"Yunyun, why do you look so unhappy?"

Xie Yunyun "No! I'm very happy!"

"But your expression doesn't look happy, doesn't it?"

Xie Yunyun "I'm really happy..."

Xie Yunyun's father laughed, "Maybe our surprise made her a little confused!"

Xie Yunyun's mother covered her mouth and laughed.

Left-handed and right-handed contracts.

It's quite confusing.

Even after returning to the room, Xie Yunyun fell silent for a while looking at the contract in his hand.


Am I being forced to Liangshan by Lao Chen and my parents?

Xie Yunyun scratched his head, his expression was bitter and complicated.

It's still coming!

At that time, Zhuang Rou said that her talent had something to do with small animals, and she might have to raise pigs...

This time it's good, I have a farm directly.

Chickens, ducks, geese and pigs can be raised in anything.

But then again, Xie Yunyun didn't actually hate this choice so much.

Maybe it's because the psychological shadow has been slowly overcome, or it may be because old Chen Zhen has been fooled and crippled. Think about what kind of leader I want to become in the future, open the world's largest breeding farm, and make money every day. So am I going to be a rich woman?

Luckily, she felt that she didn't have much lofty beliefs, so she thought that if she really had money in the future, she must invite her favorite singer to hold a concert for her!

Thinking about it that way, it's actually pretty good.

Then Xie Yunyun found out that his parents were more active than him, and he even asked Chen Chu to ask for leave the next day.

Xie Yunyun didn't know about this, anyway, after Chen Chu received a call from Xie Yunyun's parents, he asked Xie Yunyun to come to the office to explain the situation.

"Your parents said they'd come to pick you up later, so get ready."

"Ah?" Xie Yunyun scratched his head, "Where are you going?"

Chen Chu laughed and laughed, "How do I know where to go? They didn't tell me."

Xie Yunyun suddenly came back to his senses, and said, "Probably want to take me to that farm."

Chen Chu was slightly startled, "What farm?"

Then Xie Yunyun explained the situation, and Chen Chu was also stunned when he heard it.


Are your parents still missing a son?

Actually...if they don't dislike it...

Whoops, just kidding.

Chen Chu came back to his senses and quickly said to Xie Yunyun, "Look how good your parents are to you! You must be filial to them in the future!"

Xie Yunyun's mouth twitched.

Wasn't it fooled by you, Lao Chen?

If you hadn't drawn a cake for my parents, how could they have bought a farm for me?

Really are……

After the parents arrived, Xie Yunyun left the school and went to the farm with them.

Although this farm is said to be small, it is not small at all.

The location is in the suburbs, covering an area of ​​about 14 acres, which is almost equivalent to a football field.

The most outrageous thing was that the farm was originally called Chunhui Farm. When she arrived at the gate, she found someone was changing the brand name. After a closer look, everyone was stunned.

There is still the word Yunyun on the ground. I'm afraid it will be changed to Yunyun Farm?

"Because you are not yet an adult, your name is temporarily under your mother's name, and you can't manage such a large farm by yourself. I have left some of the employees of this farm before you. In addition, I also I bought some small animals from the original person..."

Xie Yunyun's mother was talking on the side, but Xie Yunyun's brain was still a little buzzing, and he didn't hear much at all.

"Yunyun? Yunyun?"

Xie Yunyun "Huh?"

Xie Yunyun's mother couldn't help laughing and said, "Did the surprise come too suddenly? So I haven't recovered yet?"

"It's... it's okay, hehe..."

"Then let your father take you in! You know that your mother's cleanliness is very serious. If I go in this place, I will definitely feel uncomfortable, but don't worry, my mother will never dislike you!"


"But every time you go to the farm, remember to take a shower when you come home! It's almost three times a day!"


Xie Yunyun was immediately led into the farm by his father, and the employees of the farm naturally came to the gate to welcome the new boss.

After a brief introduction, Xie Yunyun's father asked an old employee surnamed Zheng to lead the way and show Xie Yunyun around.

As a result, the employee surnamed Zheng found that something was amiss.

First, I led Xie Yunyun to the place where the chickens were raised. As soon as I arrived at the place, I saw hundreds of chickens clucking. They all came around to the people. Fortunately, there was a big iron net to stop them. , otherwise the scene of the chicken suddenly rushing over seems to be drowning people.

The employee surnamed Zheng was a little confused at first, but when he came back to his senses, he quickly said sweetly, "Yunyun, look, these little animals are welcoming you!"

After all, it has been said that Xie Yunyun will come over often in the future. Everyone knows that Xie Yunyun may be the real person in charge in the future, so naturally he has to speak sweetly.

However, when the employee surnamed Zheng saw that Xie Yunyun didn't step back, and even stood there, he was really surprised.

Even when he saw the scene just now, he couldn't help but take a few steps back. This little girl is really brave.

"Yunyun, let's go to other places to see?"

The employee surnamed Zheng hurriedly shouted with a smile, but did not hear a response.

After shouting several times in a row, Xie Yunyun came back to his senses.


How dare you! I was completely stunned, my head went blank, and I forgot to cry.

Even after staying with those two chicks for so long, even if the two chickens grew up, Xie Yunyun felt a little scared.

The result was not only the chicken sty, but also a lot of ducks and big geese came to the pond where the ducks and geese were raised. It was even more lively when the pigs were raised. Dozens of pigs almost wiped the cement on the edge of the pigsty. The wall is arched.

When the employee led Xie Yunyun to the gate of the farm, the employee was stunned, and Xie Yunyun was also stunned.

One was unaware of what was going on, the other was frightened.

Xie Yunyun's father saw his daughter's dazed expression, he thought he was dazzled again by the surprise, he laughed, led Xie Yunyun to the car, and then said, "You will come here often in the future, more Learn and learn. In addition, these old employees are all experienced. If you don’t understand anything, you can ask them for advice. Although they may not be able to explain the principles to you like in the book, they know very well how to cultivate talents. Can take care of these little animals."

"You have to learn to be good at summarizing experience..."

Xie Yunyun's brain is still buzzing.

"Farm Queen"

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