After the get out of class was over, Mr. Fu led Luo Hao to get the textbook.

And even though the third get out of class of mechanical and electrical was dismissed, no one in the whole class had a rest.

Everyone looked at each other and exchanged glances, but they didn't dare to say a word.

Depressed, sadness arises... Each other can see a trace of despair and worry about the future in their eyes.

The next two months are going to be tough.

It didn't take long for Luo Hao to return to the third class of mechanical and electrical with the textbook, ignoring everyone, and sat back next to Yang Xinran.

"Whose position is this?"

Luo Hao suddenly asked aloud.

"Hao, Brother Hao, I, my..."

I met a girl in a nightclub before and said something cautiously.

"Sorry, this position will be mine from now on!"

"Yes, yes!" The girl hurriedly got up and hurriedly packed her books and things.

Luo Hao ignored her, put his textbook on the table, turned his head and looked at Yang Xinran.

As a result, Yang Xinran was still bowing her head and her face was red, and she was so ashamed that she could not wait to find a crack in the ground to get in.

Luo Hao glanced at it, coughed and said, "Why are there so many people in the classroom after class? Shouldn't they all go out for a walk and relax?"

As soon as the voice fell, the third class of mechanical and electrical suddenly shook, and the crowd rushed towards the door of the classroom like a tide. In a trance, only Luo Hao and Yang Xinran were left in the classroom.

Luo Hao turned his head and held his chin again. He looked at Yang Xinran with a smile and said, "Are you surprised?"

"..." Yang Xinran was embarrassed to squeak.

"Are you talking?" Luo Hao said, "No one is here now!"

Yang Xinran whispered, "You, why did you come to vocational high school as an exchange student?"

"Two purposes!" Luo Hao stretched out two fingers and smiled slightly. "First, study!"

"Second, guard the white moonlight in my heart!"

Yang Xinran's head almost touched the table in an instant, and the little blushing was dripping with water.

"I'm going to stay here for two months! We can see each other every day from now on!" Luo Hao said again, "Don't be so shy! My first purpose is to study, we are classmates now, and we are classmates. We have to help each other, don't we?"

As Luo Hao said that, he took a textbook and opened it. He turned his head and smiled at Yang Xinran, "please make up for this new classmate of mine!"

Seeing that Yang Xinran didn't move, Luo Hao asked again, "Aren't you happy?"

After a long time, Yang Xinran made a small squeak.

"No, it's just... Is it possible for you not to lean so close to me, I... I'm a little nervous..."

"Okay..." Luo Hao pulled back a little, "Is that all right?"


When Luo Hao saw that his hand was on Yang Xinran's shoulder, he quickly retracted it and hit him with his hand.

"I'm sorry, this hand is not very sensible. When it sees a kind-hearted, beautiful, and hard-working girl, it can't help but want to say hello. I will teach it well in the future. Don't worry, it will definitely not do it next time!"


Just when Luo Hao was busy getting closer to Yang Xinran, the news of Luo Hao coming to vocational high school as an exchange student for two months spread like wildfire.

It spread directly throughout the vocational high school at a very outrageous speed.

For a time, the vocational high school mourned everywhere.

Only a few days ago, Luo Hao tossed this person so that he didn't look like a ghost or a ghost, and now people are panicking.

Many people have imagined how sad the days ahead will be.

Especially those who live in the boys' dormitory, I feel like everyone is going crazy.

Who the hell sent Luo Hao to vocational high school! ?

But no matter how much they wailed, they couldn't change the reality at all.


There are indeed many people with backgrounds in vocational high schools, but even those with backgrounds dare not provoke Luo Hao.

The reason is very simple, Luo Hao is from the seventh class of high school!

Now all the students in Jiangnan with a little background, who doesn't know the reputation of the seventh class of high school!

Especially the existence of Xu Tianhao in Class 17 of Senior High School.

You are tired of living and dare to go to the trouble of Class 17! ?

Therefore, no one dared to make a sound at all, and they would drop out of school if they couldn't bear it, but the premise was that Luo Hao was now in charge of the sky and the air, and even if he dropped out, he would have to step in.

When the time comes, if you drop out of school, will you not give me Luo Hao face? I feel ashamed of me, Luo Hao, as a classmate and alumni! ?

After all, Luo Hao doesn't make sense at all!

Then there is no other way but to endure.

Of course, Luo Hao didn't know what the people in the vocational high school thought about him, and he didn't care.

At this moment, Luo Hao had just attended two classes, and went to the operation area with the people from the third class of mechanical and electrical.

Today's hands-on class is Auto Structure and Maintenance.

Luo Hao was by Yang Xinran's side, chatting with Yang Xinran all day long.

"What is this part called?"

"What about this?"

"How do I replace this part?"

After arriving at their respective consoles, they started the formal practice. Luo Hao naturally formed a group with Yang Xin.

Anyway, no one dared to come up to meddle.

Yang Xinran was wearing gloves to disassemble it, avoiding Luo Hao's somewhat fiery eyes.

This made Yang Xinran even more panicked.

", do you want to try?"

"Okay!" Luo Hao took the wrench, "Teach me how to do it?"

Yang Xinran began to teach while pointing with her fingers, and Luo Hao also began to practice.

At the beginning, the movements were naturally a little unfamiliar, and even twisting a screw seemed clumsy, and Yang Xinran was a little dumbfounded, but as time went by, Yang Xinran found that Luo Hao seemed to be getting better and better. Especially the movements are getting more and more swift.

Moreover, the speed of disassembly is getting faster and faster, and Luo Hao also found that he seems to have more and more feel.

Why! ?

It's amazing!

Sure enough, it's still the old Chen Niu batch!

I really saw my talent right at a glance...but...


Luo Hao suddenly stiffened as he twisted and twisted, and couldn't help scratching his head.

Hey? My talent is not twisting screws, right?

Yang Xinran saw that Luo Hao's movements suddenly stopped, and asked suspiciously, "What, what's wrong?"

"No, it's fine."

Luo Hao doesn't care that much.

Even if it is to twist a screw, as long as I practice a certain thing to the extreme, I am a master!

Not only does it feel better and better, and Luo Hao finds that he seems to be getting better and better, this contact can't stop.

"Luo Hao, Luo Hao..."

Yang Xinran hurriedly shouted twice when she saw that the situation was not quite right.

As a result, Luo Hao didn't respond at all.

After shouting for a long time, Luo Hao came back to his senses, "Ah? What's wrong?"

"You unloaded the testing equipment..."

Only then did Luo Hao realize that the equipment next to him was used for testing, but the problem was that he had torn down a pile of parts after three to five divisions. "Ah? Why didn't you remind me?"

"I've been calling you for a long time and you haven't heard me!"

"e... sorry, how do I put this back?"

"You moved too fast, I didn't remember the location of the parts..."

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