Zhuang Rou didn't know that Cao Yunjing took the initiative to help Xie Yunyun overcome the psychological shadow. She just came out of Xie Yunyun's house on the front foot, and Fan Kun suddenly called on the back foot.

Zhuang Rou is doubtful.

How could Fan Kun suddenly find him?

Instead, he answered the phone first, and Fan Kun also came to ask Zhuang Rou for help.

"What are you doing to help?"

"I did an experiment here, and it involved a lot of chemistry." Fan Kun smiled awkwardly. "You also know that my chemistry is very good."


When Zhuang Rou didn't even think about it, she responded, and she left to join Fan Kun.

When she arrived at Fan Kun's house, Zhuang Rou found that she was not alone.

"Xu Chao?"

Seeing that Xu Chao was also there, Zhuang Rou couldn't help being a little surprised, "Aren't you busy?"

After all, it is rare to see Xu Chao come to school on weekdays, and it is a bit surprising to meet him suddenly.

Xu Chao shrugged and spread his hands, "It happened to be a rest today, and there was nothing to do, but Fan Kun called me and asked me to help with something."

Fan Kun went downstairs with a bucket, and when he saw the two were talking, he said, "I really need you two to help me with this matter."

The two glanced over curiously, Xu Chao frowned, "What is this?"

Zhuang Rou pinched her nose and waved her hand, "It stinks! Take it away!"

Fan Kun hurriedly carried the bucket out of the yard, turned his head and came back and said, "You two wait a moment! I'll get you a mask, and then let you take a good look at my results!"

Fan Kun turned around and took a mask and put it on the two of them. After leaving the yard, he found that Fan Kun had built a small shed in the yard, and all kinds of messy materials were piled up together.

But it is disorderly and orderly, and every material is marked.

Xu Chao and Zhuang Rou glanced over and saw that there were quite a few plants, some of which had fibers removed, as well as many chemical reagents. Zhuang Rou was stunned for a moment, "These seem to be only used for textile fibers, right?"

Mentioning the word "fiber", Xu Chao came back to his senses and frowned, "e... Fan Kun, don't you want to make some kind of bio-based fiber?"

Zhuang Rou wonders, "Bio-based fibers? Fan Kun, do you have equipment for purification?"

Fan Kun was stunned, his head tilted.

What are these two talking about?

Xu Chao couldn't help but get a little excited, and hurriedly asked Fan Kun, "Has there been any results from the research?"

"There is, but there is." Fan Kun scratched his head and took out a small piece of fiber product from the small shed. "This is what I made again after I learned the lessons from the last time. Look at it."

But Xu Chao took it one step first and took a look, and was a little disappointed. He thought that Fan Kunzhen had come up with some cutting-edge product, but he thought that it was just a bunch of materials, and at most chemical reagents were added. It seems that there is not much technology in it. content.

After Xu Chao finished reading, he gave Zhuang Rou a look. Zhuang Rou observed it, and asked with some doubts, "You added flame retardant in it?"

"Ah, yes!"

Zhuang Rou looked strange, "then what are you trying to do?"

"Last time I exhausted my efforts to weave a glove, but it was torn by Lao Chen, so I thought of changing into a glove that Lao Chen couldn't tear." Fan Kun scratched his head and smiled, "And don't be too small. Look at this piece of cloth, it's amazing, and I have gone through a lot of experiments, and I have changed more than 30 kinds of weaving methods!"

"And then? Tough?"

"It's pretty tough, so to speak."

"Is it?"

To be honest, both of them had a skeptical attitude, and then they started the test directly.

As a result, after some testing, it was indeed found that this small piece of fiber product has strong toughness and anti-cut effect, and it cannot be pierced directly by a knife.

This time, Xu Chao and Zhuang Rou both became somewhat interested.

"It's interesting!" Xu Chao looked at the fiber products in his hand over and over again, and after the three of them tossed and turned, they didn't leave much imprints. "But this test of the three of us is the most basic test, and it still needs to be done. Professional equipment and inspectors will do.”

Fan Kun was stunned for a moment, "No, there's no need to make such a fuss, right? I called the two of you here to explain to me the effects of these materials and plant fibers, and what chemical effects are happening inside?"

Zhuang Rou rolled her eyes, "It's impossible to see with the naked eye! You have to use equipment to observe! Do you think our eyes are microscopes?"

"e, where to find it?"

Xu Chao smiled, "Leave this to me!"

So Xu Chao took this small piece of fiber product to find someone to test, especially the toughness and impact resistance, and the test report came out two hours later, and the person who got the test report At that moment, Xu Chao couldn't help laughing and crying.

In fact, he was still looking forward to it.

After all, it was manufactured by Class 7, so maybe Fan Kun could come up with some kind of high-end product.

However, the test report showed that it was only after the adhesive was excessive and dried that the illusion of toughness was created.

The fibrous product can be torn apart by applying sufficient force.

However, there is one indicator in this test report that is quite abnormal.

The lka expansion index is 8452, and then there is a question mark behind it.

Xu Chao hurriedly went to the person in charge surnamed Hu and asked, "Uncle Hu, what does this lka expansion index refer to? Why is there a question mark? Do you have any questions?"

"To put it bluntly, it is the ability to resist impact." The person in charge Hu said quickly, "Because we are only a preliminary test, this index is indeed a bit abnormal. It is said that even the excessive amount of adhesive will not cause the diffusion index to be so exaggerated. The normal range is within 20, and with the addition of adhesive, it will be in the early 30s at most, you must know that the lka index of the body armor is about 77."

"Huh? That data is a bit exaggerated, isn't it? Is the impact resistance so strong? Could it be the addition of plant fibers? But there should only be hemp and plantain trees in it."

"So we need to carry out further testing to see what the specific reason is." The person in charge Hu said quickly, "We now suspect that a protective film is formed on the top of the adhesive after too much adhesive, which also contains starch and other ingredients. A non-Newtonian fluid may have formed during the test, which would also increase the lka expansion index, but even this would not result in such a high value..."

Xu Chao nodded slightly and asked the person in charge of Hu to continue monitoring, and Zhuang Rou, who was at Fan Kun's house, also found something wrong.

Zhuang Rou saw that Fan Kun recorded the various materials again, and then took it into the bucket and rinsed it. Anyway, when she took it out, it was a sticky ball. Then Fan Lun just picked up a stick and hammered it. Seriously separated the various materials again, took a small bench and sat down, put on transparent gloves and started knitting directly.

But different from the weaving technique in Zhuang Rou's cognition, Fan Kun is to fold one thread into a circle, and then pass another thread through it. After tightening it, it is constantly exchanged, and then the second layer is replaced by another thread. a weaving method.

It looks very complicated.

"Fan Kun, your technique is a bit miraculous!" Zhuang Rou looked at the side curiously, "What's the point?"

"If you really want to say what's important, I can't tell you." Fan Kun said with tears in his eyes, "I've blended a lot of weaving techniques into it. At the beginning, it was a kind of knotting method, e... it involves mechanics. , I don't understand, anyway, I studied it for a long time before trying to change it, and it's quite durable after editing it, and it's not easy to tear it apart."

"I haven't slept for many days, and my mind is full of these things." Fan Kun wailed, "Old Chen pits me!"

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