Chu to use imitation and observe the spoken language.

"Don't you take us as good friends?"

"That's right! If you come out to play, you have to let it go! How can you play with us with this attitude?"

"Besides, people don't want to do anything to you! Just be happy!"

"Pull your hand, just pull the distance between everyone, and you won't lose a piece of meat if you pull your hand!"

"If you can't afford it, don't play with us!"

The girl was said to be embarrassed, and the man next to him smiled, then grabbed the girl's hand, the girl stopped resisting, and then a group of people cheered and hurriedly began to persuade him to drink.

When Chen Chu saw that he could still sit still, he walked towards the crowd without saying a word.

All the way to the crowd, suddenly seeing someone coming, everyone was stunned, and then the girls fixed their eyes, who was it if it wasn't Chen Chu?

The girls who had been helped by Chen Chu before were also stunned, and had no idea why Chen Chu suddenly appeared here.

However, when Chen Chu came up, he pointed at the boy beside the girl and said, "Child, if people don't like it, don't force them. This is the most basic etiquette."

The boy was stunned for a moment, then he frowned and said, "Who are you? It's none of your business!"

"You don't care who I am, I suggest that you better let go of your hands." Then Chen Chu turned his head to look at the girl, and said, "Although we just met by chance, boy, I still have something to tell you. ."

"No, is there something wrong with you?" A girl was very unhappy. "We had a good time here, why are you here to join in the fun?"

Chen Chu didn't bother to pay attention to her, so he hunched over a little and said into the girl's ear, "Although I don't know what you've been through, and I don't understand your situation, but I think the word friend carries a lot of weight. Friends should be friendly with each other and be considerate of you, at least a true friend won't force you to do anything, right?"

"I hope you have a rational judgment."

The girl remained silent, with a very complicated expression, and the man next to him couldn't sit still. After all, he was close and could hear clearly. He stood up and pushed Chen Chu and pointed at Chen Chu's nose. "What do you mean? Cursing people?"

"Which ear did you hear me swearing at?" Chen Chu glared at the other person angrily. "Child, I suggest you don't point your finger at others, it's very impolite."

As soon as he heard Chen Chu's tone, the man was very happy. He said a lot of foul language in his mouth. He pointed at Chen Chu and started yelling. What the hell is wrong with me? How can you take me?

Other people are also clamoring for your business, and so on, swear words are flying all over the sky.

While talking, the boy even came forward to grab Chen Chu's collar, Chen Chu's face sank, and he said, "You'd better let go."

The other party didn't move, Chen Chu grabbed the other party's wrist as soon as he stretched out his hand, and the other party screamed in pain. As soon as Chen Chu let go, the other party took two steps back in fright. As a result, the security guard saw that something was wrong, and immediately Two security guards came over to ask what was going on.

A group of people hurriedly pointed at Chen Chu and said that he was making trouble, and inexplicably started beating people, and quickly kicked him out for all kinds of things.

The two security guards were quite polite. "Guest, please go back to your place and don't disturb other guests, okay? I hope you will cooperate!"

Chen Chu wouldn't make it difficult for others, nodded, and then said to the girl, "Child, do you want to go?"

The girl shook her head with a dry smile, and the smile looked really complicated.

Chen Chu saw hope, embarrassment, annoyance, helplessness, and fear.

Chen Chu apologized for disturbing your Yaxing, turned his head and walked out of the nightclub.

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