In order to get Feng Qian to help, not only did he pay two free homework coupons, but Yang Tianyu also promised to give Feng Qian two more.

Women are like clothes and brothers are like siblings.

I am a millipede.

So I tried to find a way to bring Cao Yunjing's two sheets that were pasted under the desk with transparent tape for emergency use.

I will find a way to make up for Cao Yunjing later.

Anyway, I finally asked Feng Qian to give some pointers.

After some guidance from Feng Qian, Ji Keke also obviously found a direction.

The two reconciled again, and then recorded a video, which Ji Keke showed to his father, Ji Yuanhua.

Ji Yuanhua saw the dance video of the two people that day, and still watched it with a blank expression, and then returned the phone to Ji Keke.

Ji Keke asked nervously, "Dad, how is it?"

"It's okay." Ji Yuanhua said indifferently, "It is indeed a little bit better than before."

Hearing that Ji Yuanhua actually meant approval, Ji Keke was overjoyed, and quickly suppressed the joy in his heart, not daring to show too many expressions.

"Right now, the level of the two of you has the possibility of hitting the top ten, but if you want to get the top three, your level is a little bit lower." Ji Yuanhua paused for a while, "but seeing you two work so hard for this, I think it's okay. Give it a try, and then find a time in a few days for the two of you to dance again in person."

Ji Keke nodded quickly, knowing that Ji Yuanhua really let go, and hurriedly notified Yang Tianyu of the good news.

When Yang Tianyu heard that Ji Yuanhua finally let go, he was also relieved in his heart, all his efforts were not in vain.

He couldn't help but let out a naive smile.

Get what you want!

But Cao Yunjing in the back seat couldn't laugh.

yeah! ?

What about my free homework ticket?

Gan! who got it for me! ?

Not only did the job-free coupons disappear, but Xie Yunyun also took him to the farm to work as a shovel officer at the weekend.

Cao Yunjing was wearing a mask, camouflage uniform and high rain boots. He got into the pigpen with a shovel and began to shovel out the feces inside.

Xie Yunyun was really not polite at all, watching Cao Yunjing shoveling shit from afar, his heart suddenly felt a lot more comfortable.

Let you pit me!

Cao Yunjing was really cooperative and had no complaints.

I thought you called me here to piss me off! ?

right here?

After all, Cao Yunjing deals with dogs every day at the Jiangnan Police Dog Training Base, and occasionally has to go to the Cat and Dog House to help.

Shovel shit?

Just my daily life.

Cao Yunjing not only did not feel tired, but even found it interesting.

Because he can still communicate with these pigs in the pigsty, just to increase his knowledge reserve.

He had been dealing with dogs and cats all the time before, and he didn't have much contact with other small animals. Xie Yun's farm gave him such an opportunity.

Not bad.

"Uncle Zheng, after you let him shovel, go to rest."

Xie Yunyun let out a sigh of relief, naturally not going too far, and told the employee named Zheng Dafang to help look at it, then turned his head and went to the feed area.

These days, Xie Yunyun looked at the study materials that Chen Chu gave her.

Especially when seeing Lao Chen earnestly helping her sort things out, Xie Yunyun was naturally moved in his heart, thinking that at least he could see as much as he could, and don't disappoint Lao Chen's wishes.

Not to mention, Xie Yunyun looked at it and thought it was quite interesting.

Only after I really got in touch did I realize that it was indeed full of knowledge, but it was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

Feeding and raising well are two different concepts.

Of course, Xie Yunyun really realized a problem when he read the book.

Before, Zhuang Rou felt that the two chicks were growing too fast, which was obviously abnormal.

Cao Yunjing came over for a while and did not analyze anything.

When Xie Yunyun really went to read and study, he found that he really grew too fast.

Time to get to the table! ?

For this reason, Xie Yunyun specially transferred the two big roosters and a group of small chickens in the house to the farm, and even used a chicken coop alone, just to see if he could figure out something.

After going to the feed area, Xie Yunyun temporarily recorded all the types of feed.

Mainly for chicken feed.

Like this farm, there are several types of feed for chickens, which correspond to different growth stages.

For example, the feed in the chicken brooding period and the chicken breeding period are different, and the proportions of the ingredients are also hugely different.

There are corresponding analysis in the learning materials given by Lao Chen.

For example, the proportion of calcium and phosphorus in the added mineral elements is unbalanced, which leads to bone disease and blood disease. For example, chickens absorb 1≤3 calcium in lime, and 2≤3 calcium in Baker and mussel shells.

There is also a lot of emphasis here.

Xie Yunyun really compared the feed at home with the feed from the farm, and found that the chicken feed at home was not as particular as the feed in the farm, but the chickens in the farm didn't raise the chickens that looked like they were raised by themselves. quick.

Xie Yunyun has already asked, and the fastest slaughter record in the farm is fifty-seven days, nearly two months.

"Is it because Dad fed the leftovers?"

"Or is it a different kind?"

Xie Yunyun scratched his head and carefully analyzed it in the office.

It wasn't until five minutes later that the man fell asleep.

On Cao Yunjing's side, employee Zheng Dafang looked a little confused.

He thought that the classmates of the boss's daughter were here to experience it, and he thought that the child would definitely lose if he didn't last long.

As a result, he didn't expect that Cao Yunjing shoveled buckets of feces after another, and his movements were quite quick, not to mention, and he didn't intend to come out.

The most outrageous thing is that after shoveling the feces, Cao Yunjing shouted to let go, and all the pigs in the pigpen ran into the corner and stayed in the corner in an instant.


After realizing it, Zheng Dafang realized a very scary thing!

When cleaning the pigsty on weekdays, the pigs are usually driven to another pigsty, and then the pigs are driven back after cleaning.

Otherwise, no one would be able to stand it if they were slapped twice by a pig while cleaning.

But since the young man entered the pig sty, not only did he not have a pig, but he didn't even look panicked at all.

Zheng Dafang came back to his senses, only to realize that something was not right.

If his boss's woman came to the pigsty, the group of pigs would be extremely excited. How could this group of pigs be as honest as they had to be when they entered?

It made Zheng Dafang quite puzzled.

"Uncle Zheng, Uncle Zheng!"

Just when Zheng Dafang was quite puzzled, he suddenly heard Cao Yunjing shout.

Zheng Dafang hurriedly walked over, "Ah? What's wrong?"

"Any brushes or something?"

"Brush?" Zheng Dafang was stunned for a moment. "What do you want to brush?"

"I'll bathe you pigs."

"Oh ah???"

Zheng Dafang was startled, bathing the pig?

No, you are afraid that you are not free?

You get dirty right after you wash it.

"Is there? You help me find one!"

"e... OK."

Zheng Dafang didn't quite understand the current child's brain circuit, so he had to find a brush in the past.

As soon as they walked away and confirmed that there was no one around, Cao Yunjing crouched down decisively and waved.

In an instant, the herd of pigs gathered around.

Cao Yunjing pointed to the sewer net beside the pigsty, "Listen, everyone will go there to defecate in a unified manner..."

hum hum hum ~

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