Since Sun Jiaojiao had to go to Kunhai for training on the weekend, Tian Xiao felt that his days had become so empty.

Days without rivals are so boring!

I originally wanted to play with Li Qian, but Li Qian's English has never been very good, so Li Qian's parents signed her up for English classes on weekends.

Tian Xiao did not understand this at all.

Li Qian's English is usually above 100% on weekdays, so you still feel that English is not good enough? Even tutoring?

Tian Xiao fell into silence for a while looking at his usual English, which was only 60-70%.

Not only Tian Xiao was silent, Chen Chu was also silent.

Because Tian Xiao's spoken English is quite good, but Chen Chu can't figure out why the child's test results are so sloppy, but after thinking about it carefully, the oral and written tests are not the same thing after all.

Anyway, Tian Xiao has no company at the moment.

Forget Wang Lebang, Tian Xiao felt that he and Wang Lebang basically had nothing in common, and Wang Lebang was busy delivering meals to his little girlfriend every day during this time, so Tian Xiao didn't want to be a light bulb.

Let's find something to do, but Tian Xiao has played a lot of events, such as boxing, taekwondo, judo, etc. It was quite new at the beginning, but after playing for a while, it was not interesting, mainly because he couldn't meet any opponents.

This day is not so boring, but when he was in class that day, Tian Xiao suddenly heard Liao Kunyang and Lu Heming talking about football, and he became interested.

Because she had never been in contact with football before.

This is something new!

So Tian Xiao walked up to the two of them decisively and said with interest, "Didn't Lao Chen let you two play football together? How are you two doing?"

At that time, Liao Kunyang and Lu Heming were all excited.

Without saying a word, Liao Kunyang hurriedly said, "No, no, sister Xiao, my football skills are terrible, and I'm a broken goalkeeper, I can't even catch the ball!"

Seeing this, Lu Heming quickly echoed, "Me too, Sister Xiao, my level is even worse, I can't even dribble! I'll fall when I'm dribbling!"

The two of them really dare not say that their level is okay, they are afraid that Tian Xiaoyi will be happy and say that if the level is okay, then you can play football with me!

good guy!

If it really is with Tian Xiao, then I don't know if it's a ball or a person!

Tian Xiao's strength is so strong, the boys in the seventh class know too much, that shot will definitely ruin the goalkeeper!

One ball, one kid!

Liao Kunyang finally formed a habit at this moment, and began to learn to intercept the ball through his own training, in case Tian Xiao passed...

It is estimated that the ball is received during the day, the people leave in the afternoon, and the seats can be eaten at night.

Anyway, the two of them quickly said that their level was super super bad, as long as Tian Xiao was not interested in joining them.

Tian Xiao half-believed and dubiously asked, "Are you two really that bad?"

The two nodded again and again, ummmmmmm.

"Then you can't do this! Lao Chen asked you to play football for your own good! Look at the two of you with thin arms and thin legs. It looks like you didn't practice seriously, so I decided to urge the two of you. Let's play football one by one!"



The two almost fell to the ground.

Co-author no matter what you say, you have to come, right?

The two suddenly panicked, and they didn't dare to respond!

Apart from Zhou Feng, Xu Tianhao and Wang Lebang in the seven classes, who would dare to oppose Tian Xiao?

The two of them had to bite the bullet and agree, Tian Xiao immediately cheered, clapped his hands and said, "Okay, remember to call me on that weekend! I'll go play football with you then!"

Then after class, the two immediately prepared to sneak over to find Chen Chu.

After all, only Lao Chen can manage Tian Xiao!

Old Chen, hurry up and take care of Tian Xiao!

If she goes to the football field, we both will suffer.

As a result, what the two of them never expected was that when they were about to go to the office after leaving the classroom, they saw Tian Xiao standing in the aisle when they arrived at the door of the office, even holding a Chinese textbook in his hand.

Then he looked up and smiled.


Liao Kunyang and Lu Heming turned around and returned to the classroom at the same time.

"Stand up~!"

Coldly, Tian Xiao's voice came from behind.

The two of them shivered and stood still, and a smile appeared on their faces.

Tian Xiao swayed to the two of them and laughed, "Are you two..."

"No, no!" Liao Kunyang waved his hand without saying a word, "Lu Heming and I are going to the bathroom!"

Lu Heming broke out in cold sweat and nodded frantically.

"The bathroom is not in this direction!"

"Isn't that bathroom over there full? So we're going to go to that bathroom over there!"

"Oh? Is it?"

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Tian Xiao's smile was so charming, "Then you go! I won't bother you two to go to the toilet!"

The two hurried to the direction of the bathroom, not daring to turn their heads.

All the way to the bathroom.

Liao Kunyang couldn't help scolding when he saw Lu Heming's sweat-wiping appearance, "Why are you so cowardly?"

Lu Heming rolled his eyes angrily, didn't say a word, and slandered to himself.


Where did you come from talking about me?

"Brother Kun, what should we do? Look at Tian Xiao's posture, if we really go to Lao Chen, she won't target us, right?"

"..." Liao Kunyang couldn't help but patted his head and rested his forehead, "Probably not."

"Yes, is it?"

"She won't target the two of us, she'll just open the heavenly cover for the two of us..."


"You have to know that what Tian Xiao hates most is snitching and complaining."

Lu Heming's facial features were almost crowded together, "Then what should we do?"

"What else can I do? I can only accompany her!" Liao Kunyang spread his hands, with a helpless expression on his face, "But if you want to accompany her, you must do your best, and you must not be perfunctory! Otherwise, she will definitely catch you. Let it go!"

After all, Liao Kunyang was in the same group as Tian Xiao before, so he still knew Tian Xiao's temperament.

"Tian Xiao is different from the other girls in the seventh class. To a certain extent, Tian Xiao is very talkative. Whatever she asks you to do, you have to take it seriously. As long as you work hard, she will not know anything. Talk to you, but if you perfunctory things, she will definitely not let you go."

"She pays more attention to the process, and the other girls in our class probably pay more attention to the results..."

There is nothing they can do, and to be honest, even if they tell Lao Chen, maybe Lao Chen will still support it!

By then the death will be even worse.

So it's better to be honest.

This weekend, Tian Xiao appeared on the football field wearing a newly bought football jersey with a ponytail.

Young and beautiful!

It attracted the attention of countless people for a while.

When Wang Yanyu, who was training with Liao Kunyang, saw Tian Xiao, his eyes were wrong.

Liao Kunyang took a look and decisively issued a warning.

"Brother Yu, throw away all the crazy thoughts in your mind!"

"Ah? What?"

"If she's really angry, she'll tear your skull off... I mean it..."

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